Lord of the Dead. (Witch Summoner Build) Updated 2.0 patch

blacksheepnz wrote:

Rise Skeleton works fine. If you have totems even better.


Im gonna have to disagree with this statement.

Skeletons work much better with out totems.
Vooodu wrote:
blacksheepnz wrote:

Rise Skeleton works fine. If you have totems even better.


Im gonna have to disagree with this statement.

Skeletons work much better with out totems.

I disagree with your disagreement!

For a long time I insisted on casting skellies manually, but I eventually tried out a totem in merciless and I regret not switching sooner. A totem with a faster cast support gem works beautifully with skellies, and lets you focus on cursing and maneuvering.

I'd recommend that people try both ways and stick with whichever ends up working best for their play style.
blacksheepnz wrote:

Raise Spectre
Getting the right spectres is EXTREMELY important. i use the minions at Solaris Temple Level 3 they are called Flame Sentinel. I am also a big fan of getting the range mobs in Lunaris level 2-3 their called Tentacle Miscreation and fire 1 projectile from each hand. So they fire 8 projectile every .3 sec(INSANE).

-Tip press A when summoning a spectre to select the right one. (sometimes mob corpse can stack on each other.

Raise Spectre Gems - Numbered in ordered of what to get first.
(1)Raise Spectres
(2)Minion Damage
(3)Greater Multiple Projectiles
(4)Added Chaos Damage
(5)-(6) Once you find a 5L-6L chest of course!
Chain(good but less damage)
Faster Casting(good for casting mobs)
Faster Attacks(good for projectile mobs)
Lesser Multiple Projectiles(good but less damage)
Elemental Proliferation(increased Damage)
Item Rarity(stacks with your own upon kill - Really useful if you plan to farm)

(Stats need to be re-rolled and regaled.)

why does that second chest have LMP and GMP in it? they don't stack correct?
Vooodu wrote:
blacksheepnz wrote:

Rise Skeleton works fine. If you have totems even better.


Im gonna have to disagree with this statement.

Skeletons work much better with out totems.

O god u trolling? Who wants to spend 150 mana 4 link skele. And u only summon 2 at a time ur susceptible to a lot of danger.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
skinnay wrote:
blacksheepnz wrote:

(Stats need to be re-rolled and regaled.)

why does that second chest have LMP and GMP in it? they don't stack correct?

They do stack, i was just testing it out, forgot to change it. You lose quite a bit more dps with them both though. Added the correct support skills on guide.
Last edited by blacksheepnz#2955 on Feb 12, 2013, 10:39:18 AM
L2Lasthit wrote:
I agree with the spectre list. I really don't understand why most summonerguides are skipping the spectres completely. It is just stupid, imo.
Altho I think I have found the descent mobs at act 1. Those are not shooters tho, so dps output is not as good as on Act3 stuff.

However, they are imo silver list worthy, as they deal awesome burst damage (which can be used on bosses, like bandit bosses) :
Ship cave the lightning flickerstrikers (take 3) and Daughter of Merveil (casts curse, which comboes well with the flickers).

Will check them out :), i usually only run range mobs, or range casting mobs like Voidbearers.
ventiman wrote:
kick the minion speed and add a melee physical much better get a high resi high armor shield 1500+ for necro aegis

Minion Speed Vs. Melee Physical Damage
I started using minion speed over melee physical damage, when i noticed how fast they moved(They're so fast!) which means they can get in front of you faster to tank oncoming enemy's, therefore it minimizes the risk to yourself.

good summoner with vitality purity dicipline and a good necro aegis shield should rarely lose a zombie

its sad to see that u have to heal your minions with potions

I already have near max resists on merceless so why should i run purity, and i do run dicipline.
Your just spending unnecessary mana on vitality, why not use pots to heal them?


973 Life
690 energy Shield
80+ Resistance to all Elements on merceless.

incoming flying goatmen kill

ppl this build is only viable in default in hc u will die in a sec

Check out my endgame goal. I missed alot of health nodes trying to rush the core build. (Bad me)
Last edited by blacksheepnz#2955 on Feb 12, 2013, 10:28:55 AM
Vooodu wrote:
blacksheepnz wrote:

Rise Skeleton works fine. If you have totems even better.


Im gonna have to disagree with this statement.

Skeletons work much better with out totems.

Lets do a bit of basic math. Theses rates where taken at my gem levels.


Case A. With totem mana cost 184
Summon Skeletons
Spell Totem
Minion Life
Fast Casting

Cost of summoning 16 minions
184 mana 1 totem
184 * 2 = 368 mana 2 totem


Case B. Without totem mana cost 73
Summon Skeletons
Minion Life
Fast Casting

Cost of summoning 16 minions
73 mana & 8 (2 summon each time) = 584 mana

Side note: You will also add another skill to this since you don't have spell totem, so that will increase the mana cost even more.


How is case B more efficient than case A?

I got a question, What do you think about eldrich battery vs energy shield? On my summoner I have 2k+ hp now. Midnight bargain will reduce that to 1400hp.

More mana would equal

- faster mana regen
- more auras for your self and minions and party memebers
- i plan to stack anger, wrath, hatred, haste, discipline, grace, clarity, (percentage and high mana cost one attached to a reduced mana support gem)
- I only need 200 mana to be able to cast everything I need(totem/sepctre being the most expensive)

- I lose es (which means survivability)

Also have u just considered having one totem for skeles (but with faster casting attached)
To me skeles are just agroo holders while my spectres rip things to shreds.

Raise Skeleton + Minion Damage(increases MI dmg too) + Spell Totem + Faster Casting (is my setup)

You'll save many points not getting totem.

*I use to be a dual totem skele like you before i read your guide. I found faster casting to be much more efficient.

Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Feb 12, 2013, 11:11:39 AM
blacksheepnz wrote:
narbays wrote:
What I need to know is what spell do you use as your attack?

Do summoners use ice spear? firestorm? What?

I use curses. You are their to merely assist your minions.

Why aren't you using arc as well?

Arc stacks a debuff on enemies so they take 40% additional damage from all sources, and it stacks up to 3 times.... it is a HUGE buff to minion damage (@3 stacks its an additional 220% minion damage...), even better when combined with chain. It helps a ton even if you don't curse with invulnerability.... yeah, its not something to pass up.
Last edited by NastyPants#4999 on Feb 12, 2013, 11:24:26 AM

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