2.1 Talisman League Guide for Cheap Permacurse Dual RF Totems for Hardcore/Softcore -Atziri Viable!
Loving the build man! Changed the tree around a little because I'm playing SC, went for more damage, but I absolutely love your design! It's dirt cheap, too. That let me save my currency, and use it to start making more. Lvl 78 now, and already got my lovely, and destructive, Catalyst.
Thanks for the build man! Last edited by Muzebreak#2827 on Jan 12, 2016, 4:38:46 PM
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Thanks for making this guide and build. If it wasn't brought up doedre's scorn is s fair unique helm due to Curses on enemies and raw damage gained. I've been melting content faster than ever since equipping it.
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Someone Check My Math?!
From the passive tree I have:
70% increased Burning Damage 58% increased Totem Damage 55% increased Fire Damage 8% increased Area Damage 26% increased Elemental Damage From gems I have: 56% Increased Burning Damage 36% Rapid Decay Equipment 30% Lavianga's Wisdom X2 15% increased Area Damage 30% Rigwald's Crest 30% increased Fire Damage Jewel 11% increased Damage over Time 380% adition damage 45% totem life from 3X Jewels (Spire of Stone 21% totem life) 71% increased Totem Life passive tree 3,957 HP of totem + 116% = 8547.12 hp totem Rightous Fire Enemies Burn for 50% of your maximum Life per second as Fire Damage 8547.12 /2 = 4273.56 DPS + 380% adition damage 20513.088 DPS Concentrated Effect 56% adition damage 22906.28 DPS Be the hope of humanity Last edited by lost_adonis#5293 on Jan 13, 2016, 11:48:11 PM
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Hi :) I'm having a blast with rf Totem at the moment... I was wondering if soul mantle + self-flagelation as a DPS option would worth the massive curses on me (SC). 3 totem are REALLY good for area purpose :) and Soul Mantle's 50% increase life is a serious chunk...
My problem is with the universal damage modifier (aka the % increase damage), I read on this thread that it's good to search on jewels, but then I don't understand why the one from spell totem don't count (I mean, it's not written spell damage or even skill damage, juste % less damage). But if it has been tested or or if it is a specifique interaction, who am I to question it? Anyway, thx a lot for the ideas here, that's the one build I had the most fun since I started POE at the beta. |
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" Here's a very basic Google Sheets thing I made to calculate and compare DPS: https://goo.gl/1HZ2Eu ----------- Some notes I've made as a new player trying this build (some are redundant in this topic but probably worth repeating): Things to prioritize for more DPS are Totem Life (from passives, jewels, items and Spell Totem gem level), enemy fire resistance reductions (Flammability, Elemental Weakness gem levels, Elemental Weakness gem quality, Elemental Equilibrium), and increased curse effect from passives. There is no negative resistance cap, so a -50% resistance reduction is straight 50% more DPS. Vulnerability is the best curse to use early on because it increases the Righteous Fire damage by 33% at all levels. Elemental Weakness is good value to get to Q20 as it reduces res by 5% more. Quality on Righteous Fire and Flammability is useless, and on Vulnerability it's maybe useful for allies Minion and Totem Resistance means totem resistance is about 45% + 25% base + passives, capping it, so it can replace Purity of Fire, and compared to PoF it also boosts all elemental resistances. Concentrated Effect is 20% more DPS than Rapid Decay for 25% less AoE, making it very situational (basically just for immobile bosses). 12% increased Totem Life, 12% increased Area Damage jewels are fantastic value. Compared to the original build, I'd recommend getting the +2*4% Elemental Damage jewel cluster next to Whispers of Doom, just because jewels are so good. Spire of Stone: 21-27% increased Totem Life (in the jewel socket next to Ancestral Bond) is epic value. Discipline is kind of meh, the about 300 + Generosity bonus energy shield doesn't add that much DPS or totem survivability. Vaal Discipline is better at 908, and it also regenerates the shield, but it's not a great DPS boost anyway. Totems let you deal damage by proxy, so Elemental Equilibrium is not triggered by them, and you can't use skills to deal damage directly because of Ancestral Bond, but Elemental Equilibrium can be triggered by using traps. Ice Nova seems like the best skill for this, and possibly also Vaal Spark. ----------- Items I've been using in standard Talisman:
+1 gem level to Spell Totem gives a lot of DPS, and using a 6L lets me replace Purity of Fire with Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance, so that I can do this: Blasphemy + Area of Effect makes it much easier to keep the curses on enemies, but there's no mana left to run an aura, which is why Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance was needed. Last edited by slikts#0909 on Jan 14, 2016, 7:15:01 AM
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To many comments to reply to lads but I'm glad your all enjoying the build!
