[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]
Empower and Enhance have no effect on Icestorm as it has no level 2 nor quality bonus.
It would be neat though. I like empower as a gem |
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Also I'm currently testing the fire version of this build. So far I'm very happy with the results. It has more damage then previously as the cold to fire gem now has a juicy 30% more mutiplyer and 20% increased damage quality bonus. Also the snowforged node in the tree double dips for 50% increased damage in 1 node. Big damage increase from before.
Current Gear/gems
(curse gone from shavs as no longer create explosions, leveling 2 other gems in place. Even without curse the current DPS with unleveled gems is greater then old setup with 3 frenzy charges from the curse) New Tree
http://poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMABAcNfA5IEFgRLRFQEZYVUBbzFy8abBslHNwdFB1PHxgfxySwJjwnqSlPKjgqUyt4LJwspi0fLYsvby-dNAo1uTdmPAU9X0VHRnFLrkyzUEJRdFH7UilSU1XgWFpca1yKXfJfKl9qX7BmVGjybRlvnnC7e9d8S3yDf8aApIKbgwmESITFhXuHZYw2jumPGo9Gj_qQ1pMnlSCWdJf0m6GbtZ2uoS-iLqKjppmnCKcrr42vm7JwtAy1BLaGvorAZsHFwfPDOsNtykrK080W0B_Q0NWm2RPZW9-K37DkIukC6rrr5Ovu7BjsOO0g73zv6_fX-tI= Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Jul 28, 2015, 6:57:42 PM
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Hi there. Thanks for sharing this build. I've been having fun with it so far but still getting going and refining a bit. Also haven't done any real high level stuff so far. I find the build to be fun and powerful. The only questions/concerns I have so far is how you seem to have over 1300 int in the video you posted and I only have barely 1100. The only obvious thing that jumps out at me is that you are level 99 and I am 90 and that you are using a few jewels to convert the +30 str and dex nodes to int. I am not doing that - at least not yet. Otherwise I think our trees are identical except where you go left off the "avoid stuns while casting" nodes (+10 str and +10 int) and I connect by grabbing an extra 8% mana and +10 int north of the witch by the power charge nodes.
My tree and gear are below. I am not using the Voidbringer gloves but rather already had these from another build. The double curse on hit with Temporal Chains and Elemental Weakness is too good to pass up for now. I've also been messing with my 6L chest for the best defensive setup. I use CWDT > Frost Wall > Flame Golem > Phase Run > Inc Cold Dmg > Inc Duration. This may not be ideal but I've been hesitant to recolor my 5-off Shav's. I really want to use Decoy Totem in there but just learned it no longer works with CWDT. The Frost Wall is nice defensively as is Phase Run (especially with inc duration) as it gives a nice span of time to get things back under control. The Flame Golem and Cold Dmg were just what made sense given my colors. Really wish there was a reliable way to get a Fortify cast in there but best I could see was a 40% (with quality) chance using one of the newer trigger gems with Fortify. If anyone has some suggestions for a good defensive setup for a spare 6L please share it. I may even recolor if I have to. My Gear and Gem Links
My Tree Last night I finally recolored and swapped out Inc Duration for Faster Casting as the delay in being able to move after casting was driving me a bit nuts. The other thing that I have difficulty wrapping my head around with the Voidbringers is how you would possibly sustain the mana cost with it being 80% more. Even without Voidbringers I am technically not able to fully sustain constant casting. If I run Clarity (which I can do in addition to the auras you state) I can sustain fully but every once in a rare while I'll hear the out of mana voice - maybe if I'm being leeched or something. But not a big deal. Without Clarity I have a bigger mana pool (obviously) but have to back off my casts for a split second out of every 10-15 seconds - again, no big deal. So with that in mind, I have no idea how you would use Voidbringers. It would be like 200 mana per cast or something close to that. Anyways, these are my thoughts for now. Keep up the good work - really enjoying this build. |
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Hello urgatorbait I'm glad your having fun with the build. In my video I was actually only level 84 but yes I did have much more int, the reason was this was just my I highly prioritised it in the tree.
