1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)
leary, how do you manage to kill the trio on normal atziri?
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" Its tricky, since I do it different sequence than normal builds: 1. Start by putting desecrate down, before triggering. 2. trigger, pop flesh/bone offering (depends on minion survivability, hence gem lvls), direct towards cycloner. This means, target him with your default attack/arc You want cycloner down first. Why? He moves too much meaning he draws zombies into the degen clouds if you dont kill him first. bad bad bad 3. Pop Vaal grace asap after, if you dont youll lose minions. manage your flasks in the maintime. Watch over your zombies health closely. 4. IF he doesnt go down fast enough yet pop vaal haste. It should not be needed as much, but can always do if you need to 5. From here it is easy. Once cycloner is down its Tittybitch > dual striker. Just dodge the skills and make sure your minions dont walk into the clouds. Really, ive finished trio with al'alai (tittybitch) last multiple times, while I have failed the single run i didnt kill cycloner first. Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Hey currently lvl74 and really enjoying the build but i was just wondering would it be a good idea to skip getting Influence and grab Zealot's Oath? i can already run 7 aura's without the Champion of the cause cluster with 262 life remaining
8 auars seem over kill to me at the moment because i cant fit the last one in lol Thanks :) My Gear in case anyone is wondering
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" The reason you can run 7 is because you aren't using midnight bargain, which is a huge dps increase to the build. Of course this is matter of leveling up a bit more and getting all the res in balance. Your gloves and helmet are very low on ES btw, try to get those higher in ES. For zealoth's oath, i dont think its worth it. Your ES is pretty low anyways, and the regen you'd get from it is not worth it. Better take the es recharge delay reduction nodes next to CI to boost it all up better. The build is about avoiding dmg, not tanking dmg. And if you'd drop anything, you'd never drop influence. It does too much for you: 1. More haste 2. More hatred 3. More discipline 4. More Purity aura nodes are the reason the build is soo strong, both in parties and solo I want to compliment you on your skill links, since most people really fuck up with that :P Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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" thanks xD im slowly upgrading gear sitting on 4kEs with lvl17 discipline and about 35% effect of aura nodes to get and i think ill hold off the midnight till i get lvl 80-85 :) |
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Finally I can properly play this build!! I'm 61 atm and I'm doing really good, I have got few questions:
1) What inner force and athleticism do for us? 2) I'm not using midnight bargain (expensive to buy a good roll), can I delay charisma as much as possible? 9 points for +6% to auras seams alot of nodes to me Thank you Leary P.S.: I were stuck at 49 becouse I picked BM too early! :D |
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" without midnight bargain you wont need charisma at all. 6% effectiveness of auras is not worth the travel, but I do recommend going for it once you get bargain. inner force is 21% buff effects on us. That means enhanced disc, vitality, purities and grace. same for athleticism. Just for ES alone they are worth more than a flat 6% node. of course, you can safely delay these nodes, since they are not necessary. Before you start using Necro aegis btw (since you picked bm a bit early) pls make sure you are lvl 80+ and have about 4-4.5k es without a shield Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Eheheh yes, I will pick aegis not before 80
About inner force and athleticism ... I didn't know that those points will power up auras too! I thought just AA, RF, tempest shield and Heralds. One more question: Determination is usefull? I remember something like minions haven't armour. Correct? Thanks ;) Last edited by Gegemo#2598 on Oct 19, 2014, 7:51:00 PM
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" Determination is close to useless. even if they had decent armor :P. Armor has a huge amount of diminishing returns. More so than evasion since evasion isnt dependant on how big the hit is but will always work. Since only big hits can kill our minions reliably anyways, armor isnt very effective, but evasion is Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Thank you for your patience that I'm going to use once again :D
Not having midnight bargain I can drop charisma (until a midnight will drop for me!) and run with a 26% reduction from tree. With this percentage and just 6 auras (not running a dedicated purity), I can replace a reduce mana with an empower (linked to grace + discipline + vitality?). I would have really low life and probably I will struggle casting spells but I also would have 3 powered auras! Is this worth? Thanks again |
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