Dual Strike

DarkSkills wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Each weapon's damage is calculated - this includes armour. The totals are summed and applied as a single hit.

Thanks for the reply mark. Just to clarify.

If both weapons hit > Damage is summed and then armor is applied only once to the sum of dmg.

If only 1 hits > damage from 1 is applied to armor.
No, that is the opposite of what I said. Each weapon calculates it's own damage. Armour, by definition, is part of damage calculation.
Once that calculation is done, the totals are summed.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Apr 21, 2013, 10:22:24 PM
I love that you can always learn something new about skills/mechanics :D.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Mark_GGG wrote:
DarkSkills wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Each weapon's damage is calculated - this includes armour. The totals are summed and applied as a single hit.

Thanks for the reply mark. Just to clarify.

If both weapons hit > Damage is summed and then armor is applied only once to the sum of dmg.

If only 1 hits > damage from 1 is applied to armor.
No, that is the opposite of what I said. Each weapon calculates it's own damage. Qrmour, by definition, is part of damage calculation.
Once that calculation is done, the totals are summed.

Then if armor does affect both, isn't that just another reason why elemental has another advantage over physical? I mean I have been told that physical damage sucks, so why would this mechanic work like that =p

I mean seems like the skill is very offensive, yet if both weapons need to pass through armor, while armor is not a flat % reduction, seems a bit weird.

Thanks for replies, and fun game you got. Played d2 hc forever.
So if both weapons have the same crit chance, they will always both crit?
riverwithin wrote:
So if both weapons have the same crit chance, they will always both crit?

There are two rolls for Crits (when using Attacks).

The first roll is done upon activation of the skill, and counts for the entire skill activation. Two weapons with the same Crit Chance will always either both pass or both fail this roll.

The second roll is the 'Crit Confirm' roll, which is a second roll versus Evasion (ie. Chance to Hit roll). Evasion is rolled separately per weapon. If one weapon fails the Crit Confirm roll and the other passes, you will get one regular Hit and one Crit.

Spells do not roll Crit Confirm, they rely only on the first roll.
Vipermagi wrote:
riverwithin wrote:
So if both weapons have the same crit chance, they will always both crit?

There are two rolls for Crits (when using Attacks).

The first roll is done upon activation of the skill, and counts for the entire skill activation. Two weapons with the same Crit Chance will always either both pass or both fail this roll.

The second roll is the 'Crit Confirm' roll, which is a second roll versus Evasion (ie. Chance to Hit roll). Evasion is rolled separately per weapon. If one weapon fails the Crit Confirm roll and the other passes, you will get one regular Hit and one Crit.

Spells do not roll Crit Confirm, they rely only on the first roll.
Yeah, I forgot about the second accuracy test. If they have the same crit chance, they'll both roll a crit or not from crit chance, but each hit must roll evasion again to confirm the crit, and that's separate per hit.
How do I get Qrmmour?

Also while I dislike the fact that DS will apply armour to both weapons I understand the reaosn it does so. I'd take a reduced damage effect on DS if it meant it calculated against armour with the summed damage value though.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
if this is used with one of the weapons being a dagger and other not, which damage calc moment counts for adder's touch? just the dagger's part (pre damage merge) or the total? (post merge, still just "one hit").
Mark_GGG wrote:
No, that is the opposite of what I said. Each weapon calculates it's own damage. Armour, by definition, is part of damage calculation.
Once that calculation is done, the totals are summed.

Damn that's disappointing.
Like it has been pointed out, physical damage has a hard enough time as it is for dex melee builds. I thought DS was a way to compensate. Any chance of tweaking this skill in favour of physical damage???
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
Sorry for bringing back old posts, but this seems totally illogical to me.


Mark_GGG wrote:
IrishKigoi wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Dual strike is a single combined hit, even if both weapons hit the enemy, and thus triggers on-hit effects only once, where Double strike is two separate hits, one after the other.

But Double Strike still only triggers one on-hit correct?
No, Double strike hits twice and on-hit effects will trigger for each. Dual strike hits once for the combined damage of both weapons (unless one/both of them misses), so on-hit effects trigger once, but for the total damage (so more burn damage or chill/freeze/shock duration from the hit than if each had been separate).

another post confirming this

Mark_GGG wrote:
Dual strike only deals damage once, equal to the sum of calculated damage from each weapon. This damage is what causes elemental status effects.


Mark_GGG wrote:
Each weapon hit is calculated separately, then they're combined into single combined damage package. Since stun is part of damage calculation, this is calculated separately for each weapon, and then the combined hit will stun if either of the hits stuns.

Why is stun different from chilled and how is stun part of the damage calculation? Stun and chilled are EFFECTS of an entity TAKING damage (all damage in case of stun, cold damage in case of chilled). Why is total cold damage taken into account when calculating chilled, but only damage each weapon does seperately, when calculating stun?

From the mechanics thread:

Whenever a player or monster takes damage, there is a chance they will be stunned.

Since, like you said, dual strike only deals damage once, then stun should be calculated using total damage dealt.

I would really love a dev to answer this.
Last edited by Endrju82#2201 on May 4, 2013, 6:50:13 PM

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