Death Penalties
Things like that have been suggested. The problem with timed penalties is that people just end up waiting until the penalty is expired before they start playing again.
Forum Sheriff
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However, a similar thing could be done in such a way that the next 50 kills gain half xp, or something of that sort. It's similar to a straight xp penalty, but can be more dynamic to player level.
"Instead of praising what you do not understand, try understanding what you do not praise."
- Charles L. Haeldrik |
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I think i know a funny and punishing thing to implement! :)
For the died characters there should be some mocking title in front of the nickname. And it should stick for quite some time, like for a few hours or till the next level, or a number of kills he should make. And it should change if character dies before it wears off. Like for example my character nickname is Lufthar and he died. He becomes Unlucky Lufthar. Unfortunately he died again and became Donkey Lufthar. He wasnt careful enough and died again. And became Village Idiot Lufthar. (Now its important to force showing self nickname for this period for players) Now the shame is unbearable and he decides he doesnt want to suffer anymore, he goes to the "Fame cleaner" NPC and pays him gold to clean his good name for a fair price (here you go, gold penalty if you want to, but its not forced, you can just wait for effect to wear off). How does that sound? |
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I really like morrae's idea (except for the "fame cleaner" bit). A humiliating title (until next level?) would be unique and I think it would fit well with the cut-throat atmosphere of the game. Of course, it's just a cosmetic penalty, so some sort of mechanical penalty would also be necessary.
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" Agreed. I'm not the sort of person that cares about cosmetic things very much so a title like that probably wouldn't bother me. Forum Sheriff
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Or maybe a character that died in hardcore should receive a title like the ones suggested above, with obviously no negative effects, but it would stick to the forever. Obviously there's always the option to clean yourself...for a few cents or dollars :) Obviously not the prettiest way to do so, but you died at hardcore.
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" hehe, i think im the other way around. If there was a title over my head that said "I died on hardcore as a lvl20" I think i'd delete that character and start over lol ;) Im not quite sure if I like the idea to be able to remove this "title". Kinda destroy the whole meaning of it? I mean... you obviously wanted to play hardcore but failed at it... people should know that. Im not completely sure though what I think about this.. Above content may contain traces of nonsense.
Reality is simply an unrealistic version of online gaming. |
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I think a really simple method of death penalty is when you die you loose Expierience. You can't cant loose your level but you loose a percentage of experiance based on your level. With this when you die at level 37 you will say "Dam". but at level 88 you will say "#$%$%^#$%^$%^&$%^&#@$@#$@#$@#$, NOOOOOO @#$@#$%$%^!@#$%$^#@$@$"
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XP penalties are likely the safest bet here. Since they can be controlled very easily as a game mechanic at the higher levels. Folks that play through on the easist difficulty setting will have enough penalty by getting sent back to town. However, the higher the difficulty setting, the more likely the player is more of a hardcore player and will be amenable to stronger penalties (Heck, it's a harder difficulty ... death should really burn you).
The 2 most common XP penalty mechanics are 1) loss of XP (typically a complicated formula and does / doesn't include loss of level) 2) XP Debt (where you gain < 100% XP per monster kill) for the next X monster kills or the next Y XP gained or something like that. If you are looking to experiment a bit, you could conider alternatives, but they run the risk of severe player frustration if they are too drastic. But ideas that come to mind are: abandonment of any hirelings [perhaps they don't trust you for a while] exile from certain vendors in town (sorta a loss of reputation with the locals that you have to earn back), or perhaps something highly experimental: When you die, you gain a mortal wound. Mortal wounds could function in different ways and when you die, your character rolls for a randomly selected mortal wound. Perhaps sometimes they are minor, prehaps sometimes they are more intense. This would continue with the "randomization" of Path of Exile nicely and provide opportunities to implement stronger penalties without the risk of having them happen every time (since some mortal wounds will potentially be minor). -Floydman |
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How about having items which either makes you get burdened more or less when you die but the ones that give you more of a burden are always better than average items of the same level and vise versa. This would work best for an XP loss, gold loss or period of weakness etc.
another thing would be to give kill streaks or something similar which makes your character better overall and is lost if you die. the kill streak could add "points" instead of the number of kills so the better the creature, the more points it's worth. Players could be worth points too depending on their stats and history. Second in Command of PoE Clan - The Exiled |
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