Build of the Week Season 4 Episode 1: Arc/Spark PvP Witch

This is great, thanks for posting this! For those people who are complaining about "real news." You gotta know that GGG are like the only game developers (that I know of) that posts news every day of the week.
TheWretch wrote:

Well at least this is honest. Color me uninterested until this game gets back to what it does best.

E: Ill try to explain myself a little better. Chris, PoE has gotten really diluted and I feel the singular focus of it being a hardcore arpg is being lost. The disconnect and disenfranchisement I feel towards it now are real. It may very well just be a matter of perception but from where i'm sitting you guys just keep adding "extras" without really giving us any real substance.

FM was ok but honestly? Clever re-skins are only clever the first time you go to that well(maps?). The entire game just starts to feel really same-y when you overuse old assets so much in "new" areas. I can also understand that truly new content must be very expensive, this is partly why i've been so patient. But time and time again you guys prove me wrong and keep taking this thing in other directions(which is fine, its your baby, you're free to do with it what you will). I'm only speaking for myself although i've noticed similar sentiments being echoed on the forums lately. Yes PvP was just something to keep us busy for now, can you honestly tell me that the time and funds dedicated to that couldn't have been spent on improving the core game who a year after release still has only 3 acts?

I digress, best of luck for the future of PoE and GGG, really hoping you guys can bring me back into the fold. Love you guys but you're losing me.

You speak as if they are not working on act4 at the moment. I can't tell if you are serious...
Last edited by eleMENTAL2013#5409 on Jan 8, 2015, 2:29:15 PM
[Removed by Support]

Totally agree. "You're losing me" like he's some huge community representative. [Removed by Support]
IGN: Iworkeout
Last edited by Yeran_GGG#0000 on Jan 10, 2015, 3:01:15 AM
Great build for starting out in PvP, but oh ya this build is suported by Empower and Enhance <rolls eyes>
~ There are spectacular moments.
Real talk i expected an actually build...then i see arc and spark (WOW MUCH ORIGINAL).Then even worse its pvp lol
CorranHorn wrote:
I don't agree with the new direction of "all on board the PVP train".

I don't think many people really do it, i don't think its fun.

It isn't their "direction". This is still very much a PvE game, but PvP is getting the spotlight because it's new and still needs to be balanced. FYI, on the D3 forums people are complaining that PoE has an awesome PvP system and D3 still has almost nothing.
sharkh20 wrote:
One pvp update after years of people complaining about not enough pvp. Now everyone is complaining because there was a pvp update. Typical.

We all already know act 4 isn't coming out for a whiles still. Why are you looking for news on it already? Do they also need to start putting the famous countdown timer on the home page months in advance?

Spot on! People just cannot be happy. But I am glad that highest tiered Supporters are much more understanding and aligned to GGG of what they do and what else are in the pipe works. High five mate.\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
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Cool build. Pvp is actually pretty fun if you give it a try. Just go into sarn arena and mess around. Don't take it too seriously or anything. I went in with a pve flameblast build and got some kills and it was actually quite entertaining. It really reminded me of all the fun I had dueling in D2.

Also, if you really really don't like it, you don't have to do it lol. Why complain about more features to a game? Are you that worried that they won't update content becuase they are focused on pvp? They have been saying they were going to work on pvp for years now and they are finally doing it. Just chill out a little lol.

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