Pohx's Poison Trapper. 1 Shots Bossses 6k+ HP HC/SC/Atziri/Vinktar Map Viable

ZethrosFan wrote:
Sometimes, it feels like Voll gets one shotted in the Dried Lake, he drops just like, so fast. Other times, I barely can kill him within 30 seconds. Sometimes, Bino's really regens me very, very hard. Sometimes it doesn't at all, even afer I kill an ennemy. Sometimes, it feels like Bladefall does more single target damage than Bear Trap. Sometimes, it's the opposite.

Each cast of Bladefall creates five partly overlapping volleys, that have increasing width and land increasingly further away from the casting entity. Depending on AoE increases/decreases a single cast of the spell will therefor hit a single target multiple times (increased AoE grants better coverage but decreases the maximum number of hits per mob) depending on the size of their hitbox and where the spell lands in relation to it.
For me, as self-cast BF each cast typically hits the same mob two or three times if I aim well, and with mobs such as bosses having larger hitboxes (I have no source for this, it's my own conjecture) each cast can hit up to a maximum of five times.
This explains your experience with Voll, sometimes the first volley of the BF will hit his butt and the remaining four will all miss him, and sometimes the first volley will hit his nose with more volleys hitting him and he'll take 2-4.5 times as much damage.
As for Bino's, both the regen and degen spread are done so in an area around the slain mob, so if you're too far away you won't be getting any regeneration out of it at all.
twitticles wrote:
ZethrosFan wrote:
Sometimes, it feels like Voll gets one shotted in the Dried Lake, he drops just like, so fast. Other times, I barely can kill him within 30 seconds. Sometimes, Bino's really regens me very, very hard. Sometimes it doesn't at all, even afer I kill an ennemy. Sometimes, it feels like Bladefall does more single target damage than Bear Trap. Sometimes, it's the opposite.

Each cast of Bladefall creates five partly overlapping volleys, that have increasing width and land increasingly further away from the casting entity. Depending on AoE increases/decreases a single cast of the spell will therefor hit a single target multiple times (increased AoE grants better coverage but decreases the maximum number of hits per mob) depending on the size of their hitbox and where the spell lands in relation to it.
For me, as self-cast BF each cast typically hits the same mob two or three times if I aim well, and with mobs such as bosses having larger hitboxes (I have no source for this, it's my own conjecture) each cast can hit up to a maximum of five times.
This explains your experience with Voll, sometimes the first volley of the BF will hit his butt and the remaining four will all miss him, and sometimes the first volley will hit his nose with more volleys hitting him and he'll take 2-4.5 times as much damage.
As for Bino's, both the regen and degen spread are done so in an area around the slain mob, so if you're too far away you won't be getting any regeneration out of it at all.

It already explains a lot. Thank you. Last question remaining, how/why do you use Bear Trap? What's your typical rotation for killing bosses?
Hey Pohx, thanks alot for the guide! Ended up getting this character to 87, my highest yet. Not sure if I'll manage 90 before the end of tali, but I'm hoping I will. This was also my first character to kill Atziri, and she went down super easy.

I've found that I don't really use any golem or the wither totem at all. It just feels too unnecessary and clunky with the playstyle. I especially don't like using them on boss fights, I've been killed more than once by a stray shot to my golem and the totem just doesn't feel worth the time to place. What are your thoughts?


Here's my swag

Hey Pohx. I played this build to level 83 and loved every moment of it. I'm thinking about playing the same thing for ascendancy, and would like to hear your thoughts on if you'd change anything in the build for ascendancy.
Last edited by Paskaperse#2320 on Feb 20, 2016, 9:36:06 AM
A few more end of league thoughts and updates.

- Probably going to stick at lvl 92 now, was halfway to 93, but then decided to do uber...

- I switched build around a little. dropped force shaper, and a life/es node to get master sapper. trap damage > physical, plus the extar traps and trigger radius are a good QoL upgrade.

