1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)
" Ill come with some main improvement points for ypu, even tho you seem to have a pretty solid idea of priorities: 1. For geofris crest it might be a good idea to swap minion life for a lvl 2 empower (since geofris makes it lvl 3) and get more dmg on the zombies while keeping life the same 2. Get a better shield. Getting a 300+es shield is really easy, and a good investment because you wont be taking necromantic aegis till approx lvl 85-90 if even then 3. Keep flame sentinels until you go bm. However, dont expect to run indoor maps because they suck indoors :p 4. Just keep geofris around if you manage to pull out an empower. The effort and money i spent to get up to decent 200 es minion helmets wpuldve been better invested into directly picking up vertex. The coloring just took soo much chromes Hope you get to evangelists soon after these changes so you can actually feel the true power Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Got some upgrades. Swept all the small currency to get chaoses and got myself those :
Spent 35chaoses for both and I dont care since if its too much or not. That's the absolute best i could find (exept odd gg roll stuff costing exalts). Stats now: 3.2k ES (4.7k with discipline) and i got some es nodes to get soon. Really exited. Also my witch looks ridiculous now. Templar in disguise LOL.
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" Nice. 3.2k ES without disc is really good, since once you get all nodes and the gem hits lvl 20, it will end up at 2-2.3k es (for me it adds 2.3k ;) ) Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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So, i got to lvl63 lately, and im farming Docks atm. I really enjoy this build since its funny and quite relaxing to play, my dmg seems really low though at times though, is this because of the cruel evangelists im still using?
Also, thats my gear atm, im sitting at 2,2k es which isnt near to what i would like to have :/ Any idea on what to improve first/focus when buying or crafting new stuff? There's lot of room for improvements but what to do first? Thx for the advices and this great build ! (I also think about dropping Blind on the zombies for a multistrike, would that be a big deal?) Last edited by dr460nf1r3#3919 on Oct 9, 2014, 7:31:30 AM
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" Actually a lot of things are contributing to your low damage: 1. Your using melee splash instead of multistrike on the zombies. Your Evangelists should do the AoE. If you wonder about blind, you can drop it, but considering that they wont have that much defense against physical attacks that way, they die a bit faster. Especially during lower levels. And late-game you wont need the damage, you just want yourself to be safer 2. You're using Increased AoE on your evangelists instead of Minion damage. Inc AoE is pretty bad unless you also use conc effect in which case you should drop increased duration 3. Cruel evangelists do a lot less damage in merciless act 3. Either rush to sceptre or go to solaris and get flame sentinels for the time being 4. Gem levels. The build is very late-game oriented, and you will only start to really crush content once you get into lvl 70's Your ES on the other hand has problems due to your gearing: 1. Your using Aurseizes (trust me, you dont want to MF if you cant afford gear-wise) 2. Your using saffells instead of a 300+ ES shield. You should not go NA until lvl 80+ (i only went NA at 86) and saffells doesnt benefit you that much. Also, a corrupted one with +chaos res instead of elemental is not better then a non-corrupted one 3. Level up. you cant expect to have the ES others have at lvl 80 when you're lvl 63. I think i had like 3k (given, I had ES gear) around that point. For priority on gearing: 1. All together. There is no reason for any of the things to be in currently. If you check my damage calculations, you can see that a single zombie (Multistrike-empower-blind-zombie) does ~8k dps. without multistrike, that would be half, and with melee splash instead, they would do so minimal damage that you cant even bother with them anyways. Evangelists on the other hand do end-game 15k dps per spectre, and that is already AoE based. granted, that is with minion damage instead of inc aoe (and trust me, inc aoe doenst even do that much for clear speed, since it basically has the same effect, but only making the proximity shields a lot less effective) And if anything else, tree's can always matter too. Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Added my MF gear to the MF spoiler. Im able to clear maps at decent pace with 5.2k ES and 275% IIR, without divination distilate. Once Im able to get a better non-NA shield and a GG ammy, Ill upgrade the IIR even further with another andvarius. Sadima's touch is a decent option to go with instead of aurseizes btw, once you reach 250%+ IIR, but I needed the 15% res.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Just started with this build, the guide is missing one thing, which bandits do we need to help or do we kill em all? Thank you. |
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" Kill all ofc. Or alternatively, if you think youre gonna have trouble gearin up, kraityn in normal Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Alright, thanks for the long and very detailed answer :)
Once ill find nice gloves ill ofc change to them, but that wasnt the case yet unfortunatly. Also i was using Inc AOE/Inc Duration on my spectres because ive seen that on another guide.. now i figured out that this is mostly for utility lol. Once i have rearranged my gear i will see what happens :)# About the zombies, im lvling my multistrike but was using splash for the aoe as i didnt have spectres for a long time while being lvl50ish. Guess ill change to it now. Last edited by dr460nf1r3#3919 on Oct 9, 2014, 11:15:29 AM
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Soon as I can find a 55+dex 10all res unset ring, I'm going to stick arc in there for EE myself.
And what I found out was with all the aura nodes and 2 20red mana, you can put PoE in an unset. Run 6l spectre in your chest if you have a 6l and put increased duration+vaal discipline/vaal summon skele+vaal haste in your shield
My gear/gem for ref
With the above setup, I have 118 left over life to cast zombies/offering/convocation/desecrate with and 6.1k es to keep me safe. Soon I'm also going to get a 2nd midnight bargain for my switch and run the same gems but with bone offering instead of flesh. Put Rathpith on my main, and Saffell's on switch, or just use 2 saffell. Main setup being flesh, switch being bone offerings. I'm curious though, is it worth it to quality desecrate/convocation? Last edited by shrapner#3014 on Oct 10, 2014, 5:46:08 PM
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