Build of the Week Season 4 Episode 1: Arc/Spark PvP Witch

+1 tabula, np, let me get one from my stash

I've NEVER had tabula drop in 3 years of playing PoE. In the end had to buy one for 1ex in Beyond.

The build would get destroyed with budget gear, because no one is playing pvp atm with budget gear.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.
did they seriously post that as gear? jeez.
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Am I the only one who thinks auto aim skills like Arc and Flicker Strike should be banned from PvP for obvious reasons?
My Build Compendium:
Assifighter wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks auto aim skills like Arc and Flicker Strike should be banned from PvP for obvious reasons?

that IS the pvp in this game.
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
The build is decent and so is the equipment. But that guy's post is really well-made and tells everything in detail. And since he's got some wins, this build deserves to be in Build of the Week.

About the negative replies, it's amazing how some ppl are dissapointed by changes, be it games, music etc.. And except of the new patch nerfs there is nothing else negative, PoE is just as it used to be, so if you are getting bored why did you play in the first place..? I don't like PvP that much too, so what? I'll keep playing (pve) like I did before and wait for 1.4 which will be sick for sure ;)
CI >> Life
Last edited by sonafab#2148 on Jan 7, 2015, 3:51:12 PM
I always enjoyed the news the most when they were tech related and you gave us a deeper insight in whats going on behind the scenes. Those posts where more common in the beta stage of the game. Now they are really rare. I can understand that :
a) not every customer would enjoy such news as much as i do
b) you have to look very closely what you can reveal.

Good posts where for example the ones where you said how much of which class where used, how many characters where created in a certain time frame like at the end of a challenge league or the post where you showed how many server and instances crashes occured after releasing a new patch. More news of this nature.

These posts dont interest me to much to be honest. What i always hold in esteem is that you are always trying your best. I know that for a fact when i see what your once small team is grown into and the amount of great content you produced. With the higher amount of employes it at the same time felt like a little bit of the old hardcore attitude is gone sadly. At first i thought hideouts where a joke, couldnt imagine something like that in poe. It turned out pretty good but isnt true to the oldschool hardcore nature of poe back when i joined. This is just a example.

I for one have great faith in you, GGG.
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
Please stop trying to make PvP happen in an ARPG! It seems like there aren´t enough people boycotting PvP, which is a shame.
muhomorov wrote:
Please stop trying to make PvP happen in an ARPG! It seems like there aren´t enough people boycotting PvP, which is a shame.

I dont know. Im torn between saying pvp shouldnt happen and pvp is worth while. Pvp in a arpg like poe seems to be to rudimentary as it stands to be really enjoyable.
Abort a unborn or give it a chance ? My opinion give it a chance otherwise you never know.
Should people bash it as much as they do right now? Im not sure while the response from most of the community is negativ at the moment i think pvp could enrich the game later in many ways. What we have right now is really just the start. On the other hand more people want pve content which is totaly understandable because its the fundament.

Resources wasted or not ? At this point it seems like they are but who knows what it can become and if i would think resources are wasted than.
I really cant fix my position on that matter.
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
Odoakar wrote:
+1 tabula, np, let me get one from my stash

I've NEVER had tabula drop in 3 years of playing PoE. In the end had to buy one for 1ex in Beyond.

The build would get destroyed with budget gear, because no one is playing pvp atm with budget gear.

You must have really bad luck. I think of myself as "as casual as you can get, but with a Hardcore mindset". Look at my characters to see just how bad I am. And even I had at least 2 or 3 Tabula Rasa.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Sneakypaw wrote:
Odoakar wrote:
+1 tabula, np, let me get one from my stash

I've NEVER had tabula drop in 3 years of playing PoE. In the end had to buy one for 1ex in Beyond.

The build would get destroyed with budget gear, because no one is playing pvp atm with budget gear.

You must have really bad luck. I think of myself as "as casual as you can get, but with a Hardcore mindset". Look at my characters to see just how bad I am. And even I had at least 2 or 3 Tabula Rasa.

tabulas? Sure, ive had plenty drop for me too. +1 tabs though? Cmon, how many of those do you have to brick until you get that? If youre "casual" theres no chance in hell of you acquiring that in a league. This is standard pvp though so I guess there's that? Still a resounding "meh"
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌

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