Pohx's Poison Trapper. 1 Shots Bossses 6k+ HP HC/SC/Atziri/Vinktar Map Viable
Before anyone asks
I've done 100+ Runs on Atziri along with 8+ Vinktar Runs in HC. Check out the youtube for replays, This build can generate it's own currency. An example of what I've made off Vinktar / Atziri in a week
Atziri & Vinktar Wealth
My Current Gear @94
Character Stats
Mandatory Gem Links ( BladeFall ) -Trap & Mine Damage -Poison -Trap If you DO NOT have a binos go with this setup -Trap & Mine Damage -Poison -Trap -Multiple Links 6L - Void Manip, Controlled Destruction or Conc ( Conc is by far the most Damage ) Void Manip & Controlled Destruction are extremely close in damage and it's hard to test which is better since thee tooltip doesn't display shit for poison. WTIH Bino's your links should go as follow -Trap & Mine Damage -Poison -Trap -Conc 6L - Conc / Controlled Destruction or Level 3 Empower. I'm not sure which is best in this scenario. I've been using void manip and I prefer it, I haven't played around with an empower though.
How to Level + Bandits
Normal - Oak Cruel - Kill Merc - Kill Get to level 10, you can use EK / Contagion for leveling since you're scaling Damage over time. Once you hit level 10 grab a Nights Hold ( Red ) and use Flame Totem in it. Other alternatives are Night hold Green for Fire Trap, or Night hold Blue for Fire Nova Mine / Lightning Trap. I personally just used a fencoil till around 75, made 3ex then bought a Bino's + Jaws of Agony then swapped to an evasion shield when my beartrap hit level 19 You get bladefall in Act III right before Piety. Once you get this you'll use these links Bladefall Trap ( Will be supported by your deerstalker boots ) Trap & Mine dmg Multi Trap Poison Pro's Cheap & Easy to Gear Can run any map mods Has good synergy in party play Can lock most bosses in place via bear trap, with the exception of tanky bosses Easy leveling Can go full defensive via Auras Cons Limited Clear time due to trap cooldowns Doesn't scale too well via support characters. ( Limited amounts of ways to scale Chaos / Degens ) Has terrible mana issues unless you decide to run a mana potion Limited ways to sustain your Health pool ( Without Bino's ) Relies on Evasion as the main source of defense up until you get a Lightning Coil Multitrap is a Shitter Might be a bit hard to get 80 Int on gear ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Leveling Uniques
Fencoil, I used this till I could afford a Bino's Deer Stalker Boots, This is essentially your 5L for Blade Fall Until you get an actual 5L. It makes leveling a breeze!
End game Defensive chest options
Lightning Coil - #1 By far best form of defense Hyrri's Ire - #2 Amazing Evasion, Gives dodge & Spell Dodge Other Options Belly of the Beast Daresso's Defiance Queen of the Forest
Youtube Information Guides on How the Build works / Skill Tree Development
How to Level the Poison Trapper / Tree Progression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYYcIQGYbUw Overview of how the Build works ( Might be a bit old ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBL8qcMgtUo
What to do with Aura's / Blasphemy
I've been running grace and it nets me roughly 7K Evasion. It puts me right around 21k which is great because once you drop your Hyrri's for a lightning coil you're going to need all the Extra Evasion you can get! I plan on trying to incorporate Enfeeble + Blashphemy since Evasion really does need to mitigate as much damage as possible without the use of armor, I'm not quite sure when I'm going to get this setup Damage Scaling, Trap Damage > Increased Damage > Area Damage > Chaos Damage > Damage over Time > Physical ? I may be incorrect here i'm not a math wiz but this is what I've been applying and it seems to work great Last edited by Pohx#1588 on Feb 3, 2016, 3:51:42 PM Last bumped on Apr 14, 2018, 10:53:33 AM
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Loving the build Pohx! Currently level 90 on SC and this is probably the first build I've played in a while that I want to take past 90. Made a few modifications to the tree and grabbed mana regen on jewelry so that I don't rely solely on a mana flask. Highly recommend this build to anyone who enjoys the trapper play style.
Keep up the good work Pohx! Glad you are back :) :^)
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I have had fun with it but man that mana.
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I'm running a variant on this too, great fun. I've pretty much ditched my first character (Iron Will Arc) to concentrate on this one now - single target is just so much better and I like being able to run acro and evasion.
Few issues/points - Mana is a pain, but can be mitigated by using a long duration flask, just get in the habit of using it. - That being said, I'm seriously considering getting the mana on kill nodes. Other even better option would be to use an Atziri's splendour (Obviously much more doable in softcore where I am), which I would have gone for if I wasn't keen to use Hyrri's for first time. 100 mana on kill would solve all problems apart from bosses with no adds. - Still currently using a fencoil. Damage wise it probably is BiS still, but the lack of slots is a pain, and I want to use a shield. Plus the onboard trap means my wither totem is a totem trap, which is awkward. -So not sure what one hander to use. Can't afford a Bino's yet. Maybe a divinarius (and mana on kill helps again) - At which point might be worth me grabbing a bit more crit for semi crit. -While not using binos, an abyssal cry - poison - void manipulation - inc aoe setup gives you a bit more of an aoe option. It's a bit clunky and does involve getting a bit close, but the big purple explosions are very satisfying. -I dropped my blasphemy setup due to lack of slots, but want to put blasphemy - temp chains back. Ideally I'd want to run dual curse, but can't see how I can fit it in other than getting an additional curse amulet, which would be incredibly expensive or have to be very lucky (Plus I rely on amulet for stats, a chunk of which are off the implicit) My current gear - next to get are atziri steps (which I will start corrupting when they get cheaper for move speed or dodge) and switch to some kind of one hander and Jaws of Agony Gear
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" About mana flask I found Bubbling Divine with 50% instant recovery to be best option for me. And for weapon at least for SC you could try Doon Cuebiyari it gives damage based on STR which also give you some hp (weapon itself gives you 50-70 STR). It should be far cheaper compared to binos atm. Of course build is amazing so far 5% left to 86 ;)
Current gear on HC. 6,6k HP
Last edited by Eli86x#7244 on Jan 4, 2016, 9:18:40 PM
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How come you use multiple traps leveling but you dont have it in the 5 link in your current gear @ lvl 90? Do you just interchange them and if so in what situations do you do that.
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" Answering on Pohx's behalf here, but it does look like he is still using multiple traps? Although I'd imagine that you could drop it when using a bino's, and with a 20q bladefall as the inc aoe + the prolif should provide enough coverage, and lets you add another more multiplier instead of a less. |
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" Doon could be an option, and I do have one, but don't think I really have enough strength for it to be worthwhile, would help bear trap a bit, but not offer as much as a wand/dagger for bladefall. I've gone for a divinarius in the end, the aoe helps a little plus means I can whirling blades around. I'm dropping trying to self cast vulnerability - now temp chains is levelled and the radius has gone up, I keep overwriting it anyway, and I've got enough hotkeys to juggle. Gives me room to throw in a vaal lightning trap for bosses too. Also trying to figure out if I can squeeze in the natural hierarchy unique tier 3 tlaisman. Generic inc damage for double dipping, plus physical and chaos damage rolls. Would just need to find stats from somewhere, and take a hit on life. |
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Other really strong option, if possible would be to use more blue gear along with hidden potential.
You could probably make a super glass cannon version of this with nearly all blue gear - 6 magic pieces would be 150% increased damage with a perfect roll. Even a 2 blues would make it by far the best jewel to socket. |
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