[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

48ralenwol wrote:
Hi mate, i'm trying your build, my problem is to remain alive... really it's a pain in the axx... also putting life leach in my 5L and arriving at 45% chance evade i can't survive at all... i'm still lv 73 but what can i try to survive more? ç_ç

Lifeleech is capped, if you have some life leech from gear or your tree that should be enough with the amount of damage Rangers put out. How much HP do you have?
Sidewinder7, can you share your tree and gear?
Last edited by Sidewinder7 on Jun 15, 2016, 2:44:48 PM
Sidewinder7 wrote:
48ralenwol wrote:
Hi mate, i'm trying your build, my problem is to remain alive... really it's a pain in the axx... also putting life leach in my 5L and arriving at 45% chance evade i can't survive at all... i'm still lv 73 but what can i try to survive more? ç_ç

Lifeleech is capped, if you have some life leech from gear or your tree that should be enough with the amount of damage Rangers put out. How much HP do you have?

i've only 2488 hp... 11k dps with ice shot lv 17, tornado shot is stil lv 9 and cut lot my dps.
i usually use warlord's mark for leach but still don't work cuz not all are cursable...

edit: how can i link my equip?
Last edited by 48ralenwol on Jun 15, 2016, 3:35:09 PM
48ralenwol wrote:

edit: how can i link my equip?

Get into the text field and then click on your character (in the left upper corner of the website). There just click the item(s) you want to link and a template should appear in your text field:

(linkItem location="Weapon" character="KarliahsSister" x="0" y="0")

Just with [] instead of ()
It's hard to cast a spell with a blade in your throat, eh Witch?
48ralenwol wrote:
Sidewinder7 wrote:
48ralenwol wrote:
Hi mate, i'm trying your build, my problem is to remain alive... really it's a pain in the axx... also putting life leach in my 5L and arriving at 45% chance evade i can't survive at all... i'm still lv 73 but what can i try to survive more? ç_ç

Lifeleech is capped, if you have some life leech from gear or your tree that should be enough with the amount of damage Rangers put out. How much HP do you have?

i've only 2488 hp... 11k dps with ice shot lv 17, tornado shot is stil lv 9 and cut lot my dps.
i usually use warlord's mark for leach but still don't work cuz not all are cursable...

edit: how can i link my equip?

that is likely your issue. Its more then just tanking the hits to stay alive, both your life leech cap and health regeneration are based on your max health. I don't recall where I was HP wise at that level but that needs to be raised.

Adding life leech will not help as I mentioned above it is capped on your max health. You can only leech 20% of your max health a second. For most people, one small leech node or leech on a piece of gear will hit that cap. Look for HP on every piece of gear, along with resists of course. Pick up all the life nodes indicated on the tree, can fill in the damage ones later. Those life nodes are based upon your base HP (level+gear) so even adding a little HP on an upgrade will be multiplied.

Mapping you will want 4K+ HP as soon as possible and maxed resists.

ok, than i'll try to increase my hp and we will see also if i've HP in almost all my equip pieces...anyway that's my equip actually: i bought bow today for 1 ex and i'm pretty happy with it, i cap res with Purity of the elements that is the only aura i use.
Ty for advices :)

edit: why u say that life leech is capped? seeing spec in the poe skill tree i see no nodes in life leech... i have in mana leech but don't seems to have in life

edit2: i add 3 life leech node now i've +40% rate modifier and 1.6% leeched from any attack, i put curse on hit ( proiectile weakness ) in my bow too and it seems to go VERY better... but... to take Vaal pact is a really bad idea?... cuz actually if i die is cuz damages are more than my regen ratio... take it untill i have 4k more hp is bad idea?
Last edited by 48ralenwol on Jun 15, 2016, 4:50:43 PM
Sorry if this is a repeat question but i tried sifting through the thread for 20 minutes couldn't find anything. in 2.3 i went with raider ascendancy class with my LA/BR ranger. Then i derped and looked at the guide again and it said that the frenzy build in raider is actually bad. So with the extra 2 points what should i build to. I play in sc but i want to learn hc builds for the future.

The frenzy path isn't awful if you focus on your Frenzy Charges and the bonuses you get / can get with them. It's super aggressive and you forgo any defenses that the Phasing path would give you, but it's always an option. The reason it's said it's a lesser option is that at some point getting extra damage is pointless as you're steamrolling everything anyway, and at that point, the extra MS + defenses from the Phasing is more valuable.

To take full advantage you need every Frenzy Charge on the tree + as many as you can get from gear, Boot/Amulet Corruptions included eventually.

A very under-rated bonus from the Frenzy path is that you end up with "free" +Frenzy Duration which negates the downside to Darkray's, and makes maintaining charges in indoor maps much easier.
an extra 20% dodge isn't to be scoffed at, especially if you're taking Acro/Phase Acro. [20% dodge is 2/3 of Acro again]

Tl;dr It was a worse decision before 2.3, but if you embrace it it's pretty good still. Avatar of Chase/Slaughter goes fast and hits hard.
Morelikeew wrote:
Sorry if this is a repeat question but i tried sifting through the thread for 20 minutes couldn't find anything. in 2.3 i went with raider ascendancy class with my LA/BR ranger. Then i derped and looked at the guide again and it said that the frenzy build in raider is actually bad. So with the extra 2 points what should i build to. I play in sc but i want to learn hc builds for the future.

The frenzy path isn't awful if you focus on your Frenzy Charges and the bonuses you get / can get with them. It's super aggressive and you forgo any defenses that the Phasing path would give you, but it's always an option. The reason it's said it's a lesser option is that at some point getting extra damage is pointless as you're steamrolling everything anyway, and at that point, the extra MS + defenses from the Phasing is more valuable.

To take full advantage you need every Frenzy Charge on the tree + as many as you can get from gear, Boot/Amulet Corruptions included eventually.

A very under-rated bonus from the Frenzy path is that you end up with "free" +Frenzy Duration which negates the downside to Darkray's, and makes maintaining charges in indoor maps much easier.
an extra 20% dodge isn't to be scoffed at, especially if you're taking Acro/Phase Acro. [20% dodge is 2/3 of Acro again]

Tl;dr It was a worse decision before 2.3, but if you embrace it it's pretty good still. Avatar of Chase/Slaughter goes fast and hits hard.

I went with the more defensive way, just having a hard time finding the right skill setup to go with it. I like blast rain as a skill but blood rage seems like a chore (maybe because im not lvled enough to have it almost self sustaining.) So if i dont like it im gonna have to use frenzy which is pretty boring skill. The other reply i got suggested using it as a curse proc aswell which seems like a good middle ground but not efficent for cursing groups but right now it seems pointless because im steam rolling every mob group. I also recently just tried curse on hit with HOI but it doesn;t seem to proc that often and most of time the irrelevant because the mobs are already dead. So i've been runing HOA which is quite satisfying but doesn't seem like someone in HC would use because its too dangerous.
i'm using this as curse on hit actually
and that's good cuz i raise frenzy points and curse in the same time... u think is better use another curse?
Anyway final bosses from maps are still my nemesis... i always take tons of damages also with 75% elemental res, what i think i lack is a very fast one target skill to finish fast bosses, i'm using lightning arrow atm that is great for packs but meh for single target
u have some advice on what spell to use and how to combo it for boss encounters?

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