Death Penalties
When the game isn't even released and, we are basically spinning our wheels on most of these threads talking about things we know little about... why not toss in some ethics.
Although I gotta say, I'm not sure what Zeto is talking about at all. I also don't see how what he was talking about has anything to do with ethics. "the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."
-GGG Happy hunting/fishing |
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Zeto, sounds more like a communist.
Everyone should be able to do what they want. As long as it is not physically harmful to another. Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
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Limiting playtime is often used in other free mmo games to earn some more money with selling extra time/energy/whatever is used.
Although i could accept it in a way like that, im not sure if that goes along with GGG´s ehtical microtransactions model as i would consider this quite a big advantage :) No Limit without a way to increase it. U want players to play ur game, and not force them to stop playing :) |
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" Do you even know what communism is? Do you even realize that you just said 'everyone can do whatever...' and then provided an open ended list of exceptions which feeds directly into what I talked about. I mean I really shouldn't get invested in these types of things, but I usually can't help it. Being hyper-educated on a forum these days is hard work... lemme tell ya. If you have account problems please [url=""]Email Support[/url]
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Ya, those who brag about how smart they are on the internet. Somehow i seem to think that your trying too hard. No one really cares if your just trying to stroke your ego. I do appreciate when it is a meaningful post though which you have put a lot of.
Also the communism remark was more of a tongue in cheek remark. Besides there is nothing wrong with communism if it was properly done which will probably never happen. Though i don't support the government type i do respect people should be able to be governed they way they choose. " Also saying individuality has merit sound very THX 1138. Individuality has lead to great evils and great goods, but saying that should be discounted is faulty. Having everyone fit your society or laws is unreasonable and dangerous. As ethics and right and wrong completely change by location and culture. Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
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Is being hyper-educated anything like a hyper-combo? (name the game!)
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."
-GGG Happy hunting/fishing |
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" Ah, I guess I didn't catch the joking aspect of it, else I wouldn't have answered the way I did. From what you wrote there, mostly I agree, although I think we have differing beliefs about the limits of individual choice and societal impact. The way I view it, society as a whole is simply the sum of individual choices, all of which affect the whole in some way. The things that affect the whole a very small amount (eg. you didn't brush your teeth today) are usually termed hands off in terms of regulation, and the big things (like driving 90mph the wrong way down a street) are usually deemed socially unlawful.... but in reality there is a continuum between the two, and ultimately there are no hard lines where on one side it's hands off my business and on the other it's zomg save us from ourselves. We are currently way off topic from death penalties though :P If you have account problems please [url=""]Email Support[/url]
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Maybe the longer you play and not die you incur somekind of "bonus" type effect(s). This can be like an experience or item-find boost. When you die you lose them all. Maybe the more enemies you defeat (adjusted by the enemy's level relative to yours) without being dead, the larger the boost (it can cap, or can go on infinitely I suppose)? This was present in Final Fantasy 12 and made me significantly frantic about dying when the number of enemies I killed grew very high.
Maybe use this in tandem with XP loss (or not..) and regional respawn checkpoints so that you don't incur too large a time penalty. When I played diablo solo and died without setting up a town portal, it was usually gamebreakingly annoying to me, causing me to quit. |
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Why not making a minigame out of it?
When you die your soul is ported into a maze. When you made your way out of it your soul has found the way back to your body and you wake up in town or anywhere else. It costs only time (like an extra round in biathlon) and if you don´t want better not die. PS: It would be perfekt in an attrition league. |
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Please no death-mazes. thanks
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."
-GGG Happy hunting/fishing |
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