Blood Rage
"Blood Rage in a Shavronne's build sounds fun as hell. IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
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" Odds are soon as bloodrage is fixed and someone is running around with shavrones chest and a 20% bloodrage it'll be nerfed. |
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Not sure if this has been answered before as there are so many pages to check on but.
Will bloodrage grant frenzy charges if a minion kills an enemy? |
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" Blood rage wont be never fixed sadly. |
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I know my english hard suxx, its not my main language, and my ass in pain, so i tryed my best to explain what i mean, dont get mad if it hard to understand/read...
Bloodrage/Vulnerability/50%regen/Noregen/chaos dmg over time. Is it work right? If you try to consider, On 50% regen maps you cant use it, on VUlnerability maps you cant use it, On NO regen maps you cant use it, on cHaos dmg over time you cant use it (without all regen nods) i mean like WTF? The mostly affixes on maps not able you to use this skill, so this sh1t is for farming Ledge or what? For ledge you dont need something special. Make all skills useless like this then, why only bloodrage? I mean if you wanna go map like 68-69+ you always using alch for roll em, for higher maps you use chaos to get maze/Large/magic monsters etc. And when you get affixes like this you wont reroll map again, its obvious. And 70% of maps you cant use this skill. I mean if all conception of character was builded arround this skill you fcked. WE can take CI chars for example, they have big problems on 50% regen maps, all other maps is fine for em, and i mean they still can go a bit slowly on 50% reg maps but theyr character still work but most of them Range. And Hybrid characters for example (HP+ energy shield) they have trouble on 50% regen maps + chaos dmg maps and most of them range so its fair and fine. But try to back to Melee bloodrage WTF? where is fcking logic? This game is full of range characters and when i say full i mean, THERE IS ONLY RANGERS, why the heck melee unbalanced so hard? I mean you can just imagine , on 50% regen maps you will with melee even without bloodrage cuz your life steal will fkced, Phys res or phys reflect with soem other mods you fcked. I mean start of game melee clasess good , they just good at all, but end game EVERYTHING against melee. You can say YO BITCH use KAOM, buy first this shit arroud 35ex. second if you use Duals you cant use Kaom. Even tanks melee shitter then archers in this game. Do something its stupid... And before you start troll me im not low lvl, im lvl 88 and i already finished all of maps even 77 so i know what im talking about, in 77 maps MELEE JUST FCKING USELESS even white mobs can easy kill you solo Ign Tardiator Last edited by gemstar#3869 on Mar 21, 2013, 10:45:15 PM
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How does blood rage and frenzy interact? If you kill an enemy using frenzy attack, what will happen, anyone know?
Will you will still get the life leech and bonuses from blood rage as long as its up, and the frenzy charges from blood rage will apply to frenzy's bonuses once you start using it? PM me here is best way to contact me. Last edited by ArchersBane#7013 on Mar 22, 2013, 1:39:12 AM
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Blood Rage and Frenzy don't interact, essentially.
If a Frenzy Attack hits, you gain a Frenzy Charge. Frenzy gains additional Damage and Attack Speed based on the amount of Frenzy Charges you have. Frenzy Charges are Frenzy Charges, whether you gain them from Frenzy, Blood Rage or an item. When you kill something while buffed by Blood Rage, you gain a Frenzy Charge. Blood Rage grants Life Leech and deals Chaos damage over time. Nothing more to it. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 22, 2013, 6:13:18 AM
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It seems to me you could abuse this ability with a ranger.
Go high damage build, low health. Use Haste with Blood Magic to get your health to 35%. Use blood rage giving you attack speed bonus if you have a high physical damage bow the life steal will be more than enough to compensate for the health loss. Besides if you get in trouble a health pot will easily regen faster than the chaos dot. |
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" Please fix that, in addition to the fact that Blood Rage Quality's additional life leech is missing when the buff is renewed via killing a mob. ign: Kiyumori , Rhea_Morte
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" So Conduit
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