Translation Preview 2 (FR, DE, PT)
Some more opinions:
Eramir, on the Baleful Gem
Zeigt mir den Edelstein aus der Kammer der Sünden. Er erinnert mich an einen Tugend-Edelstein, ähnlich denen, die Ihr bereits Euer Eigen nennt. Dennoch passt er ganz eindeutig nicht in Eure Standardausrüstung. Schaut Euch nur die Farbe an. Spürt die Energie, die aus ihm herausströmt. Maligaro hatte sicher vieles im Sinn, als er dieses Kleinod herstellte, doch ganz bestimmt keine Tugenden.
Quite nice. Perhaps "Juwel" would be better than "Edelstein". Edelstein is such a long word and, well, an "Edelstein" can also be the raw form, wheras the gems are clearly refined "Ddelsteine". You also need jeweller's orbs to make sockets for them, so they must be jewels = Juwele
Eramir, on the Bandit Lords
Diese Banditen, auf die Ihr da draußen gestoßen seid ... sie sind der Abschaum von Oriath. Und wie bei jeder Brühe treiben die widerlichsten Stückchen an die Oberfläche. Die Diebesfürsten ... Eik, Kraityn und Alira ... die selbst ernannten Monarchen des Waldes. Kraityn im Osten. Alira im Westen. Eik im Norden. Und dieses Dorf, dieser Stamm ... zahlt ihnen Steuern. Ich würde niemals behaupten, das Leben in Wraeclast sei einfach, aber ohne diese drei ... nun ja, wäre ein Leben hier durchaus möglich.
Has already been said: Oak = Eik = why? Either leave the name or make it Eich(e). Eik is a sort of awkward middle ground between leaving the name as is and translating it.
Yeena, on the Golden Hand
Der Geist ist stark in Grimmschrein. Wenn Ihr die Steine berührt, werdet Ihr es spüren. Sie haben zu mir gesprochen und mir befohlen, ihren Altar zu holen und die Hand eines guten Menschen zu finden. Er lebte in dieser „Kirche“, wie Ihr das zu nennen pflegt. Der Altar gehört ihm und erwacht zum Leben, wenn er ihn ein weiteres Mal berührt. Könnt Ihr den guten Mann finden und mir seine Hand bringen? Wenn der Geist des Altars zum Leben erwacht, werde ich seine Macht mit Euch teilen. Das verspreche ich.
Totally not fitting the original, somewhat speech impeded Yeena. The spirit is strong in Fellshrine. You touch the stones, you will feel it. They spoke to me, those stones. Told me to take their altar, and to find the hand of a Good Man. He lived in that 'church' as you call it. The altar is his and it will wake when he touches it once more. You could find the Good Man, bring me his hand? When the spirit of the altar awakes, I will share it with you. I promise. My version: Der Geist ist stark im Grimmschrein. Berührt die Steine und ihr fühlt es. Sie haben zu mir gesprochen, die Steine. Haben mir gesagt, ich soll ihren Altar nehmen und die Hand eines Guten Mannes finden. Er lebte in dieser "Kirche", wie ihr es nennt. Der Altar ist seiner und wird erwachen, wenn er ihn noch einmal berührt. Ihr könntet den Guten Mann finden, mir seine Hand bringen? Wenn der Geist des Altars erwacht, werde ich ihn mit Euch teilen, I verspreche es. Since Yeena is a bit special, she could perhaps also use "Du" and so on instead of "Ihr".
Yeena, on the darkness
Davon habe ich geträumt. Eine riesige Kreatur, ein Wesen aus dem Schattenreich. Ich habe sie aus einem schwarzen Gefängnis fliehen und einen von Menschenhand erschaffenen Berg hochtreiben sehen wie der Nebel, der nach den Wolken greift. Sie verweilte an der Spitze des Berges und aß das Herz der Sonne. Ihr riecht nach diesem schwarzen Nebel und nach ... etwas anderem. Nach Schuld. Ja, das ist es. Schuld ist eine schwere Krankheit. Sie nagt am Geist, bis nichts mehr davon übrig ist und man zu einer dieser herumwandelnden Leichen geworden ist. Wollt Ihr geheilt werden? Sucht den von Menschenhand erschaffenen Berg, schickt den Schatten nach Hause und sagt dem Monster, es soll Eure Schuld gleich mitnehmen.
