1.3.0 Patch Notes

Sig556 wrote:
T-five hours until detonation.

ya ... I am not even sure of my build now I am going to roll on the new league : /

A little confused and somewhat dumbfounded right now to be honest.
S_Viaa wrote:
Antigegner wrote:
I feel like mostly very rich players with very, very good gear were nerfed and the average player - like me - were mutilated....

^^^ Yep =\

^^^^^ Yeah :-((
Burn them !!
Mirror service thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1743892
Lets not touch op bows and builds. But Hey nets screw melee. Hahaha
Well, I guess I won't be playing till next league. I only saw nerf across the patch notes. Great game for the past few years.
Praedius wrote:
A handful of "Oops, we made a mistake" Legacy items are understandable, but this is just getting ridiculous.

Is it really a wise decision to allow what is essentially an entirely separate game (that which is played by RMTers, EJs, and cutthroat scammers who hoard the growing numbers of legacy items officially branded as "overpowered") to linger on as a constant reminder to newer, self-found, or just plain unfortunate players that they will now NEVER (via legitimate means) be able to experience the highest level of character power Path of Exile has to offer?

The so-called "carrot on a stick" concept is what keeps people playing aRPGs, but shouldn't everyone be chasing the same carrot? GGG would do well to either ditch the whole legacy concept or consider investing into a testing environment for Unique items that maybe isn't ... oh I dunno ... the live game, as it only ends up making people angry.

It's important to note that I am not myself a new player. I have been playing off an on since launch, with over 1000 hours logged. I would gladly see my one truly GG item (a now double-legacy BoR) receive a retroactive change as long as all players had to endure the same.

TL;DR: Exclusivity breeds discouragement and the moniker "Path of Legacy" is becoming more and more fitting with every patch.

P.S. And to those who are sure to say, "Just play the new 3-month leagues, everyone is on the same page there": a temporary refuge before your characters are dumped back into the absurdity that is standard/hardcore is not a solution to the problem in question.


If you played closed beta (like me) then you already know what GGG would do : wipe everything character and objects ! yeah instead of just changing the d*** values. because it's more simple and because we don't care about the hours you grinded to get those items and lvl.

Also I would like to add my contribution which is not QQ about block or trash orange items.
Still disappointed about this update:

- no improvement to minions artificial "intelligence"
- no improvement for the annoying "my spectres are lvl 66 and they can be lvl 21 but never scale up unless they were initially summoned at higher lvl which is a real pain in the ass to find the right map where you can find the right d*** f****** spectre" Tons of players play summoner build but no let's not fix it, because at GGG we like not to take care of priorities.
If summoner are too strong do something about it in the passive skill tree or in the skill gems but for the love of good games DO FIX this painful process to get ok/good spectres.

Ohhh I forgot, nerfing SRS was easier, yeah of course.Nice job guys!!!

- no fix for brainless beast dps (discharge and CoC)
- where is the new trading system?
- what about desync? Still refusing to do anything "serious" about it?
- ... I could continue

I'm going to play another free to play game for a while, cya guys
Last edited by Vaphobos#0187 on Dec 12, 2014, 1:25:59 PM
Razial22 wrote:
Hmm...quite a sour taste after reading the patch notes. GGG I think you came on too strong with the nerfs without giving the community enough options to go to.

***Sorry for the long post, but I feel as though it's a good representation for everyone's frustration***

Fantastic summary. Concur 100%
ziggro wrote:
Rowsol wrote:
GGG makes the game harder instead of easier! I quit!

So many cry babies.

harder? lol is this a joke? or you're just clueless about the game? never in the history of poe we had such an cheap and op facerolling build like bows today dude...

DemiDemon wrote:
It's a New Zealand phenomena called "Tall poppy syndrome" - anything successful gets chopped off at the knees.

I believe there is a similar quote in China or Japan:

* The nail that sticks up gets pounded down

The mana sphere reservation for BM was a bug? I quite enjoyed seeing the textured silver sphere over an empty blue hued sphere.
Hail Thor-show thy might, Let thunder roar and lightning strike! Hurl thy hammer into the fray, And let thine enemies know fear this day!

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