It is basically impossible to get 8/8 in the 3 month leagues.

From a solo players perspective this is very dissapointing. I otherwise really enjoy the new stuff & leagues, just started mapping in Rampage... I planned to do this challenge (in place of the level to 65 one, which is horribly boring), but now I see it wont be possible.

Another feture that is balanced around organized party play :(

I wish there was a way to target farm just one or two masters, so I could at least focus on the ones I need for my build.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
ellefanor wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
You're also forgetting that you can share daily quests with others.

250% once per day
nice tip

I think I remember reading somewhere that if you join other's for their daily, you won't get the bonus, just the standard reputation.

Edit: It's actually in the patch notes...
Once masters are at level 2, they can be invited to your hideout. While in your hideout, they offer you daily missions which provide 250% reputation and favour. If your friends help you with a daily mission, they receive normal reputation and favour.
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Last edited by qwertz on Aug 23, 2014, 3:25:36 AM
all classes to lvl 65 = each act 21 times each.
u havin a laugh m8 ggg?
you'd have to be insane to ever consider taking that 'challenge' on tbh.
morbo wrote:
From a solo players perspective this is very dissapointing. I otherwise really enjoy the new stuff & leagues, just started mapping in Rampage... I planned to do this challenge (in place of the level to 65 one, which is horribly boring), but now I see it wont be possible.

Another feture that is balanced around organized party play :(

I wish there was a way to target farm just one or two masters, so I could at least focus on the ones I need for my build.

the only bonus parties get is that they can invite other members to their maps/instances with masters so the 'hunt' is quicker

but other than that - there is no clear advantage
sidtherat wrote:

the only bonus parties get is that they can invite other members to their maps/instances with masters so the 'hunt' is quicker

but other than that - there is no clear advantage

The advantage is huge bro. You can make like 20 quests per hour by simply using /global 820 and going with everybody who offers a quest. Now think about how many quests you find per hour as a solo player.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Lol so the time it takes to get voraci level 8 is enough to farm the 1500 fusings needed to use on him
if someone can stand the boredom.. ok

i might check these out and spam my own instances then, i seem to find them every 2/3 maps and i consider it quite frequent

but even with that all masters to level 8 seems to be health hazard and even one is.. well.. nolife
AmbushRacer wrote:
the "level all classes to 65" is more retarded.

That one is just plain grindy, but if you no-life to level cap you can do it.

Having to retry the game and finish every act 21 times is such a stupid concept.

sidtherat wrote:
this is not a challenge

it is more like making people risk their health

and ofc many will risk it because of that 'clear craft' at lvl 8. hope that one can 'clear craft' done with master A on a bench of master B.. if not then we are in for a serious outcry

Yeah. It was just released in Taiwan. What the fuck.

pengant wrote:
that's a pretty a crazy grind right there :/

Shagsbeard wrote:
Looks to me like 900k... not 10mil.

Troll strikes again. Thankfully everyone else isn't so dense they actually think we have only one master to level for the challenge.

Last edited by ConanTheGamebarian on Aug 23, 2014, 5:52:46 AM
Xavderion wrote:
Called it :3 This shit is ridiculous. Now imagine doing this every temporary league.

Once and wont care again. pointless grind.

SL4Y3R wrote:
You're also forgetting that you can share daily quests with others.

If you own the daily quest, you get 250% reputation and favour, your friends get the usual amount.
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!

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