Blood Rage

I've got 3 main issues with bloodrage

1. bloodrage in groups (i believe has already been mentioned)
Flask refills in groups are buffed up so if you do get a kill you "recuperate" whatever flask refills lost by other player kills
Bloodrage in groups simply gives you one frenzy for your kill. in single player, EVERYTHING is your kill. but for groups, there is a high chance that you will not get the kill unless you're purposely stalling to do the last hit

i believe bloodrage is about killing thing in a mindless rage while balancing your life. not getting into gamerrage coz you cant last hit anything.

2. visual effect of bloodrage
pardon me when I say this but the "bloody" aura given by blood rage is kind of dull. it does not portray bloodlust but just makes my character look diseased (in my opinion that is). the biggest issue with bloodrage's visual is it is hard to see at "shaded" areas which casts shadows onto the character. it makes it hard to see.

i know there is a clocktimer but when i'm busy trying to stay alive, i would have no time to check the timer. and it sometimes gets me stuck in tough situations where i flicker strike to kill a weak mob thinking i'll get a frenzy charge but later find out that that my bloodrage has timed out.

3. lack of low life insurance

i'm running a CI build so this does not effect me but for non CI builds, the first thing i will be thinking when i'm on low life would be "oh sht oh sht oh sht need to run" instead of "oh yeah! my attack speed increased!". Why? if it was that easy to get us down to lowlife, then it would be much easier to get us to nolife!

My suggestions:
1. Modify the skill so that instead of "whenever you kill an enemy" use "whenever an enemy is killed within the vicinity"

2. Make blood rage more visible. Maybe add a persistant sound effect such as a rumble, personally i prefer a persistant "aaaaaah" (hard to explain, just use quake 1's scrag for reference). near the end of the duration have some sound effect to indicate the time is running out. oh and if the character shouts after each kill it would be awesome too - also indicates the timer has refreshed. custom animation/effect for blood rage ? i'd buy that! come on!

3. in most games which has "on low life" they also have "on low life gain large benefit to defense". this is the main difference which gives the people confidence to go on. getting hit on purpose to gauge the enemies strength and continue engaging them on while on low health with confidence that their added defense/resistances + lifesteal/aspd will keep them alive.
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With Leech and/or Life Gain on Hit, that large IAS boost is a defensive boost. :)
Coincidentally, Blood Rage grants you the former.

As for "if it was that easy to get us down to lowlife, then it would be much easier to get us to nolife!"... By far the most common way to benefit from Low Life bonuses, is to be at Low Life permanently. An Aura linked to a Blood Magic support gem can easily keep you at 35% Life or lower, meaning you don't have to be beat up first to benefit.
The reason for that is, if monsters are strong enough to get you to Low Life, you shouldn't be at Low Life in the first place (as you also mention). A character built around being on Low Life, however, will take countermeasures to being stomped. Simply having a higher Life pool means you have more Life left while at Low Life, and you probably take more defensive stuff elsewhere.

I don't think Blood Rage really needs anything to make Low Life safer, especially because it already indirectly does so.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Warlyik wrote:
This is related to the same bug that causes its duration to not inherit the duration gem's additional buff to the ability. Basically, this is shit coding. For some reason, all it's doing when it refreshes is it's taking a copy of the ORIGINAL, unmodded, un-quality'd ability and applying that.. rather than actually looking at what the user has. Not sure how lazy shit like this gets through.
Because for a huge number of sensible and reasonable reasons, that's what we can do with the engine without having to make a bunch of special exceptions to how things are done only for one skill, and all those exceptions take a lot of time. This is a minor bug which simply can't be prioritised because it's much less important than a lot of other bugs.
If you (the engine) are not prepared to support (make it work) the skill mechanics, then why did you release it at all? I mean, the bugs with other external supports and passives are acceptable to happen, the visual bugs (as annoying as they can be) of permanent marble visuals when affected with ailments are somehow acceptable, but the skill not even working on its own and breaking its quality properties? Either you take the time to fix it, you release another version that works on it's own or you don't release it in the first time, that's ridiculous. There may be other bugs more important, but a bug that renders half the usefulness of a skill useless is not a minor bug.

PS: Sorry about my tone, it's nothing personal, and I can accept you having a lot of bugs to run through, I can accept you don't have time for this one right now, but saying this is minor when it strips almost half the characteristics of a full developed gem is laughable at best. Best of luck in your buglist hunt and I hope you guys get to this bug in a reasonable time.
Last edited by Aerinx#3901 on Mar 11, 2013, 1:38:42 AM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Warlyik wrote:
This is related to the same bug that causes its duration to not inherit the duration gem's additional buff to the ability. Basically, this is shit coding. For some reason, all it's doing when it refreshes is it's taking a copy of the ORIGINAL, unmodded, un-quality'd ability and applying that.. rather than actually looking at what the user has. Not sure how lazy shit like this gets through.
Because for a huge number of sensible and reasonable reasons, that's what we can do with the engine without having to make a bunch of special exceptions to how things are done only for one skill, and all those exceptions take a lot of time. This is a minor bug which simply can't be prioritised because it's much less important than a lot of other bugs.

