Pohx's Poison Trapper. 1 Shots Bossses 6k+ HP HC/SC/Atziri/Vinktar Map Viable
I believe the misapprehension comes from forgetting that poison can stack as many times as you want, yes the final damage of a every single poison instance would be lowered, but since you would quadruple the number of poison instances (since chain reaction would make sure all traps activate and you never activate only a single one as it used to happen sometimes using multiple traps) the damage would instead be cut down by the cluster trap less damage and then applied multiple times for an average of 250% of the damage before cluster traps.
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" I dont think that physical damage really double dips. Your Poisons damage ticks 10% of your physical and cahos damage dealt per second. Poisons duration is 2 seconds. so its base damage is 20% of the damage that triggert it. However increasing physical damage also increases the base damage of your poison. Referring to http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Poison_%28support_gem%29 damage types that double dips for us are area, trap and damage. their increases and decreases affects both bladefalls and poisons damage. With 2.2 im thinking to start as Scion. My thought is that cluster traps is not that good because it also reduces poisons damage in addition to bladefalls damage, so binos poison is a lot weaker than without cluster traps because it only spreads the strongest poison to the next enemy. Probably im wrong with that thought and cluster trap is better in all cases. However for single target it looks like cluster trap (instead of void manipulation) is stronger if at least 4 Traps with the same amount of volleys as without cluster traps hit the target (cluster traps must at least be level ~19 to compensate). With cluster trap at level 19 its about the same damage when 3 out of 4 traps are hitting the target (assuming poison ticks for its (full) duration of 2 seconds before target dies, otherwise it should be more dmg). But with increased skill duration passives (scion area) poison ticks for 3 seconds and this should result in a bit less damage than without cluster traps when only 3 out of 4 traps are hitting the target (assuming poison ticks for 3 seconds before target dies). This are results of some quick calculations i made. to make it short: cons with cluster traps: binos spreading is weaker, you have to make sure your target will get hit by all of the traps thrown from cluster traps. pros: if all traps hit your target you deal much more damage. So why Scion? I want to avoid the case that some traps thrown with cluster traps (and some of the volleys) are not hitting my target because bladefalls area is not that huge like ice traps. Sabo looks not that strong for physical/poison damage as for elemental traps. Without cluster traps you dont gain that much from Bomb Specialist and Chain Reaction. As Scion you deal 5% additional damage for every trap AND mine, you also get some cooldown recovery speed for traps. For the second ascendancy i would pick either occultist or berserker or slayer. The skill tree looks exactly the same as with shadow (you gain 2 extra skill points with scion). With 2.2 i dont think that we have to change much on the skill tree just grab some frenzy charges + bandit in merciless. Any thoughts on this? Do you think that its worth playing without cluster traps or even as scion? Last edited by Ferox28#6657 on Mar 9, 2016, 5:55:58 PM
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" Saboteur is BY FAR the single strongest Poison BF Trapper. Physical damage does not double dip at all. If you want to use something different then Saboteur then don'T use Cluster Traps. If you are Saboteur Cluster Traps is 156% more damage, which is triple of what Conc Effect (the strongest other support gem) gives. |
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![]() Just ripped a few hours ago (minus max detonate dead from revs, totally my misplay on lack of sleep), most fun and safe build I've played in the short time I've played PoE. Cluster Trap is really what makes this build function in 2.2, if you think otherwise you're wrong. The damage and clear + prolif was pretty mental. T12-15 mobs were easy, and the only issues I had damage wise were against T14 Piety and Domino. Honestly they were probably killable, but their damage + my mods made attempting it not even worthwhile (the Palace I ran was +4 proj, lol). Vaal Oversoul in Conservatory was easy. I ran Atziri at 83 with a 5L coil and a binos, with about 4k life and 3k tooltip. As long as you understand the fight, it is easy to do it. Other poison trappers at the same level weren't using either, instead spell damage % weapons and deerstalkers or selfcrafter 5Ls. The only negative I really had was that Bear Trap wasn't particularly useful in the later game, but the snare still provided good utility against scary Perandus bosses or map bosses. The damage is totally still there. Cluster Trap with Chain reaction is insane. Thanks to Pohx for coming up with this build. Last edited by moephistopheles#3175 on Mar 10, 2016, 1:23:29 AM
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" Could we (who do not understand the workings of great builds) trouble you with some details on your build? Please :) ? Skills, tree, gear, the works. I know it is quite a bit of work, but it would really help some of us who are uncertain about what the hell they are doing. |
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Im shit at PoE forum so I don't know how to link gear etc, but my profile is open so you can check out my character there. I honestly did little deviating from what Pohx mentioned in his new video/his gear in the thread.
My last two Ascendancy points were in the Smoke mine one, it's nice to have more ways to avoid/mitigate damage. I don't think it did too much, but it was more useful than any other options. You can honestly do the build off four points, though. Bear Trap was really useful in leveling through difficulties and early maps, the damage is great there. Later on it's more utility to hold shit down. Particularly, it was useful on the Precinct T11 boss (the whipping lady from Lunaris 2) and T12 Fiedatilis, as well as Perandus bosses. Lock them down and then make it rain on them. Always Vaal Lightning Trap blue packs and high-hp mobs, you generate charges so quickly. Also potting Atziri's Promise adds so much, as Pohx and others have detailed. Those two make tougher mobs a lot easier. I could run any map mod honestly, that is the beauty of a trap build. Beyond bosses can be scary depending on mods, but this early you don't really have a choice if you wanted to go fast. Beyond was the best source of XP. Here is an example of a T12 I ran yesterday:
![]() I feel like Lightning Coil enabled this sort of playstyle, though, and without it I'd be a lot more selective of the mods you choose to run. Not that other chests are bad (I had a 5L Hyrri's until I lucked out with a Soul Taker drop at the start of day 2 and got a 5L LC for 3 ex), but Coil is just so so so much better. It's honestly a really simple and riskless build to pilot, my death was just due to a really dumb error on little sleep. It's just risk assessment on how much shit you feel comfortable doing. If you have anything specific to ask let me know, but I feel like Pohx and others have covered all their is with the build. Last edited by moephistopheles#3175 on Mar 10, 2016, 3:05:25 AM
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Thank you.
I have not have best of luck with Vaal Lightning trap as I felt it didn't do much damage, but I'll try it and also get that Aziri's Promise. I can't quite afford a Lightning Coil yet, but I'll get there. They are only 1 ex. Also, I was thinking of skipping either the Wither totem or Whirling blades to get some sort of smoke mine laying (like Pohx has in his ice trap build), in order to get some benefit from the added area mines give (when playing saboteur). I'm not very good at laying them out myself, so I was considering a CWDT thing to also get away when they trigger (which is also popular when fighting Izaro (CWDT, Smoke mine, trigger mine)). What are peoples thoughts on this? |
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Wither Totem was insanely useful, and its only a 2L. I wouldn't get rid of it. If you don't want to use Whirling Blades, just a single unlinked Flame Dash might be ok (I used it for a bit) but Whirling Blades/Fort/FA is really useful. Vaal Lightning and Wither degen all kinda adds up, you want to be increasing your damage in as many ways as possible.
CWDT is generally whatever you feel is comfortable for you to escape damage, so link it with whatever you're most comfortable with. It just happens to be IC for a lot of people (myself included). |
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" I guess I could remove Increased Duration + Rallying Cry and replace them with Smoke Mine+Detonate Mine Is Increased Duration very necessary for IC? |
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You used flasks to regen life/mana, right? Cause I found no options to leech or replenish it someway. But running lv13 clarity on life makes life a bit easier. |