Das habe ich geträumt: Eine riesige Kreatur, ein Ding aus Schatten. Ich habe gesehen, wie es aus einem schwarzen gefängnis floh und einen menschengemachten Berg erklomm, seine vier steilen Seiten hinauftrieb wie der Nebel, der nach den Wolken greift. Er (the mist) sammelte sich an der Spitze des Berges und fraß das Herz der Sonne. ... Rest is OK, IMO Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar |
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Hi, native french speaker here. Will comment on what strike me in the spoiler.
Nessa, greeting the Marauder
Son arrogance a coûté la vie à mon père.
Translated back : His arrogance got the life for my father Usually, it would be worded as : Son arrogance lui à couté la vie. The reference to her father is quite implicit.
Nessa, on Bestel
Quand Tarkleigh a trouvé Bestel, il se cachait dans l'épave.
We lose the fact that he was in a hideaway... Also, after it has become a wreckage, using "sous" (under) seems more appropriate than "dans" (in). I propose "il était calfeutré dans un recoin de l'épave" maybe not the best, but it is correct.
Eramir, on the Bandit Lords
Les seigneurs de Larceny… Oak, Kraityn et Alira… les monarques autoproclamés de la forêt. Kraityn à l'est.
Larceny has not been translated ? "Les seigneurs brigands" seems correct, maybe you could do better. EDIT : was intended... ignore this WARNING we have a huuuuuge litle problem here... Kraytin if pronounced like "crétin" (phoneme : /kʁɛtɛ̃/ ) means "moron", and Kraytin, if you read it as if it were a french word, should have the same phoneme. So... I don't know what you can do.
Yeena, on the Golden Hand
Cet homme vivait dans ce que tu nommes l'« église ». L'autel est à lui, il peut le réveiller en le touchant. Tu peux trouver l'homme bon et me rapporter sa main ?
"Chapelle" sounds more cool than "Église" and less catholic. "il peut le réveillé" who is "le" ? even in the english, I'm having a hard time figuring it out. "Il" would first bring back in mind something that can act, so we think that "il" refere to the good man, but then, what would he wake ? the altar ? can an altar awake ? if not, it seems it is the altar that wake the man... Looking back at the original, it's «it» so it should be the altar that wake up... strange. "en le touchant" again... well, we can understand that it is the altar, but too much "le" and "il" in one hard sentence.
Hargan, on Gravicius
Crois-moi. Les égouts sont le seul moyen de passer discrètement sous le nez du général Pas-de-pitié sans qu'il te voie. Tu auras besoin d'une clé pour t'y rendre. Tu devrais aller voir Clarissa, elle peut t'aider.
Iron-arse is literally "Cul d'Acier" don't know what is the english meaning, it's usage, but in French, sounds out of context.
Maramoa, on the Purity Rebellion
Pendant que Voll organisait la Rébellion de la pureté au cœur de l'Empire, Kaom s'est chargé de tuer le seigneur Lioneye et de prendre tout le sud de la côte jusqu'à la Crique des sirènes. De mémoire de Karui, on n'avait jamais vu plus grande conquête.
