Pohx's Poison Trapper. 1 Shots Bossses 6k+ HP HC/SC/Atziri/Vinktar Map Viable
ya but it only adds trap damage to supported gems, and it says bladefall is a spell not a trap, or am i understanding this wrong?
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" Yeah. The Trap gem turns Bladefall into a trap. IGN: Bahnzo <--- that should find me.
PoE Item Info Script: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1463814 |
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" mind blown. |
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Is the Jaws of agony so good ? Or is it better if i use an evasion shield ?
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"I've done 100+ Runs on Atziri along with 8+ Vinktar Runs in HC. Check out the youtube for replays, This build can generate it's own currency. An example of what I've made off Vinktar / Atziri in a week."
I'm curious. How do you get so much currency to buy/farm the fragments and staves for Vinktar? Help from others through twitch? Cuz i've ran over 300 maps t9+ haven't got crap for staves. ran about 30 atziri runs tho. SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
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" In Hardcore? Atziri is a lot more profitable in hardcore. |
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I did similar build with LC/80lightres/AA/few armour combo lvl94 skilltree.
Auras: PoL+AA+Clarity With 4jewel sockets its easier to gear up your character (you can get +int %maxlife and up to 2 damagemods from each). PoL + resists from skill tree too. With all dat "easy-gearing" im able to wear 2x 110+ life rings both with +mana and helmet with +mana. Combined with Clarity and auraeffects it gives enough mana to sustain throwing traps w/o hitting manaflask every 10 seconds. From lvl83 till lvl85 (current) i did about 25 deathless runs Residences/Necropolises/Volcanos/Academy w/o rerolling any mods there (-max, double boss, fleet, tc, chilled ground, etc). Havn't tried Atziri yet, but i think it'll be pretty easy. You can see gear in my profilre (char: GrenkoTest) Comparing to original build(imho): + less chance to be one-shotted by phys/light/fire damage + more potential damage + less mana issues - you should dodge stuff by moving, not by praying for dodge/spelldodge |
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" Oh shit that's right. I should start playing hc. :) SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
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hi, i would like to ask about rapid decay. Do you think it suit for this build?
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While the build is well done and I managed to ''complete it'' with Coil 5L + Bino/Southbound, I still barely have an idea on how to play it. Let me explain. Sometimes, it feels like Voll gets one shotted in the Dried Lake, he drops just like, so fast. Other times, I barely can kill him within 30 seconds. Sometimes, Bino's really regens me very, very hard. Sometimes it doesn't at all, even afer I kill an ennemy. Sometimes, it feels like Bladefall does more single target damage than Bear Trap. Sometimes, it's the opposite. So my questions would be the following: 1) What in the build does the most damage? Is it the Bino's Degen, Bladefall, Bear Trap? How does that work? 2) How can you get the most life regeneration possible? 3) What's the ideal single target rotations? Do you drop all your Bear Traps then fill with Bladefall, or the opposite, or something else? Thank you! |
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