1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)
Does the old Remote mine+trap still work with summons?
So instead of minion damage you could link Raise spectre+ Spell echo+ Increased duration+ Trap+ Remote mine | |
At the moment i am leveling a LL necro in Beyond, and saw this build while searching for ideas; quite remarkable build so kudos to you.
Also i was quite suprised to hear ppl had problems with leveling, having deaths etc. I leveled without any leveling items etc and it was more or less a smooth ride for me. I will drop a small leveling guide here for a LL Minionmaster if anyone is still interested. Stage 1
This is how it all begins
Skills: Have an aoe gem. Frost Nova, F.Pulse or Firestrom. If u can get a lifesprig u can use it for a long time Make sure you are leveling : Raise Zombie, Raise Spectre, Minion Life, Desecrate. (I strongly advice buying a decent quality gem for Raise Zombie at least) Passives: Take the 2 x %16 spell dmg nodes and the life/mana cluster for now. Take minion nodes and ignore aura nodes. Stage 2:
You got level 25ish and can link a few gems together
Skills: Link Flameblast with Chance to Ignite, Elemental Proliferation and Fire Pen as u get the levels (faster casting, spell echo or inc. burn dmg is also viable) Use clarity and mana pots to manage the cost. Link Zombies + Minion Life and act them as distraction against hard mobs. Use Rejevunation Totem if u feel the need Use Flammability as a curse Also start leveling a Purity of Elements asap. Passives: Same (Path of minion nodes), take the big life nodes that are on the way and ignore small ES nodes. This will be your bread and butter gaming until late merciless. Stage 3:
At some point u will realize your zombies are growing in numbers and not dying to mobs anymore, thats when u wanna move them into a 4-link and begin to use them.
Skills: Zombies and Minion Life are mandatory, i advice adding 1 attack speed (Multistrike*,Faster Attacks) and 1 P.dps (Melee P.*, Added fire etc) gem. Do not link Melee Splash ! Link Reduced Mana - POE - Clarity. Always keep Purity up. Passives: You can grab the Burn dmg cluster near Grave Expectations (i didnt, FB dps seemed enough) When u take the +1 Max Light Res node, make sure u spend 3 more points for the life nodes next to it. Also Grab Purity of Flesh cluster. Also you will realize slowly your hp starts to suffer a lot, just skip bosses or do them in group if this happens, we will get to that in a bit. Stage 4:
This is when you can start to play a not-so-LL necro after Cruel Dominus
Note: If u buy a dominus kill, make sure u ask for a spectre of god wp. Items: We are transitioning from caster to full necro Buy an Aurumvorax in place of your wand, coupled with purity it makes getting max res. very easy. Put on your minion items (sidhebreath and bones of urrl) Get a +2 minion helm if u haven't done so. Fill rest of the gear with high life blues if u wish. Go to Dominus WP and desecrate for Evangelists. Skills: Zombies in +2 Helm. Spectres are getting their own 4L at last. Drop Clarity. Reduced Mana - POE - Hatred is the new king. U can drop flameblast, but it is advised to keep it a bit longer for a "plan B" (B stands for Beyonders) Have long range spell to direct minions as u have a melee weap. Passives: Spec out of spell dmg nodes. If u are finished with minion nodes, get a Aura cluster with red. reservation, then move to remaining ES nodes. Farm ledge until u are comfortable with your new setup, then rape act 1. DONT TRY CRUEL MERVEIL SOLO IN HC, ask a friend or find a group. Go Fellshrine and continue farming. When u feel like your zombies are awesome, swap the dmg gem with melee splash. Stage 5: (Optional Delayed Entry to LL)
This part is for peeps who dont got currency/items for a smooth transition.