- Mostly running vulnerability now ahead of enfeeble. Damage is survivability a lot of the time. Definitely a good idea for uber, the stuff that kills you will kill you through enfeeble regardless.

- Quality temp chains + enhance + curse nodes on blasphemy is incredible. You really miss it on curse immune maps. Makes healing phase on atziri/uber much easier.

- Finally saw the light and dropped multiple traps. Might be worth if speed clearing low maps. You probably want at least a bit of trigger radius unless you have super aim.

- It's the fastest and safest Atziri runner I've ever had. Only time I've ever felt 100% confident on every run. If it doesn't get totally nerfed, tempted to run next league and go for early atziri profit. Should be able to do with the bear trap out of jaws of agony as soon as you hit 70. Might be worth using self cast bladefall for healing phase (if you don't have bino's yet), and just using bear traps. I have been practising just using bear trap - bladefall does a LOT more damage than my bear trap now, and it works just fine.

-ES might be a good way to go, especially with trickster class in ascendancy. I do love my Hyrris though.

- I did my first ever uber on the build. Then did another. Used all the portals each time but that was mostly due to carelessness. First time I ripped twice against vaals and once against trio, but did atziri fine with 3 (And one of those was walking straight into a double flameblast, when I was perfectly safe in the corner). Second time I used them all against atziri. Definite bit of luck involved for me at the moment, came down to if I dodged/evaded a lot of the stuff. Got helm and chest, so not really rewarded, but good fun. Poor now, but if I make more bank/find a hope I'll go again.

- I don't find it boring, and the clear speed is absolutely fine. Put it this way, I've played it a lot more than my pretty fully geared out Windripper and Fakener builds (And this is the one that paid for those builds), and it is a fraction of the cost.

My final gear and build for if you are interested, or look at TrappistPunk at https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Carlovski/characters

Not much I can really do to improve gear, maybe

- I'd really like a +1 gems southbound, to really bump up the curse auras. But 15/16% life southbounds aren't dirt cheap, and rolling the colours isn't trivial. Other option could be to use a vertex if I can sort out the fire res I get from the helm, but would lose out on life then.

- Could swap to +1 steps as well, they aren't very expensive (I've been vaaling all mine too). Either for a total rejig for the curses, or bear trap (Would probably want a red socket and then use empower over void manipulation). I do like the 4% extra dodge on mine though

- Shield and helm could be upgraded, but would be pretty minor upgrades, bit more life on the helm and bit more evasion on the shield maybe.

- A +1 curse amulet, then I could use a better ring. Would be horribly expensive/need to be lucky, and wouldn't gain that much - bit of extra life maybe.




Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Feb 22, 2016, 8:21:15 AM

I am 84 and just did my first ever Atziri kill with your build. The survivability of this build is the best I have ever played and so important for a newbie like me that tends to die a lot.

You did a great job with your guide and your videos were extremely helpful. Thank you so much for sharing all this with the community.

P.S. Please do not ever cut your hair it's fabulous

P.S.S. Please stop eating hot peppers
Any idea if this is going to be viable in ascendancy?
morgosargas wrote:
Any idea if this is going to be viable in ascendancy?

Haven't seen anything yet to suggest it won't be. Bladefall took a bit of a needed nerf, but should still be strong. The real killer would be if they change the double dipping on traps.
I'm going to quickly rebuild my trapper in standard and check it out. If it is still good I'll probably rebuild one in perandus league.

Atziri done with lvl 76/77 (leveled with killing the Trio :D)

Deathless until Atziri herself. 2 Portals left. (not capped res ^^)


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eviL_Bison wrote:

Atziri done with lvl 76/77 (leveled with killing the Trio :D)

Deathless until Atziri herself. 2 Portals left. (not capped res ^^)



Nice - as I mentioned I am finding this the easiest atziri killer I've ever played.
I wouldn't recommend void manipulation for bladefall though, especially in a 5l. Conc effect for damage would be better, or controlled destruction if you didn't want to cut the aoe.

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