[2.1] Space's 120k gmp dps Crit Chaos Freezing Pulse (BM/EB/MOM/VP/US)
I tried to put together the gear last night. level 81 currently doing low life with shavs and dualwield consumings. Able to run 21 anger/disc/enfeeble+blasph/herald of ice/clarity/purity of elements/arctic armor. No mana issues at the moment.. dps seems to be higher when compared to using my 6L mantle with maybe 1-2 auras. But my gear isnt fully built yet so still trying to figure that out. Crit could be higher. Sitting at 44% crit unbuffed.
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What if i use dagger who give me fire to spells and cold dmg
- u have cold to spells and fire dmg its some problem or no ? |
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Sasquaczek - dagger should be fine. Flat cold dmg to spells is the best because it benefits the most from all the %increased damage we have though.
Peachcake- cool youre doing it with shavs dude. I bet that could be really strong, although its too bad you lose all the ES from a shield when you use 2x consuming dark. Whats your ES at atm? Thanks for the idea. Killerrut -you need all 3 items for the build to work really. Just farm dried lake as a regular freeze pulse build until you get the currency to get what you need. Use the 2c unid item recipe (look it up if you dont know) and it shouldnt take you too long to get there. Mactane - repentance are no good for this build. You'd need to get more Int somewhere to use them, and theyre really just not that good. Winds of change are better, and maligaro's are best. Voidbringer would probably be pretty good as well. |
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So I've been trying this build and I'm liking it so far. There was a brief period between 65 and 68 when I couldn't use the Atziri's flasks for leech, so that was a bit of a pain. Past that now and it's working pretty well. I just wanted to add a couple comments on options I've been trying.
For gloves, for those who can't afford, or don't want to spend the cash on maligaro's, facebreaker is a very cheap option. 60% crit multiplier is a ton, and while I think a max rolled Maligao's is better, it's only by a bit IMO, crit chance is much easier to get then multiplier. I've also been running Assassin's Mark in Blasphemy, it's a hit to my health, but the advantage of not having to cast the curse is worth it to me. I expect if I am running hard content I will switch to casting it to get the extra health, but it's an easy switch, Blasphemy and Faster casting are an simple swap. One passive change I made was I picked up Alchemist instead of Throatseeker, since the build is a bit flask dependent, I thought Alchemist just made sense. One note about the various modifiers, I know a lot of people know this, but I wasn't completely sure, so I had to do some testing to be sure. In this build, % damage is all the pretty much the same, though chaos is a tiny bit better since it affects poison too. %chaos < %cold = %fire = %spell damage. But %chaos is only a small bit better. Flat added damage though matters, as Space said just above, cold is best cause it gets everything, then fire, then chaos, but only for flat damage. One other thing I wasn't sure about is jewels, since a number of modifiers for jewels refer to cold skills, or fire skills, I double checked and conversion doesn't factor in there. So if you are buying crit jewels, you want cold/spells/elemental and global. I expect most people know most of the last part, but for those who were confused like I was, I thought I would comment. Thanks for the build Space, it's pretty fun. |
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What am i doing wrong? Only 57k dps so far with GMP and 6L.
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" I know your feels... I'm LvL 80 now, i have the original gem setup in a 5linked infernal mantle and most likely the same build and have an average City-Damage (no flasks, auras or power charges) for about 32k tooltip DPS. What i'm missing rightnow is maligaros virtuosity and i run only one juwel in the passive tree. The gems are not all LvL 20 and have no quality. My question is, for what should i go next, or what has more priority to fix first: more juwels in passive tree (like turmoil), maligaros or the gem levels. My currency is not this high atm, but i try to watch out for some good trades and i have a second infernal mantle with 6 sockets which i try to 6link. The non unique rare gear fits pretty good, resists are maxed and the offhand dagger has good stats, so the rare gear is not the minor problem, but i reckon one of my other misery (gem levels, missing gloves or missing passiv juwels) are the reason for my poor DPS. I'm thankfull for any advice! |
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" Man you can check my character. my freezepulser i ripped at lvl 89. It was a fucking fun ride. SO GOOD IM MAKING ANOTHER ONE - THC. I had 55k TOWN dps with no charges. I was only using consuming dark+ a shield. I like to have a shield cause it gives a flat 25% to block,which makes a different in hardcore. DPS with charges and flask up was 90k ish. thats on a 5l. With winds of change as glove . life too good to miss. 5.5k life+mom . 1.7k es pool. bloodmagic . yada yada. So good im lvling a new one :D. keep in mind i played hardcore. Ran map up to t11. I could push for higher but i just didnt have the loot. Ran them yellow. Could speedrun anything. Very good build. **. For Izaro turmoil jewel i would suggest people to vaal them :D. Get immune silence this can really save your life. I had some OMG moment where a hexfont rare would silence me and then i would be out of leech :D |
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@SpaceJanitor can you post a video? Atziri or high map like T11-12?
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This looks really interesting. How does chaos damage crit though? I thought chaos damage was unable to critically strike.
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13elial - I dont know where you got that idea, crit is based on the skill youre using not the damage type. If you go chaos incinerate it cant crit, but chaos with any other skill will have the chance to crit of the skill itself.
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