If fixing the current behavior is too complex to do in the near term could you temporarily change the effect of quality to something that's not effected by the current engine limitation? Since I don't recall seeing my mana drop by 23-25 points each time I got a frenzy charge I think applying quality to mana cost to cast it would work.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?

I am just curious if Blood rages chaos damage is affected by the chaos minuses' per difficulty?

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
a large part of the last 3 pages already answered that, yes it does get affected.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Warlyik wrote:
This is related to the same bug that causes its duration to not inherit the duration gem's additional buff to the ability. Basically, this is shit coding. For some reason, all it's doing when it refreshes is it's taking a copy of the ORIGINAL, unmodded, un-quality'd ability and applying that.. rather than actually looking at what the user has. Not sure how lazy shit like this gets through.
Because for a huge number of sensible and reasonable reasons, that's what we can do with the engine without having to make a bunch of special exceptions to how things are done only for one skill, and all those exceptions take a lot of time. This is a minor bug which simply can't be prioritised because it's much less important than a lot of other bugs.

Sounds like an excuse.

My opinion is that your coding must be some convoluted crap if it can't handle scaling buffs/debuffs. How many games handle them properly? Tons? Did you guys try and re-invent the wheel or something and fail?

I don't see what could be so complicated about fixing this. Seriously, I don't. It doesn't seem like something that could take more than 10 minutes to fix.

Anyway, it makes zero sense to create a gem quality system and not actually test/make sure that the quality aspect actually works properly for them.
IGN = Warlyik
Warlyik wrote:
Did you guys try and re-invent the wheel or something and fail?

Oooor maybe it's not a finished product.
Aerinx wrote:
If you (the engine) are not prepared to support (make it work) the skill mechanics, then why did you release it at all? I mean, the bugs with other external supports and passives are acceptable to happen, the visual bugs (as annoying as they can be) of permanent marble visuals when affected with ailments are somehow acceptable, but the skill not even working on its own and breaking its quality properties? Either you take the time to fix it, you release another version that works on it's own or you don't release it in the first time
Blood rage worked perfectly when it was released. It was released before increased duration support gem existed, and before gems having quality was even a concept. The addition of these systems - which hadn't been thought of at the time of blood rage being implemented required - impose additional requirements into an system which previously completed everything it could be required to.
Eventually, we can upgrade these systems to handle more, but what you'rte suggesting is that when we made the increased duration support we should have completely removed blood rage, despite it not loosing any functionality and doing everything it used to do.

Blood rage refreshes by adding the same level of blood rage buff. It can't gain specific stats from a specific blood rage skill because there are (potentially) multiple skills and no way to tell which is the one that caused this particular buff. This is another system that was added after blood rage (previously you could only have one of each skill).

This is how interconnected systems are developed, especially in beta. We didn't fail to release the increased duration gem because there was one minor skill that it couldn't work with due to currently limitations. Same for gem quality. And we didn't remove and otherwise perfectly working skill because new functionality couldn't work with it (yet). We leave it and make sure to improve it when we have the time and resources, upgrading how blood rage refreshes to allow it to interact with the new systems added since it was implemented. In the mean time, almost all of blood rage works - it just fails to interact with two things that hadn't been thought of when it was created. Many players won't use increased duration on blood rage, and many don't have quality gems.

Ranged attack totem can't work with poison arrow. That doesn't mean the right move, in an unfinished, beta product, would be to have never released the ranged attack totem until after the upcoming stats refactor that will allow this. The correct thing to do was disable the combination for now, release the gem which works in every other case, and continue to receive useful and important feedback about all those other cases in the meantime. The same applies to blood rage.

Aerinx wrote:
PS: Sorry about my tone, it's nothing personal, and I can accept you having a lot of bugs to run through, I can accept you don't have time for this one right now, but saying this is minor when it strips almost half the characteristics of a full developed gem is laughable at best.
This is a bug that it affects only some use cases for only one skill, and the skill still maintains the rest of it's functionality. It doesn't crash, lag, cause abuse cases or degrade in any way the user experience of other players who don't specifically use this gem with modifiers above the base gem effect for it's level. Fixing it requires upgrading systems to feature requirements that have changed over time, and this will take time and resources. Yes, this is a minor bug, and fixing it before major bugs which do do those things, and in several cases can be fixed more easily and faster, would be wrong.

Some potential changes were discussed internally today which would, among other things, allow the refresh of the buff to access the full skill stats. But there are significant hurdles to overcome, and other things need to be prioritised.
Mark_GGG wrote:

about poison arrow not working with RAT... someone else from GGG said that the combo was disabled due to it doing more damage than you wanted, not due to it not working. which is the case, really?
IGN Macesaremanttofly
Last edited by rogueyoshi#3646 on Mar 12, 2013, 4:03:57 AM

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