I have also seen that in the first preview, Lioneye was not translated in french, but was in the others. And well, now you have one translated name and two non-translated in the others versions while in French we have the 3 original names :P Lioneye will translate as Œuil-de-Lion. I do not want to make a decision about wheter those name should be translated or not. But : when trading, people will use shorthand like hubris, crown of eyes, coe, gcp, 2h maces, wp. Even some will pop in global chat : «wp to mud flats / ledge plz». This will hurt a lot. You can't translate nothing nor can you translate anything without having some problem. Well, I should not be the first to say this, and all this talk was for nothing... but I prefere to insist on it. Whatever you choose, the translation is very good so far, so go ! EDIT : after discussing it with some colleague, your translation is perfectly good. Ignore. Other point : "De mémoire de Karui, on n'avait jamais vu" is like saying "As far as I know, I had never seen such the like". Talking about past in the past... I think english is the same, you would have said "Afaik, I have never seen" because your not dead yet, are you ? "De mémoire de Karui, on n'a jamais vu" seems more correct. I would also point out something different. I'm currently making a very deep strategy guide about the game in French. And I have a hard time translating some mechanic terms. NPC dialogue text is not what I'm afraid off, it's more what the affix would look like and status and all that that I fear. Could we have some preview on this ? Especially «dodge» «chill» «freeze» «ignite» «stun» «knockback» «gemcutter» «build» (I know, it's a forum term not in the game :p) «light radius» «energy shield» «on kill/hit» «rogue exile» «leech» «avoid status ailment» «pierce» «fork» «chain» well, just everything. Please :) Guide français : Last edited by vindoq#5271 on Jan 15, 2015, 6:15:49 PM
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Note to forum members reviewing these texts: keep the wordplay in mind. Oak is a tree, and referred to as such in some of the dialogues, and similarly Kraytin is referred to as a halfwit in part because his name suggests so. These, and other similar cases of wordplay, should be either carried over as faithfully as possible or skipped altogether, with no middle options.
<Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute... Last edited by moozooh#4289 on Jan 14, 2015, 6:36:51 PM
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" Wasn't aware that Oak is really referred to as a tree or being like one in the game. As for Kraytin.... now you mention it, I can see the cretin lurking in there. Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar |
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Wow, didn't know that.
So, it was intentional all along ? also, cretin exist in english ? the more you know... Guide français :
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Probably just me but it's a very small step from Alira to "a liar" ;-) So then we would have an idiot, a liar and a tree (big guy, hits hard, lots of life, maybe?) :-D
Exit, pursued by a Plummeting Ursa.
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So, Alira would be Nelügrenin in German? :P
Only one thing in the remaining translations, and a small one: Hargan on Gravicius: Had to get a fellow out of... Fellow is translated as "Mann", but more fitting the tone of Hargan would be "Typ" or "Kerl". Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar |
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" I just commented on a possible origin/interpretation of the name - never said that it should be translated. ;-) Exit, pursued by a Plummeting Ursa.
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I don't want to be rude or anything, but the Portuguese translation is still not up to par.
Here's my take on it: Nessa, greeting the Marauder
- Replace "danação" with "condenação", which is a much more accurate translation;
- Add "Eu" to the sentence "Ainda estou pagando pela minha" (Eu ainda estou pagando pela minha). If you take out the pronoun, the sentence doesn't make that much sense. Nessa, on Bestel
- Replace "daquele lado" with "lá fora". "Daquele lado" translates to "on that side" and that's not what Nessa means;
- Replace "carniceiros" (which translates as butchers) with "mercenários". Although there is no word in Portuguese for scavengers, "mercenários" makes much more sense than "carniceiros"; - Replace "vivo" (alive) with "sobrevivente" (survivor); - Replace "Sei lá" with "Não sei". "Sei lá" is way too informal and doesn't really suit Nessa's speech; - Replace "fato" with "trauma", which depicts more clearly the fact that Bestel went through a traumatic experience. Bestel, being poetic
Like I said in the previous version of this thread, that translation is not... poetic at all. I'll rewrite here the poem I wrote back then, which actually rhymes and keeps its original meaning.