Couple of things to mention. RF doesnt doesnt cast "damage" as such, so it is not effected by spells totems -less damage multipler. This was tested using spell totem and another persons self cast RF. Rapid decay and conc effect are MORE multipliers so they are calculated together at the end of the equation e.g. 8547.12 /2 = 4273.56 DPS * 4.5 = 19231.02 19231.02*1.86 = 35769.69 dps before curses are taken into account so your doing about 13k more damage then you thought you were :) Deodre's is amazing for softcore but for HC its harder to cap all your resists (yes chaos is a resist type dont neglect it you will RIP if you dont get it to about 10/20%) Soul Mantle is in the same boat its great for SC but for HC I cannont recommend it due to requiring warding flask uptime/danger of stacking multiple curses on you, however combined with self flag it can give some great numbers. You are correct in saying that there is no -resistance cap but wrong in saying that -50% resistance is 50 % more damage. mobs fire resistance in merci+maps is 30% unless they have resists fire damage or resists ele damage tacked on. If they dont which is the majority of mobs then flamability and vuln provides more damage then flam+ele weakness because vuln damage multiplier is applied after your damage is calculated. Discipline+Gen is only if your wanting to go maximum damage and have dropped PoF it is still another 420 base hp so is nothing to be sniffed at (e.g. using above numbers its (210*4.5)*1.86=1757 extra damage you couldnt have otherwise. You have not taken the Sovereignty node in the templar area for reduced mana reserved if you cannont run 2 curses and another 35% aura (e.g PoF or disc) -inc area of effect is largely wasted as blasphemy with the inc area nodes from the tree already hits to near the edge of the screen, anything further then that is obsolete as you cant cast your totems on them ^^ I also suggest grabbing a windscreams and using curse on hit with ball lightning for some really fun damage :) Vaal spark is horrible for putting on EE as it requires massive soul investment and cannot be used all the time. Normal lightning trap is best for applying EE as it doesnt require more then 1 gem slot to make it work. And on the same note Vaal Lightning trap is the be all and end all as it also applies shocked ground which is another 50% more multiplier to your damage. Hope this clears any confusion up and helps with your builds lads! GL and have fun burning I'm working on another build guide which im "hoping" will be out in a few days >.> (all going well and I dont blow myself up with it...) Regards, Thraxeus. |
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Thanks, I had completely missed the distinction between increased/more damage multipliers. I've updated the spreadsheet to correctly show the effective/taken damage now.
" It would have been more accurate for me to say that 50% resistance reduction is at least 50% effective damage increase. " I added columns comparing the DPS between F+EW and F/EW+V, and it turns out that F/EW+V is only very slightly better in the case of low/no resist monsters, and only if there are no other more damage multipliers. If Rapid Decay and/or Concentrated Effect is used, then F+EW gives 5–40% more damage than F/EW+V. Also, even though trash monsters are the most common type, it's arguably more important to maximize DPS against tanky/dangerous monsters who will often have resistances. " I added columns showing that the damage increase from Discipline and Vaal Discipline is proportionally small even with Generosity (4% and 13% in a normal case). 4% seems like poor value for the reserved mana, and the 13% has downtime and managing it is overhead, and it also takes 3 gem sockets including Increased Duration. I want to try Vaal Discipline more, though, since keeping the totems alive against some bosses is hard. " Dual curse auras with Increased AoE also wouldn't work without reduced mana reservation. " I have the increased AoE nodes, but the curse aura radius is only about as big as the totem cast range, meaning that the other side of the totem circle isn't covered unless I move closer. Increased AoE pushes the radius closer to covering the circle from maximum totem cast range making it easier to keep a safe distance from monsters. I'm not sure if it's really worth it, but the Increased AoE is not wasted. " I use Windscreams, and maybe getting a +1 curse ring could be worth it too. " Vaal Lightning Trap doesn't seem to entirely cover the area, though, so I didn't look at it as an option, but I'll try it, thanks. Last edited by slikts#0909 on Jan 15, 2016, 9:32:18 AM
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Quick question that I didn't see in the original post--if you have 2 RF totems out, with their auras overlapping, do both auras affect enemies such as bosses and the like with a ton of health?
