[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]
" Im a bit surprised leech isnt an issue with your new build. Arent you splitting your damage now AND using very minimal leech? EDIT: Avatar of Fire, I see now. Do you no longer chill/Freeze when all your damage is now Fire damage though? Your tooltip dps though is freakishly high I got to say. May have to look into trying this for myself as well. (the updated version) I'm learning though that swapping out a Perandus Ring for a Vendors is a HUGE loss of Int...but still may go through with it for MFing. This game is much more fun when items drop. Prylos // RoA Marauder 89+ My godly belt collection - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/334226 Mapping Discussion - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/361880/page/1 Last edited by Okanitu#3600 on Jul 28, 2015, 7:11:34 PM
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" Yeah avatar of fire with cold to fire is 100% conversion. Otherwise I wouldn't be happy splitting my damage for fire penetration purposes. Also swap belt for fire leech is needed. Icestorm still creates chilled ground as thats part of the skill like artic breath so really the thing that has changed is the freeze part which now ignites. Now this does mean less defence cause freezing is good defence but the extra damage is reeeally nice and the things that would get frozen tend to just die now anyway. Ah yes this build isn't really setup for MFing. I would use my windripper build for that. I'm pushing it for max clearspeed as faster clear = more items overall. Also the 6% increased experience is pretty impactful for leveling gems. My offhand on every character is always with 6% increased exp from the rings these gems go through and eventually you get to vaal them into a level 4 gem worth 50ex ish |
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very interesting take on the fire version. would love to see new videos.
IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain
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" I'll second this ^^^^ |
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Ok, so I bought a fire dory belt in preparation for switching to the fire version. Problem (unless I'm forgetting something).... How are you capping your fire resistance? With the cold dory belt my resists were balanced and capped. Now not so much. Granted my purity of elements is only level 18 so I'll pick up a few more points but I'm sitting at 60% fire resists now and need to get to 81 minimum I think. My purity of fire is already 20. I could probably switch it to my Vertex and gain another level. Still going to be short though. Are you picking up some in a jewel slot? Just curious how you're doing it. Thanks.
Last edited by urgatorbait#3706 on Jul 28, 2015, 9:22:47 PM
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" Eureka! You're taking Fire Walker in witch area. That should get me real close I think. ....and I was at 68% not 60 as I originally indicated. Last edited by urgatorbait#3706 on Jul 28, 2015, 9:27:31 PM
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Ok, finally switched to fire version to see how it is. New Dory fire belt... check. Staff recolored RRRBBG.... check. Passives swapped out..... check. New Brute Force Solution jewel socketed on far left of tree.... check.
I did have to spec out of the cold/lightning nodes for now since I am determined to keep my life/ES wheel using the Energy From Within jewel northeast of Scion. Resists are back to cap. The new strength-to-int jewel gave me exactly 90 additional int! which resulted in 259 more ES, 90 more mana (not that I needed it), damage on ice spear went up almost 200. Still have several gems that are not fully leveled and/or not at max quality so I will work on those as soon as possible. So far so good but haven't tested it in maps yet. The lack of freezing mobs is tentatively making me skittish but hopefully things will be alright. |
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@urgatorbait I'm glad you figured out your resistances. Yeah the elemental walker nodes are great damage and resistances value.
I also specced out of the cold/lightning nodes and have now removed them from the build. They were mainly gotton for the mana regen at the end as they calc out to be 14.3% damage per node. This isn't bad but isn't anywhere near as impressive as the new snowforged nodes which with avatar to fire is 25.3% damage per node. The mana regen isn't needed anymore due to the level 7 clarity (thanks for that) Yeah I also want to get my gems leveled and quality for those damage boosts. I've uploaded a new gorge clear in the updated section can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw2SVrwPTL8 |
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I find this spec to be particularly interesting. So interesting that i went out and bought myself a whispering ice staff on the spot! I wasn't disappointed :)
Tree(s) level 83
**note, i haven't gotten the skill points in normal and cruel yet. Also i and missing many jewels. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMABAcFQg18DkgQWBFQEZYVUBcvGmwagRslHRQdTx8CH8cnqSo4KlMsnCymLR8tiy9vNAo1uTbFN2Y8BT1fQZZGcUuuTLNQQlF0UlNV1lxrXIpd8l8qX2pfsGTnbRlvnnC7e9d_xoCkgpuDCYRIhMWHZYw2j0aP-pDWkyeVIJf0mjuboZu1na6f36IuoqOmmacIpyuus6-Nr5uycLQMvorAZsHFwfPDOsNtykrK09DQ0PXVptgk2RPZW9-K37DkIukC6rrr5OwY7TzvfPfX-tI=?accountName=lDantonl&characterName=Dark_Culling Planning to change my tree to this (which i will need 2 BFS) Final level 90 crit tree Aura Calculation With my tree i have approx. 1100 int and 7k ES. One major difference is my use of Warlord's Mark. The fire leech on our belt is nice, but add Warlord's on CWDT + self cast and you've got yourself some seriously reliable life & mana leech with endurance charge generation to boot. In my tree, i was considering the removal of the crit nodes at the witch start (going for more crit multi instead maybe?) and the mana regen nodes down by the scion start. IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain Last edited by lDantonl#7148 on Jul 29, 2015, 2:16:24 PM
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@lDantonl cool man I'm glad you're enjoying the build
Tree looks cool, going crit I see. Something I considered a few times but always wanted the higher ES the Int nodes give, I'm at 8747 and want to hit that 9k mark. I think the most efficient crit nodes to start with would be the serpent's stance staff ones I would say that in the Templar area you grab the 4% aoe, 3% cast speed and 8% elemental nodes which I find horribly not efficient and I tend to go around those using the Int nodes instead which I really like. Since I've started running a lowlevel clarity I need less mana regen so I've also decided to cull the Righteous Decree and Sanctity from the build and now also go grab Vaal pact. I can't convince myself to change fire penetration into life leech though as it loses me too much damage. Warlords mark is a good plan. I keep thinking about those setups but I'm really enjoying leveling all these gems up to get level 21 versions of them. I'm greedy like that I use that site to check my auras will fit but didn't think anyone would need a link. Here is one if interested Aura Setup
https://poe.mikelat.com/#yexSuj/a38p=xb/7oPp7s/vnc For anyone following my build here is the latest version of the tree. Since it no longer gets Storm weaver its 1 point more efficient to go the top route the straight left from the witch but its only 1 point better so probably not worth the regrets for those who are already specced. Tree
http://poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMADXwOSBBYEQ8RUBGWFVAW8xcvGYobJRzcHRQdTx8YH8cksCY8J6kpTyo4KlMreCycLKYtHy2LL28vnTLRNAo1uTdmOw08BT1fRUdGcUuuTLNQQlF0UftSKVJTVeBYWlxrXIpd8l8qX2pfsGJaZlRtGW-ecLt0VXvXf8aApIKbgwmESITFhXuHZYw2jumPGo9Gj_qQ1pMnlSCXBpf0m6GbtaEvoi6io6aZpwinK6yYr42vm7JwtAy1BL6KwGbBxcHzwzrDbcSiykrK080W0B_Q0NWm2RPZW9-K35jfsOQi6QLquuvu7BjsOO987-v31_rS |
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