[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]

This build really looked interesting so during the character reset I decided to quickly get my hands on a Whispering Ice and change my Mjolnir to this and I am quite liking it.

I did change the tree slightly a bit to sync with what I prefer (more damage) but has a generally decently high ES. I do not have Enlighten on me running but I do plan on getting more so I can actually make use of Pain Attunement as right now I can only either run Hearld of Ice or Purity of Fire. I do not specifically see an issue with mana as of right now because the mana does come back just enough to use it again, but I do sometimes hear that I am running out of mana, but it does not bother me.

I tried playing around with the coloring attempting for BBBGGG because I wanted to swap out the Iron Will for a highly levelled Culling Strike instead. I believe this might provide you more damage, and just culling striking everything would be pretty awesome for clear speed. Ignore the CwDt, I set that up only for those stupid Physical Ranged mobs so that Frost Wall can block their projectiles. Culling Strike is only in there for the lols, haven't decided what skill I want to put in for the last slot of CwDt set-up

Current Gearing

Current Tree - Level 85

I did drop the Asenath's Gentle Touch Gloves for Maligaro's instead. I do have a legacy version so it is quite stronger than the normal ones. I did not feel comfortable running Voidbringer because of the extra mana costs, so I decided to run with Maligaro's instead for the Crit Multiplier. I decided to take Snowforged simply for the sake of more cold damage and crit chance.

As of right now I only have 1,309 Int but because of the Snowforged and the crit chance I can do 1683 avg per hit with Increase AoE. With Concentrated Effect I get 2609 per hit, which I believe is quite high. After I get 3 more levels I do plan on getting Annihilation for more crit & crit multiplier, then move on to get Path of the Savant for a bit more energy shield (I estimate around to have around 8k ES) when I get it which is fair enough for me. I am still missing 1 Brute Force Solution Jewel (costing me about 10 Int). I am also currently unsure if I should use the Jewel below or a Brute Force Solution Jewel at the mid-top of the Witch tree, as the Brute Force Solution Jewel will only provide Int instead and does not benefit from its Str -> Int mod. I might be planning on make my own Jewel with Spell Damage, Cold Damage, with either mana gained on hit (For those running Voidbringer and having mana issues) OR energy shield gained on hit to provide a decent sustain to your energy shield without leech.

Planned Future Tree

This my planned future tree. It has crit instead and more cold damage, but scarifices 30 Int in the tree and 1 Jewel Node. I am unsure if this is the correct path to go, but I feel confident because I like critting. Any critiques or helpful tips would be greatly appreciated because I am not sure if I am going down the correct path.
Last edited by lazydude1#6550 on Jul 29, 2015, 11:41:05 PM
I swaped out some mana regen and put 3 points towards devotion which gives me 30 int 14% max life and 3% extra effect on auras. If you need the regen, devotion is better than sancitty so you can swap that out for much better effect.

For non curse immune bosses Im trying out flamability/ frostbite (depending on what build Im running) with my flame golem.

Im not a fan of the life leech and vaal pact considering we only have the belt so I havnt gone there yet and probably wont.

@Googatron I would highly reccomend you check the updated version of the tree in the "updated" section of the main page as I have dropped sanctity as well. I disagree with devotion though as thats spending 3 points and getting 30 Int for life (useless) and 3% increased buff effect. 30 Int for 3 points is not better then just travel nodes and 3% buff effect isn't much.

The life leech vaal pact part is there so that if you want to run something danvgerous you can swap in life leech gem and be really safe. It adds flexability to the build. Can easily skip it though.

@urgatorbait Nice gem! I would exalt it and hope for a int/strength roll to make it perfect.


Before I had enlighten I just didn't run herald of ice and used a lower level blood magic to get down into pain attunement range.

Culling strike wouldn't work well at my current damage level (3700 or 6000 with conc effect) as it takes an average of 2 hits to kill and they don't get into that range

I think your underestimating the amount of damage that Int gives for this build but I would recommend looking at the updated build in the "updated" section as you can be a bit more efficient in your nodes. If you are running out of mana I would run a low level clarity on mana. With your huge pool you can level it up quite a bit for big regen.

I will be updating the build to have a crit tree option later tonight

@Glull Thank you very much for reminding me. The atziri promise flask was pre avatar of fire and need to update the build
Stop reffering to your vids, link your fucking gear in the thread instead!

Tzaina wrote:
Stop reffering to your vids, link your fucking gear in the thread instead!

