Pohx's Poison Trapper. 1 Shots Bossses 6k+ HP HC/SC/Atziri/Vinktar Map Viable

Ok, forget what I said, abyssal cry is no real substitute for a bino's... Maybe with enough Inc AOE it would be OK, but bino prolif is so much more effective and a lot less clunky. Managed to buy one after selling an unid intuitive leap.
Build is really good now, though still just in low maps.

One thing I hadn't appreciated, I hadn't really looked at southbound closely. I had just taken it as a 'tech' item that enabled the bino prolif at the expense of glove mods. But the %life is really good and the cold res is useful. Just could do with a bit more flat life elsewhere, problem with using hyrris ire.

Still a bit worried that the whole thing might be nerfed, but having fun while I can!
Do you need the bino's to use the southbound gloves?
Habitatt wrote:
Do you need the bino's to use the southbound gloves?

Yeah, South bound + Bino's go hand in hand
Carlovski wrote:
Ok, forget what I said, abyssal cry is no real substitute for a bino's... Maybe with enough Inc AOE it would be OK, but bino prolif is so much more effective and a lot less clunky. Managed to buy one after selling an unid intuitive leap.
Build is really good now, though still just in low maps.

One thing I hadn't appreciated, I hadn't really looked at southbound closely. I had just taken it as a 'tech' item that enabled the bino prolif at the expense of glove mods. But the %life is really good and the cold res is useful. Just could do with a bit more flat life elsewhere, problem with using hyrris ire.

Still a bit worried that the whole thing might be nerfed, but having fun while I can!

I'm still managing 6.1k hp with a Hyrri's it's not so bad, Maybe try to get some more jewels with life!
Pohx wrote:

I'm still managing 6.1k hp with a Hyrri's it's not so bad, Maybe try to get some more jewels with life!

Well I'm still a fair few levels behind you, got a few life wheel nodes and hired killer to get. Plus I'm in softcore, so not really as much of an issue! Haven't got any trap + life jewels yet (only one slot so far anyway).
Building around evade and dodge plus the trapper style really suits me though, it allows me to be pretty sloppy and still not rip in situations where stacking armour would probably have not helped. I haven't died at all in maps (for me that is unusual) and I've ran a few 120+ quant corrupted museums at lvl 74, which I wouldn't normally go near until level 85+.
Only thing which gets a bit sketchy is if I am not careful about chaos degen (no chaos res at all - got a bit spoiled by my chaos res capped cycloner!) and had a few near misses from bleeds, mainly due to my staunching flask being on my mana flask, which I don't really like.

All in all though, it's the most fun build I've played in a while. I've completely ditched my first char of the league for this one. Already thinking what to roll next though. Partially because I fear that this has to get nerfed at least a bit, a single bear trap taking out a ghosted tanky boss and all his adds does seem a bit OP!

I've been doing this build in SC Talisman and loving it. This is a build that I really want to take to lvl 90 and beyond.

Almost to lvl 81 and heading into mid range maps (well when I eventually get more dropped only been getting T6 a few T7's even got T9 and T10 finally to drop.)

My current gear:

Currently saving for a lightning coil and stock piling jewellers/fusing to try and 6l it. Also need to craft or buy a decent lightning Res ring as well...

Only thing different in my build is I am using blasphemy+enfeeble. Took Me a while to get it right but took mana regen node (shaper), charisma and first node in the influence. I only occasionally have to mana pot now but still rely on Rallying cry to aid in mana regen as well.

Haven't taken phase acrobatics I do have acrobatics not sure I will keep it once I get coil as that armour will be cut back by it.

Looking forward to getting in to higher maps and taking this build further.

Edit: I just checked Pohx's set up for blade fall and I noticed he's dropped multi-trap for AoE. Anyone know when he did this? Might give it ago see what its like.

Last edited by openallhours#2096 on Jan 8, 2016, 7:36:15 AM
Despite my socketing and linking luck being pretty bad in general this league (> 500 jews per chest, 100's to hit 5l) I did eventually get lucky...

Just need to decide what to link. I have swapped from multi trap to inc aoe already, I could put multi back in, maybe with conc effect, or I could go with void manipulation (scales the Dot better) or controlled destruction (For the inital hit and indirectly scaling the dot)
I really like this build and trapper builds in general

lvl 88 and pretty good so far

6k life 19k evasion(w/ grace) and Ele weakness capped
I prefer whirling blades+fortify with cdwt + enfeeble + IC setup and grace as aura but i'll try Blasphemy + enfeeble setup later so i can use AA.Love that chilled ground as trapper lol
Confused as to best 6l now.
I see Pohx has started using void manipulation and conc effect.
I can see why you might want to just let Bino's handle the AOE side of things, if your trap aim is good enough (I kind of like a bigger initial aoe though), but not sure why you would use either of these over controlled destruction?

Void manipulation will boost the poison damage, but only the small % chaos of the initial hit. Aren't we better having a higher initial hit against trash? And we have bear trap for single target anyway.

And Conc effect seems to have a bigger downside than controlled destruction.

Or am I missing some double dipping mechanics somewhere?

Also, as I started levelling one to play with, is added chaos ever worth adding into the mix?

Carlovski wrote:
Confused as to best 6l now.
I see Pohx has started using void manipulation and conc effect.
I can see why you might want to just let Bino's handle the AOE side of things, if your trap aim is good enough (I kind of like a bigger initial aoe though), but not sure why you would use either of these over controlled destruction?

Void manipulation will boost the poison damage, but only the small % chaos of the initial hit. Aren't we better having a higher initial hit against trash? And we have bear trap for single target anyway.

And Conc effect seems to have a bigger downside than controlled destruction.

Or am I missing some double dipping mechanics somewhere?

Also, as I started levelling one to play with, is added chaos ever worth adding into the mix?

Poison = Chaos damage. Controlled Destruction is only going to scale the initial hit. Personally I found added chaos to be better early game and worse end game, Although it's always hard to do the math when I can't look at the tooltip

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