1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)

@araycan, yes. It seemed kind of logical but a statement somewhere is needed maybe

@neurik, the main thing you lose out going CI is midnight bargain and the option of wondertraps and about 3 auras, probably meaning that you'd just run disc, poe and hatred, if possible haste but i dont think so. The side things you lose out on are the powerful pots, the efficiency of the tree (aura boost actually helps you sooo much more not having to spec into mana/str nodes) and the fact of looking awesome with life reserved. Ohh and inc duration is indeed for bubble lenght. On the many aura's, mortal conviction does this

@GoEatingToilet Damn, I didnt even notice that. No, that gem doesnt work anymore, since the mine doesnt actually do damage if it casts a minion. Same way anything that applies to you casting the minion doesnt apply to the minion

Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ

What are your thoughts on the new Mon'tregul's? Still don't like it? :P

New version (I'm thinking about divining) has +2000 life instead of +500.

I've always wanted a lategame summoner, I'm hyped! :D
IGN: DylanRyder
The Crit Philosopher: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/960124
Dominus Split Runs guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1212404
Last edited by Saxarona#0528 on Sep 23, 2014, 11:02:52 PM
leary93 wrote:
doing atziri in really good amount of time.

but dying at atziri in your own video. that's not good!
Saxarona wrote:

What are your thoughts on the new Mon'tregul's? Still don't like it? :P

New version (I'm thinking about divining) has +2000 life instead of +500.

I've always wanted a lategame summoner, I'm hyped! :D

He actually answered my question about it. The thing is that The zombies become really tanky, but the strengh lost is way bigger then the boost itself.
Having played with both wands, i can say that indeed the montegruls make your zombies tankers, but it just doesnt worth. The area affected by their explosions is really small, and although you zombies dont die (never, really), they are in a small number, which makes it really easy for enemies to attack you instead of your minions
GoatEatingToilet wrote:
NoNamium wrote:

3 spectres seems to be enough then using RS+Remote Mine+Faster Casting+Spell Echo+Minion Damage+Increased Duration.

I thought remote mine didn't work with minions anymore.
One of the changes for remote mine in 1.2 read "Trap and Mine damage bonuses now do not benefit minions cast through traps or mines."

It didn't specify that it only applied to the tree nodes, so I assumed it affected the gem as well.
Edit: Yes, checked again and it seems to be talking about the gems themselves not benefiting minions.

Thanks for the catch, I'll change the gem to Added Fire.

Kind regards
PopeJo wrote:
leary93 wrote:
doing atziri in really good amount of time.

but dying at atziri in your own video. that's not good!

I killed atziri exactly 7 times now. How good were you after so many tries? Its like saying Ghazzy still dies in uber atziri after 200 kills and mirrored gear etc...

@Saxarona, as answered before: Losing 50% of your total zombie damage isnt worth getting just a 80-100% INCREASED (not more) buff. Its only really an option if you use SRS imo, but then again, you should go with staff. thnx to anakkk for catching me up here. Probably Gonna throw in a FAQ in the next couple days.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ

which Skill Points should I take before BM and Mortal Convacation?
Im new in Poe and cant tell myself, which are important and which not.

I dont need many Minion nodes (I think), because my brother is leveling with me and just oneshot every group he attacks.


Could it be look like this? Or am I not skilling some important Points?

Kind regards
Last edited by WamboOS#0801 on Sep 24, 2014, 7:07:43 AM
Thanks for the earlier reply, I cobbled together the key gear pieces on a deceased lvl 61 HC witch I had and with mid teen (or lower) gems and cruel Eva's it is still a silly walk through on merciless. Thank you for the inspiration to try something new.

I'm only running 4 auras and my ES is stupid low, just need a few levels to swap in my 20/20 gems and some better gear. What should I be prioritizing on my gear? Assuming res cap do I even need life or is it all ES? Do I need to stack more life in order to run more auras? If so what kind of life pool is needed to really do the build justice or does it come down to getting most of the important reservation nodes? Thanks again

im starting this build in beyond, got almost all itens needed, but im going for mf and planning to use wondertrap boots.
bones of ullr is really necessary?

the gear so far:
This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life!
WamboOS wrote:

which Skill Points should I take before BM and Mortal Convacation?
Im new in Poe and cant tell myself, which are important and which not.

I dont need many Minion nodes (I think), because my brother is leveling with me and just oneshot every group he attacks.


Could it be look like this? Or am I not skilling some important Points?

Kind regards

Its important to take aura nodes and the notables (the mediumsized nodes) for minions first. You'll not pick up necromantic aegis until your lvl 80ish, but you'll be using an high ES shield before that, meaning youll also need less es nodes:

tree, just before bm

Youll be lvl 63 on this tree, and I dont recommend going bm/mortal any earlier if you dont have much experience with the game. Use a secondary skill like storm call or flameblast before you hit this point, while obv keeping minions around

@Neurik You really just need to stack es. All auras are % based so it works with 100 life as well as 5k, but with the levels and such you should reach 1300 even without investment, which in turn is enough to have enough unreserved to cast anything. For priorities on gear that is ES > Res (until you are capped > Dex (str on belt; Need to hit 153 dex i think) > Int (for more ES)

@Mawwk For beyond I recommend not going MF until you get shavs. Use bones of Ulr. This will allow you to use Ephemeral edge instead of bargain until you feel comfortable. I also dont recommend picking up necro aegis before you hit at least 7k ES with a shield (should end up being 5-5.5k without shield, I really wouldnt risk anything less than that in beyond)
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ

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