Death Penalties
I'm just going to use this thread since it seems to be the right place :D So, after playing now for a while, I think the death penalty as it is right now (Softcore at least) is not a good mechanic. - Why isn't the death penalty a good thing? If you just think about it. The most valuable thing you as a human have, is actually time. Maybe sounds a little poetic. But isn't it that way? Let's be honest. You play a game. You want to have FUN in that game. And let's just say you play on softcore (since hardcore has its penalty anyhow). Do you really want to bother to lose 5-10% of your experience? What you lose in the end, is just some of your VERY valuable time. The problem is, the farer you progress with your character, the more "dramatic" the exp loss gets. 10% on a certain level can be a LOT! Which at the end, is just extra time you got to invest, JUST to get your character on a level it already was! Is this a good thing on a SOFTCORE Server? I hardly think so. There are plenty of reasons to die without any of your fault. Desync, just freezes when you run the game on a low performance computer ect. And believe me, it is so frustrating if you just died because you had a freez for about 2 seconds and realise that you have to grind maybe an hour or more just to get that exp loss back. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The Death Penalty should be changed! If you want a good penalty on death, why don't you just go ahead and play on hardcore? Still, probably there has to be at least some kind of death penalty. My solution would be: If you die, you get a Debuff... what kind of debuff is the thing to figure out. Maybe 10% less exp gain for 10minutes? It even could stack up to 5x times for example. Or 10% less rarity find? There are a lot of different opportunities. Something has to change! 10% exp loss on merciless on a high lvl char is just WAY to much... Think about it ;) |
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" No death penalty means people go full dps, don't care about defensive stats and just invest in portals to come back to the place where they died. It's silly. There should be a punishment for death. Basic idea is: you get what you deserve and let's face it, most people who would vote for no death penalty are noobs who can't figure out good builds or have terrible gear and try to farm locations too difficult for them. IGN: korgan_bloodarrow
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im on level 87 with my marauder now, every death takes 3-4 days of play off for me, it really sucks, feel like im neber going to level unless i play boring safe content
I want to be rewarded for doing ridiculously challenging content if there is a death penalty for exp! Im talking double level 78 dominus + vulnerability or gmp -21 max res frenzy charged map piety Now i will just skip these situations in fear of losing exp and knowing the drop will be lack luster, skipping content is not good :( |
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" A death at your level is at most a couple of hours lost (don't say I don't know what I'm talking about, I was lvl 90 on Anarchy). Unless of course you're farming in low level maps or some other ridiculous places. If you die a lot, get more survivability. IGN: korgan_bloodarrow Last edited by korgan_bloodaxe#0435 on Oct 30, 2013, 3:59:37 PM
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I haven't been that far as DutchRudder, but if it's really true that
it takes you even DAYS to get your lost exp back, how can this be a good thing on a softcore server really? And @korgan_bloodaxe, there still should be a death penalty, but not 10% of your exp. Loosing even days is NOT "what you deserve" when you ONCE died. How is this even live? I really don't get it. And seriously, how much talent do you need for this game? The only difficulty about bosses is the huge onehit like damage they do (ggg even said they balance bosses after an ALT+F4 strategy). So you can't really shine with skill there since there isn't anything to dodge. And I repeat, the most times you die is because of desync, freezes, lags in general or maybe even long loadingscreens. Do you really consider these things as "you deserved to die and take the exp loss"? There are better ways! And at all it shouldn't be % based. I mean, if you would die with a lvl 99 char maybe due to above named reasons, this is ridiculous :D |
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I am firmly of the belief that this game should have an item durability system. When you die, all of your non-gem items would lose 1 durability; by default, this would be the only way for your items to lose durability. The only ways to repair this durability loss would be to Eternal the item (which restores the durability from the time it was Eternal'd) and Mirror of Kalandra (which actually wouldn't restore durability, but give you a copy which you can run into the ground). Durability could be set with larger or smaller numbers to control how stiff this penalty is and feels. This would give the softcore game modes an item sink which slows, but does not stop, the flow of hand-me-down items which persist forever; this, in turn, would help combat inflation.
Gems would not have durability, but incur an XP penalty on death. In exchange for these new item-based penalties, the character XP penalty should be removed completely. Additionally, you could make some interesting item affixes based on durability. For example, weapons with extremely high crit chance, or shields with extremely high block chance, but which lose durability per attack or block. Or affixes which prevent certain effects, such as stun or elemental status, but lose durability each time they do so. Some interesting design space there. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Please replace the current retroactive xp penalty on death with a future xp penalty. Each death accrues xp penalty charges which slow down the rate of future xp gain. Charges wear off after some time, and can stack multiplicatively. This is still a strong disincentive to dying, and punishes the player, but the player no longer feels they have "lost" their hard-earned experience. You can even balance it so, under standard settings of continuous play, the net experience penalty is identical. But psychologically, a future xp penalty feels far less severe and annoying than a past xp penalty.
A time-based future xp penalty is also more equalizing as it disproportionately punishes hardcore players who grind intensely for long hours. The casual gamer who grinds slowly or does quests or who takes breaks will be less penalized since they will accrue less gross xp during the penalty timeframe. This equalizing effect is desirable since it's the hardcore players that you need to hold back from reaching lvl 100 too easily, while the casual gamer will probably never break 90 on his own anyway. |
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Debuffs would just encourage players to log off until its over. If they only track when your in game then wouldn't you still be losing time just like before?
Lets face it, this game is mostly a time sink. Its not based on skill, its just a big grind. The exp penalty is fine. Standard Forever
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Nah, I totally agree with cas5nq. I think that's a great idea and a big improvement over what we have now. Even if I had a bunch of stacks I would still play some lower level maps or something because I enjoy the gameplay and you can still get killer drops or farm up materials.
As it is now, the -10% is a major kick in the balls. cas's idea softens that blow a bit and I think it should be tested and implemented ASAP. This game is too white/black right now. Some of the map bosses difficulty, instead of ramping up gradually, spikes of the charts. Spike damage in general is pretty rampant. Crafting is usually an all or nothing ordeal, you can blow through a lot of currency just trying to 6 socket something. The death penalty, you're either leveling briskly or not at all because of it and it keeps you from even attempting a boss fight that could be close. That's not exciting. I think we would be better of if they met us in the middle on some of these issues. IGN: Straker_
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I don't even notice the 5% penalty in cruel, you still gain exp too fast to bother there. Same is true for Merciless until the 80s, if you don't die a few times an hour.
Dying is frustrating with highlevel chars. With a decent mappool, even a death here and there in the 80s is not really that bad. But at that time, the death penalty rewards good builds. If every one of those horrible CoC "builds" etc. that focus only on dps could get to 90 with Cast on death + Portal alone, the level 90 achievement wouldn't say anything about a char anymore, just that the player invested enough time to reach it. Without a death penalty, well balanced builds get punished because a Glasscannon with CoD Portal would just outperform them by a large margin. Lower death penalties would just shift the "frustration problem" to higher levels and people that don't like xp penalties would complain as much, as seen after the last drop. " The only interesting thing about a durability system I've ever encountered in hack'n'slays was Thinking Cap in Diablo 1 together with the shrines that could rise it. To your idea: So when your item's durability reaches 0 you can't use the item anymore if you don't have the currency? Often an unusable item makes a whole char unplayable. Sounds way worse than an XP penalty to me. " I don't like that idea. Currently after a death I can rage a bit, do something different to calm down, come back to PoE and keep playing. With a "future xp penalty" I'd come back and think "why should I even play now? It's almost pointless anyway" and my frustration would go on. |
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