Your tree has spent 2 points to grab the leadership aura reserved node while I used 1 point as got the one next to sovereignty at the top. You have gotton the melding life/es nodes which I didn't get (I'm assuming your using the Energy From Within unique jewel to make those nodes efficient which while giving more es would also lower your Int) Pathing through the mana at the top is another 17 Int difference taking 8% increased mana over the 10 int node. You grabbed double curse (I can see why with those gloves being pretty easy combo) while in my video that was only a planned future venture which I dropped when I swapped gloves. Finally you have not yet gotton the furthest left jewel that converts all the strength from those nodes into Int. That is the biggest Int giving jewel of them all. When I hit level 90 I had 1500 Int. Still at 90 I'm now at 1450 Int as I lost some converting the fire version of this build (see above) to increase my damage output I swapped to voidbringer when I started using Iron Will in my setup. Iron Will has no mana mutiplyer so its kind of like only needing to support a 5 support version. With that I was not able to spam it infinity just long enough that everything would die and then it would recharge while running between packs. I currently have also swapped a gem into cold to fire gem which has a tiny 110% mutiplyer so also much easier to sustain then the ones like 160% on conc effect. |
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Your CWDT setup seems pretty good. I would swap out added cold damage for either enhance or blind (if your keeping as green gems) though as none of the things in your setup are really doing damage Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Jul 28, 2015, 5:01:40 PM
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" Yes, I'm using the Energy From Within jewel which ends up being 41% more ES which really helps get it to respectable levels. " If I'm following you on this, that would be 30 strength converted to int which with our bonuses would be an additional 51 int? " I'll have to look into switching as well - it seems like it would only require a few regrets to do so - haven't thought if there are any significant hiccups with recoloring gear. " So are you still using life leech in your staff or no? If no, how is that working out for you? Is the .2% cold leech from the bely along with the ES on kill from Voidbringers enough? Just curious. I get very uncomfortable not using LL any time I've tried it. |
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" I did try blind very briefly. Enhance is something I didn't think of although mine is only level 2 (I think). Might give that a go. Going to make a few minor tweaks and see if I can find the sweet spot. Still have two jewel slots I've taken that don't have jewels yet and also have two passive points not spent as well. Fun times ahead. Anxious to hear more about your cold to fire experiences as you have them. :) |
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" yeah they average out to 8.1% Es per node which is above average. because I have Voidbringer I have 8.5k ES without the need to go for pure ES nodes and I just can't resist the double value the Int gives " It converts 30 strength surrounding nodes into Int as well as the 20ish Int the gem itself gives which is then 50*1.7= 85 Int " Haha Yeah I've poured a few hundred chromes and more regrets into this build then any other. I'm really enjoying trying all the different ways it can work though its a good experience for me trying a new thing " Nah I havn't used life leech gem on this build ever. I'm a fan of the best defence is a good offence. The .2% leech from the cold or fire belt (depending of version of build running) is enough to keep topped up and most things die before hurting you. my current level 90 tooltip average hit is 3308 standard setup with Fire pen and hypothermia that don't show up in tooltip With the conc effect gem instead of faster casting it goes up to 5335 I would like to thank you very much for reminding me of clarity though. I had removed it so early in the design of this build that I had forgotten about it. Running a level 7 one now and it easily squeezes into the build and will make those 40% less mana regen maps far more pleasant Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Jul 28, 2015, 5:59:36 PM
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" Hehe, glad to help. It's the least I can do for all the help you've given me through this post/build :) |
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Having a blast with this build and using spell totem frost wall in this setup:
It gives so much safety and the beauty is Ice Storm can cast over and past the other side. Ignore the GMP in there as i'm just leveling it. Another setup I tried which I quite liked is the same but with GMP + Freeze pulse (suppose you can also use Ice nova + increased AOE) as you throw out as far out in front of you and it starts procing Temporal chains on everything before its even on your screen. IGN: Munkehboi
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