"O Tarkleigh resgatou das ondas, Um Bestel ferido, à mercê do destino. Sua tripulação está desfeita, bem como seu embarque, Mas o Bestel continua vivo, graças ao Tark… leigh." Bestel, on Merveil's death
- Replace "da primeira vez que botei meus olhos espertos em você" with "desde a primeira vez que vi seus acutilantes olhos". The first sentence makes it sound as if it's Bestel who has "sharp peepers", when he's actually referring to the player's eyes;
- "E por isso agradeço em nome de todos os irmãos piratas das ondas mortos". This is WRONG. It translates as "Thus I thank you on behalf of all the fallen pirates of the waves", and that's NOT what Bestel means at all! The guy hates pirates for what they did to him and his crew, so he's thanking on behalf of everyone EXCEPT pirates. A proper translation would be "Fora os piratas, eu lhe agradeço em nome de todos os irmãos do mar perecidos". Eramir, on the Baleful Gem
- "... tipo aquela que você já tem..." should be "...tipo aquelas que você já tem...", because the first implies that the player is carrying a single gem and not multiple;
- Replace "mas obviamente não vai encaixar em nenhum equipamento normal" with "mas obviamente não foi feita para ser inserida em um equipamente normal", the first one is correct grammatically but doesn't really depict what Eramir is saying; - "... virtude em mente quando ele fez essa coisa". Remove "ele", since the pronoun is not necessary and only makes the sentence sound weird. Eramir, on the Bandit Lords
- Replace "por lá" with "lá fora", because if you use the first one the sentence sounds incomplete;
- Replace "pária" with "escória", which better conveys the sense of "scum" that Eramir is trying to transmit; - "E como em todo o caldo ruim, os piores pedaços emergem à superfície"; - "Eu não arriscaria dizer que a vida em Wraeclast seria fácil..." is the correct tense. Yeena, on the Golden Hand
- I don't really like the idea of translating names of places, so I would keep Fellshrine as Fellshrine and don't translate it;
- "... e acordará quando ele o tocar mais uma vez". "Tocar-lhe" is grammatically wrong in that sentence. Yeena, on the darkness
- Replace "vasta" with "imensa", so as to convey the sense of great size better;
- "Eu a vi escapar de uma prisão negra e escalar uma montanha feita pelo Homem, se esgueirando pelas suas quatro enormes paredes acima como a névoa que sobe para as nuvens" is a much more clean translation. The original one is really confusing; - Replace "Tudo se reuniu" with "A névoa se reuniu", indicating that it was the mist that gathered, not something else; - Replace "é uma grande doença" with "é uma doença letal", conveying the sense of deadliness. Hargan, on Victario
- Once again, I don't like translating names of people / places, so I would keep Lioneye as it is;
- Replace "Dividi-los direitinho" with "Dividir o mal pelas aldeias, você conhece o ditado". This is actually a Portuguese saying of the same meaning as the one in English. Hargan, on Gravicius
- "Fomos ao esgoto e não saímos de lá até sentir o cheiro" this sentence makes no sense. "Fomos pelos esgotos e não saímos até sentir o cheiro do mar" is a much better translation.
Maramoa, on the Purity Rebelion
- "Kaom levou a cabeça do Senhor Olho de Leão e toda a costa sul até a Gruta da Sereia". Took is mistakenly translated as "levou" which means "carried" and makes the sentence have no sense. Should be something like "Kaom cortou a cabeça do Lioneye e conquistou toda a costa sul até Siren's Cove";
- "Foi a maior conquista que os Karui já viram". I think the main problem here is that the people translating are not familiar with the game and its lore, making them very prone to making mistakes. Has GGG considered asking their players to do the translation instead of resorting to outside translaters? I wouldn't mind helping with the Portuguese translation at all. Even though I will keep playing the game in English, I would like the Portuguese translation to actually be good, and so far that does not seem to be the case :/ Last edited by ReddoHoku#3065 on Jan 15, 2015, 12:01:29 PM
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The german translation looks surprisingly good!
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