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Not gonna segment and quote but its in order for you.
But here have some maths first XD 1.47 multiplier from level 1/0 vuln -61% from level 20/0 flam -61% from level 20/20 quality EW -50% from EE 100 damage no curses 30% FR 70 damage flam -31% FR 131 damage flam+EW -92% FR 192 damage flam+vuln -31% FR *1.47 192.57 damage EE added flam -81% FR 181 damage flam+ew -142% FR 242 damage flam+vuln -81% FR *1.47 266.07 damage Here is if the mobs have capped 75% resistance (no mobs cant go higher and resist removals are taken from their cap not from the true value of 90% they would have) 100 damage no curses 75% FR =25 damage Flam 14% FR 86 damage Flam+EW -47% FR 147 damage Flam+Vuln 14% FR 126.42 damage EE included No curses 25% FR 75 damage flam -36% FR 136 Damage Flam+EW -97% FR 197 damage Flam+Vuln -36% FR 199.92 damage Rares/bosses/the magical fairies don't have more resist its purely base type that dictates if they have higher resistances or not(or resist ele auras etc) Atziri queen bitch herself only has 30% fire resistance as an example. Resistances are an increase on damage taken, vulnerability is a more multiplier. The only time flam+EW is better is if you don't have EE and are doing a +60% fire resistance map. Now obviously all 3 are better but the choice between the 2 flam+vuln should be your first choice always unless you want to run +fire resistance maps all the time and have a 20/20 Ele weakness gem sitting around. Also as a note the above example uses a 20% quality level 20 EW compared to a level 1 vuln Now to reply to the rest of your post. No its not, going from 70 damage to 131 damage is 87.1% increased damage. Its a scale because of resistances providing a linear damage reduction meaning as you take them away initially its a massive damage boost but the more you take away the less of a damage boost each point provides. Your understanding of the game damage calculation formula is wrong. Vulnerability is not attached to your damage, it is a debuff on the mobs so it is calculated after ALL OTHER damage modifiers are done. Meaning whatever other more multipliers you have attached to your skill gems will work normally, then they in turn will be multiplied by vulnerability. Dual curses with inc aoe is only 98% of your mana reserved with no reduced reservation, I know because I've tried it. EE should never be needed for packs as your clearing so lightning trap covering the entire area is moot point as your only dropping it on bosses or curse immune rares, you shouldn't have the time to do it on anything else as by the time the trap gets there they are dead and you could have just kept running to the next pack :) The spreadsheet is a good effort I have a couple of suggestions though. Reducing the size of each cell so its not as spaced out to make it easier on the eyes for reading. Also including level 22 in your calcs is generally not worth it as that requires level 21 gems AND a corrupted +1 all gems 6 socketed chestpiece (I don't use a tabula so that really doesn't count in my books) Another thing is that dual Doryani's and Lavianga's cant be wielded together so your Total damage increase is off by 30. You also might want to change your listed curse values to properly include 30% increased curse effectiveness that the tree and +10% curse effectiveness that blasphemy has when they are attached to it for a total of 40% increased curse effect. I'm sorry if I come across as a dick I'm not intending to. There is a reason for running everything as I do, not because I felt like it but because its just more efficient. No Ghost sadly the damage does not overlap only one instance of RF (no matter where it comes from if someone else is using RF totems or self cast RF) can be applied to a mob at any one time. -it will always be the highest damage one. Hope this clears up any confusion regarding maths etc Regards, Thraxeus. |
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Level 37, just got whispers of doom, but I cant reserve enough mana for both curses on blasphemy AND run PoF. How are you able to do that?
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