Build of the Week Season 4 Episode 1: Arc/Spark PvP Witch

I knew the people on the forums have become whiny complainers a long time ago, but reading this shit here makes me really sad.

The community has become worse than the things they complain about all day long.
The constant whining and demanding is basically the "desync" of the community, which becomes just more and more annoying as times passes, but less and less something people actually believe will ever go away and ultimately just accept as part of the whole thing.

I for once liked the episode. Feathers build is great, he basically beats me every time. A caster is a hipster PVP build I like that.

Chris, I really hope you and everyone else at GGG are okay and aren't to annoyed or disgruntled about the naggers...

Have a good one.
Didn't Arc change after the rework and can't hit the same target twice now?
Also, pvp is fun once you have the items, like the rest of the game.
Who grinds for lvl28 items though?
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
Last edited by Pyrokar#6587 on Jan 7, 2015, 6:20:51 PM
Odoakar wrote:

The build would get destroyed with budget gear, because no one is playing pvp atm with budget gear.

I agree there. But if a bunch of arcers/sparkers show up for me to kill before the end of the season, that would be nice.

PvP is relatively unpopulated, for several reasons.
First, the one you stated, that most people who play a lot have very powerful and rare gear.
Second, there aren't really any tangible rewards for playing on the PvP ladder, unless of course you are at the top.

So a person trying to PvP on a budget, in the current state of PvP:
a) Will most likely never be on the top of the ladder and lose more often than they win
b) Will never get anything from playing on the ladder (exception: PvP events, if you play enough of them and can get some kills).
Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed)
Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder
So much respect in this thread. Oh, wait, it's the other thing. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Am i the only one that noticed the fishing reference? When he's talking about fairgraves tricorne, "can keep your line from snagging" or something like that.

Just curious.

Also I have found a tabula rasa once, in a descent champions race :(
TheWretch wrote:
Sneakypaw wrote:
Odoakar wrote:
+1 tabula, np, let me get one from my stash

I've NEVER had tabula drop in 3 years of playing PoE. In the end had to buy one for 1ex in Beyond.

The build would get destroyed with budget gear, because no one is playing pvp atm with budget gear.

You must have really bad luck. I think of myself as "as casual as you can get, but with a Hardcore mindset". Look at my characters to see just how bad I am. And even I had at least 2 or 3 Tabula Rasa.

tabulas? Sure, ive had plenty drop for me too. +1 tabs though? Cmon, how many of those do you have to brick until you get that? If youre "casual" theres no chance in hell of you acquiring that in a league. This is standard pvp though so I guess there's that? Still a resounding "meh"

I have been lucky I guess corrupted 2 got one that was +1 and one that didnt change.
Having said that PvP just doesnt turn my crank anymore.
~ There are spectacular moments.
zSavage wrote:
Odoakar wrote:

The build would get destroyed with budget gear, because no one is playing pvp atm with budget gear.

I agree there. But if a bunch of arcers/sparkers show up for me to kill before the end of the season, that would be nice.

PvP is relatively unpopulated, for several reasons.
First, the one you stated, that most people who play a lot have very powerful and rare gear.
Second, there aren't really any tangible rewards for playing on the PvP ladder, unless of course you are at the top.

So a person trying to PvP on a budget, in the current state of PvP:
a) Will most likely never be on the top of the ladder and lose more often than they win
b) Will never get anything from playing on the ladder (exception: PvP events, if you play enough of them and can get some kills).

I agree - simple - have PvP gear that is seperate with no Legacy stuff and you can ensure that PvP will be based on skill not on OMG mah gearz cost 200 exalts!!!
~ There are spectacular moments.
There are some obvious limitations to PvP within an ARPG context, but I don't think it's a complete waste of time to polish it as a sub-system. I don't think it'll ever be more than that.
zSavage wrote:
Odoakar wrote:

The build would get destroyed with budget gear, because no one is playing pvp atm with budget gear.

I agree there. But if a bunch of arcers/sparkers show up for me to kill before the end of the season, that would be nice.

PvP is relatively unpopulated, for several reasons.
First, the one you stated, that most people who play a lot have very powerful and rare gear.
Second, there aren't really any tangible rewards for playing on the PvP ladder, unless of course you are at the top.

So a person trying to PvP on a budget, in the current state of PvP:
a) Will most likely never be on the top of the ladder and lose more often than they win
b) Will never get anything from playing on the ladder (exception: PvP events, if you play enough of them and can get some kills).

Needless to say that such person will get utterly frustrated
To address some of the concerns in this thread, we've posted a development manifesto entry about PvP and its effect on development.
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