Pohx's Poison Trapper. 1 Shots Bossses 6k+ HP HC/SC/Atziri/Vinktar Map Viable
cluster trap and chain reaction is better than binos and the prolif ?
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Is there any way to update this build for 2.2? Or if anyone can do that? This build seems really fun and i'd like to try it out.
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If going for Bino's and poison prolif, do you think taking trickster might be better than sabo? Offers DoT dmg (Patient Reaper) and more survivability for HC (Shade Form). The downside of having no chain reaction might be overcome by taking more trap trigger range or sunburst.
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I had a little play with my trapper in standard today. Did labyrinth to get ascendancy. Went for trickster, partially because my chest is corrupted and couldn't recolour to put in cluster trap (well could with vorici I guess)
Trickster only really gives me the extra dodge, a bit more evasion, move speed and a bit of dot damage. A lot of the bonuses are wasted if you aren't ES unfortunately. But I like dodge, and with my hyrris, and corrupted steps, I'm at 59/61 dodge, and can pop a quartz on top of that. I'm sure saboteur and cluster trap may do more damage, and assassin if you go crit, but i'm still fairly happy, and feel tankier. Probably the best is to go witch and CI, but it's a very different build then. I did a couple of uber runs, one failed horribly as got in a nasty situation with the vaals - killed one to quickly and the other backed against the wall and kept firing ball lightning, never worked out what to do in that situation, it stunlocks and instakills me even through a topaz. The other run was fine though, deathless through vaals and trio, and just one silly mistake, and one spear hit when my bleed flask was down against atziri (only helm drop though) Damage is a bit less, but it's still enough to kill split phase uber in one set of three traps which is the important thing. Then ran a fairly nasty Colosseum map, with zero problems. So basically the build is sill very strong, and trickster gives us a bit more survivability, sustain and mobility. Character is TrappistPunk if you want to check my profile. |
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What's the deeps numbers, you guys got? My bladefall trap + cluster is nearly 5k (over 5k when 2+ traps on the ground), still had 0 problems on maps up to T9 (never had any higher tier drop) and normal atziri dies ezpz. Bear trap+poison and added chaos shows 19k, but since BF traps layed as 4 togetger I think we can count it as 20k total dps?
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" Sheet DPS is pretty useless for a lot of builds, and in particular this one. I think my bladefall trap topped out around 20k, pre-patch. Not sure what it is now, probably a bit less. That's not using cluster or multi trap though. It's plenty enough to kill uber and t15 map bosses though, so think I'm happy! |
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Currently playing level 86 bladefallpoison trapper in sc league, it pretty much insta rekt's everything except some high chaos resist mobs.
My current gear, bladefall radius enchantment in the helmet is nice. Sheet dps has been around 12k, but it dropped to 10k since I had "http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Inspired_Learning" jewel drop and decided to respec into it (middle of shadow/ranger/scion), it's funny but probably not worth it, and actually you could easily have two since the ranger jewel spot works also for the build. Currently 20k eva, 40dodge and 45 spelldodge, 75%res, 20% chaosres and 4,3k hp (could easily get to 5k without mings and better gear). Current tree. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAAW1BnAHHgeZDkgRLxGWE20UCRa_IuojNiP2JogmlSpNKwowcTB8MZ4yATWSNj031DpCOuE_J0kTSVFKyEsKS3hMjk2STeNOn1FHUUxTEFVLWfBd8l-wYQZh4mHrYqxkqmo2aoxsCGyMbqpwUXZvdoJ6U3p_fVt-sISihMWIW4ngjX2Nv4_6kx-VLpsmm4abtZ2qotmmV6k0rEewC7DYshm0xbTRtUi18rcwt3W32cLswzrIDMgUykrPetQj1S7WvthU2L3b592o5ljo1ejW62PsGO0_7hXw1fGK8kX1b_4K_o8=?accountName=Kulis&characterName=Spacekoala All of the subclasses are pretty hit and miss, I specd into assasin for the "Gain 10% phys damage as chaos damage". Saboteur might be better if it's "increases radius of traps" works with the bladefall, I have no idea. My level 100 build would probably look like this: specd out of inspired learning and take the witch area and life/mana nodes instead. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAAQHBbUGcAceB5kI9A5IES8RlhNtFAkV7Ra_Iuoi9CM2I_YmiCaVKk0rCjBxMHwxnjIBMhg1kjY9N9Q6QjpYOuE9Xz8nSVFKyEt4TI5Ms02STeNOn1FHUUxSU1MQVL1VS1XGWfBcQF3yX7Bh4mHrYqxkqmo2akNqjGwIbAtsjG0ZbqpwUXZvdoJ6U3p_fVt-sH_Gg9uEooTFjX2Nv4_6kyeVLpaLl5WX9Jsmm4abtZ2qotmmV6xHsNiyGbMDtMW00bVItfK3MLd1vOrAVMLswzrIDMgUykrPetQj1S7Vuda-2FTYvdvn3ajo1ejW62PsGO0_7hXw1fGK8kX1b_4K_o8=?accountName=Kulis&characterName=Spacekoala Gameplay: I throw bladefall traps and spam Ethereal Knives to maim and stun mobs. Bear trap is not necessary, I usually just use it on phys reflect maps. IGN Iaintafraidofnogoat or GoodbyeLydia Last edited by Kulis#2456 on Mar 16, 2016, 8:23:18 AM
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" Just respecced into this, and loving it. Didn't get the mana regen nodes tho, not enough to stop using a mana flask, so might as well not use it at all. | |
" Hmm, I don't see any mana regen nodes? This is my current tree at lvl 88
To anyone wondering: inspired learning is not worth any investment, not even worth wasting a jewel slot. Are people using Saboteurs chain reaction with cluster traps, is it worth to respect? IGN Iaintafraidofnogoat or GoodbyeLydia
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" I'm using a mana flask. Right now I'm finally finding T10 maps. I'm still 1hitting blue packs, two or three traps for rares/uniques/bosses. Don't need maga regen at all. |