Success in PvP is based only on wealth.
" If you're a trapper, im probably going to lose. But i practically beat every melee character there is on HC. This is also because of the massive balancing issues with the stupid triangle that GGG has setup. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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" gl to kill me naked with daggers, nerfed build what ? if you think that pvp in souls is about builds and item only you doing it wrong IGN : Uhigatana
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Before I get attacked for my alpha badge as I saw your other thread, I had little interest in PVP when they were testing so I opted out, letting those who were good at it do the work. I didn't play alpha almost at all during the testing for 1.3.
That said, PVP in an ARPG should be based on gear and the people at the top should have the best gear along with highest skill. The idea is you find the shit while playing PVE, which is the focus of the entire game, then take this to compare your shit against someone else's good shit. The problem isn't that you got to the top of the ladder with good gear, the problem is there aren't more people playing PVP so you got there uncontested. We need to find ways to get more people involved rather than trying to balance this into a real PVP situation. Just like races it can be fun for casuals, just need to place them against someone in a similar situation rather than against people with insane gear. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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" This shit right here. Gear + Skill = Top 1. It's the same principle with racing and ladder in pve, racing isn't all about rng and what drops you get, and getting 100 in a new leagues isn't about rmt or some other crap. If you look at the top 20 in both EU and US SC STD, those characters are all somewhat equally geared. After that, it gets down to build and skill differentials. Also I don't see why people constantly complain about how "everyone's gear is all op I don't stand a chance", It really isn't realistic to believe you can compete with the top 10 in anything without investing as much as they have. | |
" As long as top tier gear is all elreon modded shit, I will not accept people complaining about a gear gap. For 3-4 ex per slot you can have virtually BIS for any build you'd like to try. If this is too steep a cost then you can't expect to do well in any area of the game. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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In some ways, I like it.
It's a fun 'currency sink'. I'm by no means rich, but it's got more inspired to set up a standard shop again! On the flip side. It'd be nice to see a 'skilled pvp' sort of like GW2. Where there's vendors with set item level gear that all players have access to the same. I do think tho, it's big teething problems. I have much more issue with XServer and not even being able to see the other player due to lag. I hold down my button, sometimes I win! Not even seeing the other player. Also some major balance issues kill skilled play too. Best example, lighting witch, walks up throws a puncture trap over a corner of a wall, I don't even get line of sight to attack, and I'm 1 shot by a non'phys char using a phys skill, not even the 'trap' part but purely as a direct attack with no counter to avoid it/brake it. |
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Other gear based games with more or less functional pvp that I've played, had gear progression that flattened when getting closer to perfect. Best item could cost 100m on the market, an item with proverbial 95% of the performance of the best, would cost 40m. The premium for perfect items was huge, but penultimate items were enough to compete.
In POE it's also much harder to get top tier gear compared to hose other games I played. Those allowed a larger percentage of players to get 1 or more characters in top tier gear just by whacking mobs for a long enough time, while top tier in path of trading is still a very exclusive club. In POE the loot progression is more exponential since the odds everywhere are stacked against getting decent loot. For instance, the better the unique, the lower GGG has set the drop chance. Rares have it even worse, to get a combination of top base item level, right combination of mods, right tier of these mods, links, ... The odds of getting even 1 usable item in merciless while leveling are already very bad, the odds of getting a top tier in maps are just abysmal and consequently the cost of good items is massive, putting even second tier items out of reach of most players. Given the loot design, pvp in POE was always going to be a fun pasttime of only a small minority, so I can't understand that GGG changed the pve game so hard to try and make the pvp experience better for those few that would do competitive pvp. Imo GGG should have just accepted that POE was not about pvp, provided some basic functionality for people that did want to pvp, and focused on pve content again while ignoring the pvp centered whines from that small minority. |
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100% TRUE
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" Don't know what game you are playing but i can easily compete in races and new leagues if i want to. Will i win those races? Probably not, but it's a lot of fun nonetheless. Sadly GGG didn'T take the same aproach for PVP, instead they chose to host the first season in the worst league possible, a league noone plays while real league like torment or bloodlines are active. Don't get me wrong i've no problem with granting Standard/Hardcore a few tournaments here and there but the majority of them should have been in torment/boodlines and even more important in races. See, it's easy, PvP isn't doing so well because it's simply at the wrong place. The only place were wealth realy matters from the begining. Last edited by DasName#6192 on Jan 13, 2015, 4:24:56 AM
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" Really? Please talk out your ass more, you seem really good at it. You act is if you will some how be on the same level as the Top 10 in a challenge league, just because it's a challenge league. Get real, the gear gap will still be there, and you will still be out classed by the best. It's Season 1 and it barely lasted a month. Calm down and consider it a trial run. IGNs: Tearhaunch | Gleamscythe | Highlords_Wrath | Bladebone
Good luck, have fun |
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