News Archive
Announcing the Two-Week Turmoil Event!
Jul 10, 2017, 11:18:58 PM
Last week we posted a thread asking for feedback about our upcoming Two-Week Event. We were really pleased by the amount of feedback we received and noted that the prevailing message was that players wanted a non-voided event. We are glad to announce that our upcoming two-week Turmoil events will be non-voided! You will be able to play in three versions of Turmoil and win cool prizes! These events will start this Saturday (NZ time). Today's news post reveals the full details!
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The Fall of Oriath: Boss Concept Art - Spoiler Warning
Jul 9, 2017, 7:43:18 PM
Our team is working hard on the content for The Fall of Oriath and we anticipate being able to confirm a release date for you soon. In the meantime, we want to share some new pieces of concept art, which will allow you to look into the process of creating the main boss of The Fall of Oriath. If you're looking to avoid them, please be aware that this post contains significant spoilers!
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All Pets on Sale This Weekend!
Jul 7, 2017, 12:01:57 AM
This weekend we're discounting all Pet Microtransactions! That means over 50 microtransactions have been discounted by as much as 50% this weekend only! Check out the full selection of specials here. We're also happy to announce that our Two-Week Turmoil Event will be starting on Saturday 15 July NZ time. We'll post further details about the event early next week! Read More.
Weekly Beta Report Four
Jul 5, 2017, 9:01:32 PM
This week we deployed Wave 2 of the Beta for The Fall of Oriath! These changes included Act 8, a full character wipe and more. We are about to enter the fifth week of the Beta and thus are publishing our Weekly Beta Report that discusses what to expect in our next Beta update.
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3D Art for Existing Unique Items
Jul 4, 2017, 9:31:42 PM
In addition to preparing for our upcoming expansion, The Fall of Oriath, our team is working on some other improvements to the game, including creating 3D art for some existing unique items. Last month we shared a preview of several items that are receiving new 3D art and today we want to show you some more.
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The Fall of Oriath: Act Five Concept Art
Jul 3, 2017, 8:52:01 PM
Our upcoming 3.0.0 expansion, The Fall of Oriath, draws ever closer. While we're still working to confirm the exact release date, we are very eager to share the hard work of our team with you. Concept art is a great opportunity to showcase some of the behind-the-scenes process and creation of our final work. We are excited to share more of this with you today! Read More.
Two-Week Event Feedback
Jul 2, 2017, 11:57:56 PM
We're planning to run another two-week event after the Mayhem events end. The team is currently tied up with preparing content for 3.0.0 so we're not able to add any new modifiers for this event, however we can create events with existing modifiers. We wanted to ask you, the community, what your preferences for this two-week event would be. Read More.
The Fall of Oriath: Yugul, Reflection of Terror
Jul 2, 2017, 8:56:13 PM
This week we'll be deploying Wave 2 of The Fall of Oriath Beta! These changes include Act 8 and other improvements mentioned in last week's Beta Report. This update will also include a full character wipe so that players can more accurately test content with the new changes in place. In the meantime, we've created a preview video of one of the new Act 8 bosses: Yugul, Reflection of Terror!
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All Fire Microtransactions On Sale This Weekend!
Jun 30, 2017, 12:00:54 AM
This weekend we're hosting a blazing hot sale where we're discounting all fiery-themed effects, including many types of microtransactions from armour sets, back attachments, weapon effects, skill effects, hideout effects and more! Check out the full selection of discounts here.
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Weekly Beta Report Three
Jun 28, 2017, 9:25:51 PM
We are about to enter the fourth week of the Beta for The Fall of Oriath! This week's Beta Report discusses what to expect from the upcoming Beta Patch and what the team will be looking at in the coming week.
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The Fall of Oriath: The Harbour Bridge
Jun 27, 2017, 7:16:14 PM
Later this week we'll be deploying Act 8 to the Beta realm. This update will also include a character wipe so that we can obtain new data about character progression in the upcoming expansion. Naturally, Act 8 includes many new bosses and areas to explore. While we eagerly await the update, here's a preview of one of these new areas, The Harbour Bridge. Read More.
Developer Diary - Music in Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath
Jun 26, 2017, 7:01:51 PM
Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath introduces six new acts, which naturally means we've significantly expanded our soundtrack! Our in-house composer, Kamil, has written an entry that explains his approach to creating this music and what to expect when The Fall of Oriath launches!
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3.0.0 Beta Performance Improvements
Jun 25, 2017, 11:03:46 PM
In the upcoming 3.0.0 expansion, we have been working a lot on performance. Today we can show you some changes that are coming in Wave 3 of the Beta, which we expect to release late next week. We've created a video to showcase some of these performance improvements. You can check out the video here. Read More.
Super Stash Sale and Events Starting This Weekend!
Jun 23, 2017, 12:02:01 AM
This weekend there are several exciting things happening, with the eight-hour Grief events continuing tomorrow and then the Two-Week Mayhem Events starting shortly afterwards. We're also running a sale on every type of Stash Tab! Read More.
Weekly Beta Report Two
Jun 21, 2017, 7:02:30 PM
We're about to enter the third week of the Beta for The Fall of Oriath. We're expecting our next wave of changes to be deployed in the later part of next week. This update will also include Act Eight! In the meantime, we have our second weekly Beta report which discusses what our upcoming plans are regarding game balance, Act Eight and fixes to some known issues.
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The Pantheon System
Jun 20, 2017, 9:05:26 PM
In our upcoming expansion, The Fall of Oriath, you will face powerful gods from throughout Wraeclast's history. By defeating these gods, you can claim a fragment of their power for yourself. These are called Pantheon Powers and are part of the new Pantheon system. We've created a video that explains exactly how you can claim these powers for your own.
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The Fall of Oriath: Doedre the Vile
Jun 19, 2017, 9:13:31 PM
Next week we're deploying an update to The Fall of Oriath Beta realm that includes bug fixes, new content and most importantly, Act Eight! There are many new bosses included in this act, but at least one familiar face. Today we're revealing a preview of Doedre the Vile in her sewer arena. Read More.
Path of Exile at E3
Jun 18, 2017, 11:31:37 PM
Last week, Chris, Jonathan and Nick attended the E3 expo in Los Angeles to showcase our upcoming The Fall of Oriath expansion and the Xbox One version of Path of Exile. Today's news includes some insights into the team's experiences there and some coverage of The Fall of Oriath from news sites. Read More.
This Weekend: All Armour Sets On Sale! Last Days of the One-Week Event and Twitch Prime Offer
Jun 16, 2017, 12:02:03 AM
This weekend is full of action! We're discounting all armour sets for the next four days. It's also your last chance to compete in the One-Week Legacy Event and pick up your Purple Portal, Weapon Effect and Footprints by starting a free trial of Twitch Prime!
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An Update to the Two-Week Mayhem Race Event
Jun 14, 2017, 10:49:02 PM
The One-Week Legacy event is currently in its last few days and we're very pleased with how competitive these events have been and how many players are participating in them. As a result of this event, we've received a lot of interest from players who are interested in having Solo-Self Found options for the upcoming Two-Week Mayhem Event. We're updating this event to include a Solo-Self Found option for those who are interested. This post explains how we're doing this and why. Read More.