Mechanics thread
95% soft cap to stun threshold well you need to deal 1.3% damage at least tobe concidered stun viable. Goodbye (Hrymnors Hymn). Now you got demoted to regular magic item. Oh well one more useless unique.
As sugguestion either 5% life leech from any source of damage. Last edited by bormoth#6543 on Feb 13, 2013, 10:21:38 AM
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What decides the required level of an item?
I've seen leather belts with required levels of all sorts. I know about item levels differing (and thereby the mod values they can roll), but I assumed the required level would be a fixed thing. So can anyone explain this to me? |
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item level is determined by the highest level mod on the roll.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago. |
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" Thats actually not true,. First, with 95% reduction, it is .625% of effective HP to have a chance to stun. Also, even at 1%, stun is still very viable against most champ/elite mobs, and many bosses (not to mention any adds on boss fights). Maybe not progression level map bosses.....but that's kind of the idea of the nerf. And crits would halve the amount you need to stun....... Last edited by Litheum#7285 on Feb 14, 2013, 11:46:59 AM
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" Thx a lot for your answer! For 1 ) I mean evasion entropy is rolled when a mob begins to hit you. It rolls a 1-100 dice and if the roll + the mobs accuracy exceeds 100 , it is confirmed a hit and then that result is diminished by 100 and just the accuracy is added to that value for the next rolls until it exceeds hundred again. Example: Monster attacks: it rolls a 100 sided dice with an result of 15. The monster has accuracy 50 so the result would be 65 thus not hitting you. For the next attack accurcy is added to the 65 again and scores an 115 and exceeding 100 thus hitting you. After the hit , the value is reduced by 100 = 15 ( and so on until 100 is exceeded again so every 2nd hit hits you). This means 50% hit chance truly means that every 2nd attack hits and no streaks of hitting and missing are possible. My question is: WHERE COMES THE EVASION CHANCE% OF THE ATTACKED ENTITY INTO PLAY IN THIS MECHANIC? ( sorry for capslock, just wanted it to be seen) 2 ) Thanks a lot , it is clear now 3 ) So this means that 3 rolls are made? Roll 1: Hit Roll 2: Based on crit chance it is a chance to crit (Ex: I have crit chance 20% so 1-20 on a 100 sided dice would hit.) Roll 3: Crit is confirmed based on an extra accuracy roll. Is that right? It would mean a lot for my build. Thus i would spent more passives on accuracy. IGN: Vashira / Claw_of_the_Vaal_SMASH
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Accuracy and Evasion (from attacker and defender respectively) is used to determine the value that is added to the Entropy Roll. In your example, it is used to determine that the monster has 50% Chance to Hit in the first place. :)
From the opening post, the formula used to determine Hit Chance: chance to hit = attacker_accuracy / ( attacker_accuracy + ((defender_evasion/4)^0.8)) And yes, Crits require three rolls in total. Hit chance, Crit chance, Crit Confirm. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Feb 13, 2013, 12:38:11 PM
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" stun duration has noothing to do with stun chance. You need to have at least 25% chance to stun. Cruel Piety (without ES) has around 1.4e7 hp(99% effective stun threshold reduction and 175 damage doesn't stun her at all) To stun her with current 95% cap on hit (without ES) you need to do 3500 damage(not DPS). With impossible 99% - 700 (not gonna happen with this hammer) If you ask me how make stun mechanics: 1) get rid of that stupid diminishing returns. 2) extra stun threshold for bosses to stun them with best! stun threshold gear available at that moment and leveled stun gem. Spread extra stun threshold on rare mobs to normal with decreasing efficiency. 3) give bosses reduced stun duration: normal 80% (maybe highier) cruel 148% (maybe highier) merciless 208%(practicaly all passives on the tree and unique to counter and get basic stun). Spread it from rares(debatable may make occacional stun on rares impossible to other classes) to normal mobs also.(with decreasing efficiency normal 0, rares have chance to be stunned with ok gear) 4) If I'm correct stuns with less then 350ms are ineffective. Basicaly if you specced into heavyly into stun you can stun everyone, well at least for low duration with low dps. p.S.or at current state i can take any blue weapon with 80% IPD and just oneshot Ad's and kill in 3 hits rares not bothering with stuns and spending extra time on farming. As bonus I can get more life or damage based nodes. Last edited by bormoth#6543 on Feb 13, 2013, 1:17:47 PM
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" Thanks! Almost everything is clear now. I just want to check if i got that formula for hit chance right for an example with my character: Accuracy 86%) Monster on same level with evasion 5%: Chance to hit = 86 / ( 86 + ((5/4)^0.8)) I get a result of 0,98~ but with every Accuracy value i use. I just think i get that ^0,8 operation wrong. What is done there exactly? I used the windows calculator x^y Button. Sorry for spamming so much , i just want to understand it. IGN: Vashira / Claw_of_the_Vaal_SMASH
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Quick question/clarification:
The OP mentions the queueing of multiple flasks (regneraton, not utility). Do individual flasks queue their effects as well? For example, if I spam a Sapping Hallowed Life Flask three times, will the second/third charge expenditures queue up (given full hp is not reached), or just refresh the duration? ign: Aan_allein
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Attacker Accuracy refers to the flat Accuracy value, which is entirely hidden.
Defender Evasion refers to Evasion Rating; not Chance to Evade. You can check your own Evasion Rating, but ER of monsters is unknown. Basically, the formula is a little pointless in practical terms, but it's useful enough for theoretical play. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Feb 13, 2013, 1:34:28 PM
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