In HC, i don't wanna play a half-ass CI build. And half-ass LL is a big NO. So i decided to farm a bit until i can make a smooth transition. I arrived Fellshrine with 1.9k hp and farmed until i could support another %60 aura. With Dicipline i reached 2.2k HP / 1.5k ES (around 62-63), Then i went on for the piety kill. I begin to farm some maps now and plan to do so until 69. I use the uniques above (dropped the sword when i got enough res) and rest is MF/life gear. Skills and Passives: Check out the original guide, i just keep some extra life nodes. Last edited by Quasireel#5260 on Oct 3, 2014, 1:34:24 PM
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" Remote mine and spellecho do not stack |
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" No. It now quotes Trap/mine Damage increased, else I think I wouldve been smart enough to use it no? @captainxx spell echo still will apply to the minions. @Quasireel Ill add the quick guide for now to the op, thnx for the effort Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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So i bought myself a crap 330ES shield and now reached 4k total ES. I've tried lots of map, and never died (never died even with saffel before but the more the better). Now I am near 72, im leveling faster than i was at level 55-65 lol.
Tried different maps. This build has an incredible clear speed, its awesome and I'm fearing that the next patches will somehow nerf it... the power of evangelis is absolutely insane with only a 4L. The most difficult part is to broke crates and gold pots, theyre fuckin hard ;D Seriously: I tried the tribosses in Museum and went fine coz I could go up and down the stair; i died doin Merveil coz if she hits you she permafreeze you forever (thats because of low max life), need to get more dispel frozen against here. But she was the only one who could manage to kill fast my evangelist spectres so I think im not up to it at the moment, of course zombie died faster than lightspeed. It seems now that Merveil is even worser than palace dominus XD Now i will try a MF version on some easy maps, puttin Power Siphon+GMP+Item rarity on the Midnight. I have a question here: since this build is BM we dont have mana pool. Will the effect of Divination Distillate work? Any tips on whats the best to have for MF other than having velvet slippers on? " I remember GGG made a patch quite ago which made impossible to use Trap/Remote Mine with minions (zombies and spectres) to partially block the snapshot. EDIT: I'm seeing that you managed to swap to an EE version: where did u find the slot to put arc? XD Double unset ring? Or not using vaal discipline at all? Last edited by Serge91#5363 on Oct 4, 2014, 4:49:08 AM
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" Good to hear you're finally cracking up those maps. the merveil fight is indeed (imo) harder than dominus, because of her second form. First form is doable if you can manage to stay under the shields (big part of staying alive in those small room fights). Divination distilate works, just make sure to turn vitality off to not be full regened instantly. Whats the best for mf, perandus blazon (the belt) is a good thing, if you can lose your belt, and if you have shavs you can push it further with aurseize, andvarius, etc etc for the arc, I just dont use vaal grace/disc in maps at all, so put it in the unset Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Is the +12% qty so good? I can take off my belt, but necessary put on PoE+PoF coz my belt gives good fire res. Thats not a problem since i was running PoF even before.
Also, with Power Siphon+GMP i have 68% chance to hit, but still I managed to cull almost everything. I would do it with arc (going even with EE), but i need to use culling strike and that's a problem :/ |
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hit 80 and made the switch to NA, the upside of having a crap ES shield before is I hardly lost any ES :). Sitting at 4748 ES without a shield, zombies have 9978 health, the only thing I have died to in the last 10 levels is chest spawn lag. The gearing tips you gave me last time Leary were spot on, made a HUGE difference. Oh and I did use 2 divines on my shaves to get it to 185%, resistances are capped with NA, important gems are mostly leveled so I am having fun just flying through maps farming exp and masters, it is pretty crazy. I believe I have my shields in order now to make the necessary map specific purity swaps. It was damn hard to find a RRGG boots of Ullr (there were only two listed in standard and I was lucky to track one down). Take a look and let me know where the glaring holes are if you have a second. Oh yeah you should mention the built in "increased item quantity" this build has. It kills so much faster than my CI MF summoner I feel it makes up for the lack of IIQ I have on this build :).
Edit: assuming I can find an unset that works for my gear what gem would you put in it? Vuln? Temp chains? Enfeeble? Bone offering? Something to break urns? Thanks again and bump
Last edited by Neurik#5484 on Oct 4, 2014, 12:26:03 PM
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Anyway to make this Beyond/HC viable? From the map video I watched, you got down to 400 ES and that seems kind of sketchy for a beyond build.
Maybe use vitality, some life regen, and zealot's oath? Mess with the best, die like the rest.
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im considering zelots oath as well. just use flasks to cast. since most of the time im not casting anything anyway. the occasional convocation or flesh offering.
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