Mechanics thread

Is there overflow damage? like if an enemy has 500 HP and I crit with 1000 fire damage, will the ignite damage be based on 1000 damage?
IGN: Iolar
If I equip a lot of magic find and kill stuff with my double totems will I still get the mf bonus? Asking because my totems get the endurance charge from warlord's mark + the reflected damage from elemental reflection mobs so I figured they may also use their own mf values.

Does anyone know? It says in the wiki that minions get your magic find stats, so are totems considered minions?
Beyond league.
Mark_GGG wrote:

That's how you implement a random chance for something to happen.

I read it as, the 1-100 roll was some separate number that would modify the hit chance somehow like entropy does, I didn't realize you meant the 1-100 roll IS the hit check.

Sounds kind of obvious now but when reading the whole evasion section I wasn't sure. Thank you.

If I equip a lot of magic find and kill stuff with my double totems will I still get the mf bonus? Asking because my totems get the endurance charge from warlord's mark + the reflected damage from elemental reflection mobs so I figured they may also use their own mf values.

Does anyone know? It says in the wiki that minions get your magic find stats, so are totems considered minions?

EDIT - I was thinking of Totems created by the Spell Totem Support gem, I don't think actual straight up Totems work like this. Not 100% sure.

No, totems are not minions as far as I know from dev posts I have seen. They work off of your stats though. A "snap shot" of your stats is taken at the time you create the totem.

I can't find the post that I read right now so I'm not certain but I think it works like that.
|____________ G . L . O . W . Y . R . M ____________|
< My PoE career highlight, Being beat by Throzz, hehe >
||||||\\\\\~ ~/////||||||

Last edited by Glowyrm#3324 on Feb 8, 2013, 2:30:34 AM
BRavich wrote:
Is there overflow damage? like if an enemy has 500 HP and I crit with 1000 fire damage, will the ignite damage be based on 1000 damage?


If I equip a lot of magic find and kill stuff with my double totems will I still get the mf bonus? Asking because my totems get the endurance charge from warlord's mark + the reflected damage from elemental reflection mobs so I figured they may also use their own mf values.

Does anyone know? It says in the wiki that minions get your magic find stats, so are totems considered minions?

Totems are not minions, they are totems. But they use your stats to cast/attack so they have also the IIR, IIQ on your gear.
Last edited by Kissan#7229 on Feb 8, 2013, 4:07:03 AM
I wasn't able to find this with search fu, apologies if this has already been raised, but to clarify:

Do all base defences from pieces of armour work the same?

My current understanding with Armour specifically is that the total is the multiplication of each pieces base armour (after local modifiers/quality) and then adding those amounts together, rather than adding the base armour of each piece and then multiplying the result? (re: Mark_GGG post on Shield defence mechanics).

If this is the case, is it exactly the same scenario for Evasion Rating and Shield? The best example I can think of being is the bonus shield from Determination affected by your modifiers then added to the existing shield pool, or is the shield from Determination added to the base values of all the shield pieces and then that sum is multiplied by your global modifiers?

Hope this makes sense!
armor does not multiply on each other, they add to each other.
first base amount is increased by mods and quality on armor piece. first flat increases, then percent increases, then quality. game does that math for you though, listed in blue number.
next all armor pieces (but not shields temporarily) are added together then increased by passives.
shields get a step of thier own but works exact same only "defenses" related boosts apply same as armor boosts.
lastly add the shield's math to the total and apply determination to the grand total as it is a multiplier and works on all armor.

same happens for es and evasion with related boosts for the separate types. for shields just "defenses" means any and all values on the shield (armor, es, or evasion).
Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on Feb 8, 2013, 12:23:40 PM
Would be nice if you gave armor a buff to maybe say damage reduction=armor/(armor+10*damage)
Last edited by danonon#1010 on Feb 8, 2013, 11:01:33 AM
Does anyone know how Enfeeble interacts with enemies with damage conversion? For reference, Mark_GGG's post about how damage conversion is calculated:

Mark_GGG wrote:
I have glacial hammer converting 50% of my physical damage to cold damage, and Cold to Fire converting 50% of my cold damage to fire damage.
Lets say my weapon deals 100 physical damage (in actuality there'll be two numbers, an minimum and a maximum, but we only need to do the maths once for the example, it's applied exactly the same to both).

I have:
10% Increased Physical Damage
20% Increased Elemental Damage
5% Increased Cold Damage
15% Increased Fire Damage

My weapon's base damage is 100 physical.
50% of this will be converted to cold
50% of that (25% of the total) will be converted again to fire.

The physical damage will be affected only by the physical damage increase, for a 10% increase.

The cold damage will be affected by physical, elemental and cold increases, for a total 35% increase (10 + 20 + 5).

The fire damage is affected by physical, elemental, cold and fire increases, for a total 50% increase (10 + 20 + 5 + 15).

50 of the base damage ends up being physical, with a 10% increase applied = 55 Physical Damage

25 of the base damage ends up being cold, with a 35% increase applied = 34 Cold Damage (33.75 rounds up)

25 of the base damage ends up being fire, with a 50% increase applied = 38 Fire Damage (37.5 rounds up)

Basically, where in this calculation does Enfeeble apply? I can see one of three ways:

1) It simply functions as a 'global' damage reduction category, and -25% is added in each line to the +% modifiers.

2) It applies locally to the mob, reducing the base damage before conversion from 100 to 75 before any splitting/modifiers are applied.

3) It reduces each category of modifiers by 25% separately; you now have -15% physical, -5% elemental, -20% cold, -10% fire.

Under method 1, it reduces the final damage from 127 to 95.25. Under method 2, it would reduce the final damage to 67. Under method 3 it would reduce it to 70. I would assume method 1 is the way it works, but I could see it working the other ways, considering how strongly damage conversion can ramp up with +% modifiers.
Would be nice to add a section that explains how the various "% increase fire/cold/Light" "on weapons" "elemental damage" "adds X-Y" work.

The guide covers loosely that weapon physical etc apply first.....but there is a lot more to it. And the example using all physical increase doesnt help. A brekdown of terms, and a few examples would be great.
An example: Lightning Strike linked with Weapon Elemental Damage and Melee Physical Damage.

Assume the player is wielding a weapon that does 100 damage every time.
Player has Catalyze, for 50% increased elemental damage with weapons,
And a total of 40% increased physical damage (from strength, passives, and the LS skill bonus)
Assume Weapon Elemental Damage adds "60% more elemental damage with weapons"
Assume Melee Physical Damage add "30% more melee physical damage"
Also assume the player is wearing a ring that adds 4 lightning damage.

There is no "first step" and there is no "last step". The whole calculation happens at once. Each component of the damage goes through this process:

base * (1 + %increase + %increase) * (1 + %more) * (1 + %more)
Once for physical damage, once for cold, once for lit, fire, chaos.

Okay, so on to the example.
1) Physi remaining after the conversion: 100 * 50% * (1 + 40% [IPD]) * (1 + 30% [MPD]) = 91 physi.
2) Lightning converted from physi. All physical bonuses apply as well as all lightning bonuses, because the damage is physi at first but then becomes lit: 100 * 50% * (1 + 40% [IPD] + 50% [catalyze]) * (1 + 30% [MPD]) * (1 + 60% [WED]) = 198 lit
3) Lightning damage from accessories: 4 * (1 + 50% [catalyze]) * (1 + 60% [WED]) = 10 lit

Total damage: 91 phys, 208 lit.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Feb 8, 2013, 2:38:49 PM

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