Umm refering to my vids? I think I did that once when people asked for me to make a new video... I have two copies of my gear in my main post from what I was using at those points and did another one in these discussions.

I honestly don't know what you are asking for there

EDIT: Ok I think I can see how you could have gotten confused. I've reformatted the main page to make it easier to navigate
Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Jul 30, 2015, 8:35:56 AM
Update on my level 83 version



Stats: 8k ES 1300 Intelligence

My version requires no enlightens, but will transition to them once acquired.

Seriously considering dropping Herald of Ice in favor of Arctic Armour (since we get physical mitigation and fire mitigation to help against reflect)

Warlord's Mark is essential in this build imo, giving incredible life leech for vaal pact, mana leech which smooths out our regen, and endurance charges for more physical mitigation.
I have 2 types of warlords, one cast when damage taken and one on manual cast.
IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain
Last edited by lDantonl#7148 on Jul 30, 2015, 8:16:35 AM
WaffleT wrote:
Tzaina wrote:
Stop reffering to your vids, link your fucking gear in the thread instead!

Umm refering to my vids? I think I did that once when people asked for me to make a new video... I have two copies of my gear in my main post from what I was using at those points and did another one in these discussions.

I honestly don't know what you are asking for there

EDIT: Ok I think I can see how you could have gotten confused. I've reformatted the main page to make it easier to navigate

I´m sorry, Apparently the page bugged out on my browser or something.

Was no gear, only you reffering to the vids.

Love the build however, really really interesting stuff. About to do it on Tempest tonight!
lDantonl wrote:
Update on my level 83 version



Stats: 8k ES 1300 Intelligence

My version requires no enlightens, but will transition to them once acquired.

Seriously considering dropping Herald of Ice in favor of Arctic Armour (since we get physical mitigation and fire mitigation to help against reflect)

Warlord's Mark is essential in this build imo, giving incredible life leech for vaal pact, mana leech which smooths out our regen, and endurance charges for more physical mitigation.
I have 2 types of warlords, one cast when damage taken and one on manual cast.

Build Looks good to me man. Can't help but notice that you've gotton the two +30 to strength nodes before the jewels at the top that would convert them into +30 Int nodes. Why is that?

Yeah I started going that route getting those reduced mana nodes and slowly removed them as my enlighten leveled up to level 3. Have just added that explanation into the main page actually.

I also considered Artic armour. If death or reflect was an issue I would certainly be running it as you are standing still while casting

I totally agree with warlords mark. I will eventually swap into running one of that but enjoying just leveling gems for now. I want me a level 21 discipline damit :P
WaffleT wrote:

Build Looks good to me man. Can't help but notice that you've gotton the two +30 to strength nodes before the jewels at the top that would convert them into +30 Int nodes. Why is that?

Yeah I started going that route getting those reduced mana nodes and slowly removed them as my enlighten leveled up to level 3. Have just added that explanation into the main page actually.

I also considered Artic armour. If death or reflect was an issue I would certainly be running it as you are standing still while casting

I totally agree with warlords mark. I will eventually swap into running one of that but enjoying just leveling gems for now. I want me a level 21 discipline damit :P

The 30 str nodes are for iron will atm, and they will eventually become int nodes with the proper jewels (so no real reason).

The build is really strong though, can solo basically any map no problems (baring blood magic)

The skill lags me (and party members) somewhat. That's my only problem with the build so far.

I will do some testing with AA to get a feel for the sustainability it provides. If it's no good, then ill switch back to HoI

My finished crit tree will be this
IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain
Last edited by lDantonl#7148 on Jul 30, 2015, 9:28:05 AM
Tzaina wrote:
Stop reffering to your vids, link your fucking gear in the thread instead!

How about you not be a complete ass-clown. What is wrong with a person who can't, for one brief moment, present him or herself in a polite and civil way. If you have an issue with how the OP presented something then why not state it with tact. Waffle has done nothing but be polite and provide the community with plenty of great info and testing/ refinement of his build. If you can't be respectful then I'd suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself. You act like a 12 year old trying to be all bad ass for the first time.
a +30 Str node with Iron will is 30/5 = 6% damage which is pretty sucky for a node. I wouldn't grab them before converting them into Int but no biggie.

Also I would grab Doomcast over Arcane potency, your crit chance isn't going to be high enough that the 20% more crit muti from those three is better than the 50% more crit chance that the doomcast cluster gives. Hmm at least I think so, I haven't crunched those numbers.

let me know how AA turns out for you :)

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