It is basically impossible to get 8/8 in the 3 month leagues.

Maximus_X wrote:
all classes to lvl 65 = each act 21 times each.
u havin a laugh m8 ggg?
you'd have to be insane to ever consider taking that 'challenge' on tbh.

Completely missing the point. Levelling each class to 65 takes a week max.

This challenge however requires you to play 15 hours a day for 3 months if Sky's calculations are correct.

In any case, it's nice to see confirmation that the levelling challenge will indeed be the hardest one and focusing the challenge around play. I don't think it will actually require that much investment otherwise GGG is fucking master troll EUW/AUS/North Pole/Kenya
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Getting 6 masters to level 8 is VERY easy because you can just grind it in Tidal 6 man group (I don't suggest using 820 because there are so many ppl that just sit in Lioneye's Watch and wait to leech other ppl masters) or spam maps. It's day 3 and Skyforth and other ppl have level 7, someone will have level 8 tomorrow/in 2 days, if not already now.

It's Zana which has both limited spawn options (map only) and much much higher rep requirement. I don't know what was GGG thinking. And reducing her rep requirement after some time seems unfair, so idk what will they do.
Last edited by phoenix4dota on Aug 23, 2014, 6:18:23 AM
phoenix4dota wrote:
Getting 6 masters to level 8 is VERY easy because you can just grind it in Tidal 6 man group (I don't suggest using 820 because there are so many ppl that just sit in Lioneye's Watch and wait to leech other ppl masters) or spam maps. It's day 3 and Skyforth and other ppl have level 7, someone will have level 8 tomorrow/in 2 days, if not already now.

It's Zana which has both limited spawn options (map only) and much much higher rep requirement. I don't know what was GGG thinking. And reducing her rep requirement after some time seems unfair, so idk what will they do.

It's obvious what GGG is going to do.
Reputation orbs.

AmbushRacer wrote:
the "level all classes to 65" is more retarded.

That one is just plain grindy, but if you no-life to level cap you can do it.

Having to retry the game and finish every act 21 times is such a stupid concept.

That's one of the only ones I did back in Domination :p It's great to try out different stuff but not goign to do it again :p

Anyway itr seems it's easy to get level 7 after 3 days which is disappointing on itself. It SHOULD be a grind tbh but if you can get level 7 so fast it's pretty weird level 8 would take so long?
hey, maybe GGG really really don't want to give those shirts.
Deadpeng wrote:
Lol so the time it takes to get voraci level 8 is enough to farm the 1500 fusings needed to use on him
phoenix4dota wrote:
Getting 6 masters to level 8 is VERY easy because you can just grind it in Tidal 6 man group (I don't suggest using 820 because there are so many ppl that just sit in Lioneye's Watch and wait to leech other ppl masters) or spam maps. It's day 3 and Skyforth and other ppl have level 7, someone will have level 8 tomorrow/in 2 days, if not already now.

It's Zana which has both limited spawn options (map only) and much much higher rep requirement. I don't know what was GGG thinking. And reducing her rep requirement after some time seems unfair, so idk what will they do.

level 8 is 4 times as hard as level 7.

itll take until day 12 until a lvl8 master is here

level 8 is 4 times as hard as level 7.

itll take until day 12 until a lvl8 master is here

So that's only 12*7 = 3 months of constant 16 hour a day no-lifing for the challenge. Too Korean for me Kappa
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Aug 23, 2014, 8:17:15 AM
I'd say it's working as intended... you can do it in the temp-league, or get it done in the permaleagues within months/years.

You have to remember what GGG is trying to do here: make the best game ever.
That requires to give something for everyone, for the HC_nolifers it's level 100, 8/8 in the templeagues and still those are available for everyone.

1500 fuses, 200-300 hours of active grind.. no problem, or play the game casually and get those fuses by playing "normally" aka not doing bossruns and boom!!, you'll get those fuses.

And for me, solo/selfound/gameaddict, crafting and strongboxes are a huge step forward.
I actually don't give a flying F about buffs/nerfs because everything just got a bit easier for me.
8/8 was never meant to be easy. I mean, Havoc couldn't get 8/8 after all the shit he did in the last league. So, yeah. Be happy they added the silver microtransaction and go for that if you really care.

I do think it's kind of fucked up though that they advertised getting 8/8 as "On average you do the daily quest and then find 3-4 masters" to max them. Then again, maybe I misunderstood and that was for only '1' master.

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