Blood Rage

rogueyoshi wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:

about poison arrow not working with RAT... someone else from GGG said that the combo was disabled due to it doing more damage than you wanted, not due to it not working. which is the case, really?

When it does more damage than intenden with RAT -> It doesn't work as intended -> Doesn't Work

“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
note, he just said it can't work, not that it doesn't
IGN Macesaremanttofly
Mark_GGG wrote:
Blood rage worked perfectly when it was released. It was released before increased duration support gem existed, and before gems having quality was even a concept. The addition of these systems - which hadn't been thought of at the time of blood rage being implemented required - impose additional requirements into an system which previously completed everything it could be required to.
Eventually, we can upgrade these systems to handle more, but what you're suggesting is that when we made the increased duration support we should have completely removed blood rage, despite it not loosing any functionality and doing everything it used to do.
I see now that it was my fault not knowing the whole story behind the skill and I assumed some things without considering that possibility - about the systems not in place when the skill was released, I missed the closed beta period -, I'm sorry and I apologize for that. In any case I considered the interaction with supports a different matter as it would be harder to test every skill with those and knowing what I know now what I would recommend would be changing the quality to something that works instead of giving it a property that doesn't work, as I said interaction with supports is another issue much more understandable, but never mind it's not my decision to make.

Mark_GGG wrote:
Some potential changes were discussed internally today which would, among other things, allow the refresh of the buff to access the full skill stats. But there are significant hurdles to overcome, and other things need to be prioritised.
I'm glad to see it's already on the horizon even if it may take some time to come, anyways thanks for your reply giving me a little more perspective and excuse again my ignorance in this matter.
Last edited by Aerinx#3901 on Mar 12, 2013, 6:14:14 PM
Bump, proud owner of 20% blood rage here just checking in to see if and when you decide to fix the games inability to apply the full benefit of quality on the reapplication of the skill on killing blow.

If you cannot / are unwilling to allocate resources to this type of fix in the near future can you please consider increasing the duration of the initial buff in the meantime? (Happily revert it when a fix is finally released) The workaround is to simply self cast the buff constantly which gets pretty old when you've been doing it every 13.20 seconds for a month now.

Thanks for your time Mark
Last edited by trailslayer#7721 on Mar 13, 2013, 2:46:19 PM
I just want to know, if I use blood rage while wearing shavrones wrappings unique chest, is the chaos damage still going to be applied to my hp or to my energy shield? Cause if it was applied to my energy shield I could just keep my hp pool low so that when reserved I barely have any hp and 6% of hp drain on my energy shield would be nothing.
Shavronnes quite clearly states that all chaos damage is applied to your energy shield.
Mark please, fix blood rage. I maxed my gem with my currency for 10% life leech, not for 6%.

I failed wasting my gcp in this gem, so bad
I have a question about the Chaos damage.

Does it do the same amount of damage regardless of my Chaos Resistance? Or does it do more damage than the % it says on the skill if I have negative chaos resist?
Gyeff // Greff // Gyaff
it'll do more damage if you have negative chaos res. this was mentioned a few times on this thread.
Bump for priority this neccesary fix

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