2.3 - The Frost Nuke™ - Crit Vortex + Herald - Full screen explosions
Would using Warlord's Mark instead of Increased Duration with CWDT make any sense? We usually kill lotsa mobs on screen anyway, so killing one would grand us charges to prolong IC no? For single targets we continue to use ID.
" I'm going CI with this build next league also. What character and sub class are you going to use and why? I cant decide between shadow/asassin or witch occultist/elementalist. Here is my CI Shadow/assassin tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBACM2RXyXl_v1tDjlGYw2idNwUioLXfIOSBGWf8aio5MnwcVRdA_EbAu-invX7BiO6Tt8IvShL8rTj_osv6aZuMptGbQM6_UV1xFQl_Tqulv0RnHDCYauNblSUw18eaGDCbmTVmOnK5eVPV9XyYuZsZDyHUyzKPq5by2orrPQHyBugse-gEGW7-tQMPnoBULQ9dteGDwsnL0nVa4RLRhWkzpEq3yDCGePpuvuFbiCEKcIMtHIW9-wj0ZFR5YyHRTAZo5kPAX3pp_f73y2-po7gpvsOIV7ZlTtPNWmV5RTEBewSosyMhCS2Ya8bw== Here is mt CI Witch tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAN-wghC7_BpIfPCPphV-9CiRB0SrxvdVrpJ0LJwFQhEtQZZ8g66z0PXr7kyzpwgy0dAfl5Ugbo9GRUfv61JTUDAdFMBmPV-X9NtejmQ8BW0Z96af3-98EVAi9Lb6mjs1uWwLgpunK5Mn7Di-in_G74iFe6EvytOioxGW-TdmVLQMUXQPxAceDkjXz-q6W_RGcY7pO3yVLl3ySbENfDQKeaGDCaaZuMrw1SoLV8k3ZouZsZCP-klRcFIo-iymuW8tqOwY6_WJ04LHkNa-gCy_wwmMNvnoFde5kxg8hq7yHb0nVmOTOghnFbjIW5Yye9c= I grabbed pretty much all of the crit and aoe nodes and I'm gonna use an intuitive leap to grab the 3 crit-multi nodes at the scion start point. I feel like i might be lacking es but i will be using a beast fur shawl and maybe a shield, so hopefully that helps. Last edited by blobota#2606 on Aug 29, 2016, 8:05:24 PM
Guys...the chain reactions ONLY work if you go elementalist. The class cannot be changed.
As for the question about warlord's mark. When CWDT procs the curse at the same time as immortal call you're not gonna have endurance charges. You'd have to replace your curse on hit setup with warlord's mark and sacrifice your power charges. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 |
" This will be my tree for the upcoming league. poeurl.com/J2y I am looking at getting discipline up and running with the heralds. Might need the stun avoidance nodes, but I'm hoping to try that new ES stun ring. Going for the Scion AoE doesn't feel worth it, you can spend points elsewhere and get more crit, ES, or Jewels. I am also unsure how the life leech gem will work in conjunction with Vortex and may just avoid that route and put more into ES. |
" Yea.. haha, i had to change my build around a bit after realizing that. Here it is now for the CI version: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAUxBQUlEQWdBQWVOLXdnaENQcGtTclZhNHNuQVZDUVpiUTlkLUs2UUpMcmhzbDJWdHRHWmYwVWxNOVg1ZVZyck5NczlBZjctc2dibEF3SXZSc0M1TW43NGo1TjlmUFNiRy1pcUV2ZjhhaW93X0VPM3k0eWhHV0J4NlZMdkRWU1ZHUC11djE4aDNEQ2JtVDBOQmZhdXdZTEw4VjE0YXVWbU1PU0YzeUt3b1JMLXRqdFVncUMzQlNpZE9NTm0xczUzVGJHaEI3dmpybzFpTHF3em9xT0p1MWhNVkhCdkxoWTBNUkxYeUQ2LTRjM0k4YU10RkZSN1VFNUNMVnBzQm1QQVh2ZkpfZktVLWVQSXgyYTdlRmZldzRoWHRtVkpyZ1JaMVRVaEZRTmJtbks5dGVVWFNPNmFhWmEzckl2MFpTX0V5US10OXQxQWZjalE9PQAIQUFBQUFRQUEAAA== I really want to try vaal ice nova and see how the chain reactions are. |
" Craft a helmet with one of the essences that gives 40% "more" elemental damage to gems socketed in the helm. Perfect for vaal ice nova (or for the herald). Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 |
So... Can the build still work with the Elementalist conflux nerf?
Also wondering if the build is still functional with the elementalist nerfs.
Last edited by OriGinS#7079 on Aug 31, 2016, 1:43:30 AM
probably not since it relied heavily on the spread of elemental status all around the enemies.
You can maybe solve the elemental conflux nerf with a vinktar |
Why do you put added cold damage in ur 6Link ?
Isn't inc crit damage better ? :) thanks for the answer Best regards |