News Archive
Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath and the Harbinger League launch tomorrow!
Aug 4, 2017, 1:41:47 AM
The Fall of Oriath is so close now! This expansion launches alongside The Harbinger League in less than 14 hours as of the time of this news post. The studio is buzzing right now and we can't wait to see what you think of the work we've done. In the meantime, this news post has the information you'll need to know about what happens on launch day.
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3.0.0 Item Filter and Passive Tree Information
Aug 2, 2017, 11:19:15 PM
The Fall of Oriath and the Harbinger Challenge League launch in less than two days! We know you're all eager to get prepared before the launch, so we've assembled the necessary item filter and skill tree data to get you on your way. This will be particularly useful for creators of build guides and item filters! Read More.
Path of Exile 3.0.0: The Fall of Oriath Patch Notes
Aug 2, 2017, 12:34:55 AM
Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath and the Harbinger Challenge League launch this weekend! In addition to six acts of content, improvements to game performance, the new water renderer and minimap system, this expansion also comes with a myriad of other updates to Path of Exile. For more information, check out the full patch notes.
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Development Manifesto: Balance Changes to Chill, Shock, and Charges
Jul 31, 2017, 11:31:49 PM
The most recent wave of Beta changes introduced adjustments to the mechanics of Chill, Shock, and Charges. These changes generated a lot of feedback from the community and so we'd like to further discuss these changes and our thought process regarding aspects of game balance in 3.0. The team has written a Development Manifesto that outlines this further. Check it out here.Read More.
The Harbinger League Challenges and Rewards
Jul 30, 2017, 11:04:09 PM
The Harbinger Challenge League launches on August 4th alongside The Fall of Oriath expansion. There are 40 challenges to conquer for exclusive rewards. Completing 12, 24 and 36 challenges can earn you the Harbinger Challenge Eyes, Harbinger Challenge Crown and Harbinger Challenge Effect respectively. Interested? Check out the full news post to view the challenges!
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The Last Weekend for Legacy League, Legacy Hat, Classic Mystery Box and Legacy Supporter Packs!
Jul 27, 2017, 11:59:17 PM
The Fall of Oriath is almost a week away! In the meantime, this weekend is your last chance to complete your challenges in the Legacy League and join in the fun of the Turmoil Event to compete for awesome prizes! We're also about to say goodbye to the Legacy Hat, Legacy Supporter Packs and Classic Mystery Box before they leave the store forever. Read More.
The Harbinger Challenge League
Jul 27, 2017, 8:20:06 PM
On Friday August 4th, the Harbinger Challenge League will launch alongside The Fall of Oriath. Today's news post provides a first glimpse into the deadly challenges and valuable rewards of the Harbinger Challenge League. Read More.
The Xbox One Beta is Now Live!
Jul 26, 2017, 4:05:54 PM
We know that many of you have been eagerly awaiting it, and we're excited to announce that the Xbox One Beta is now live! The Beta will run for approximately three weeks and includes all Path of Exile content that is currently in our PC Beta, including Acts 5-8. If you have an Xbox One, you can sign up for a Beta Key here.
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The Fall of Oriath: Garukhan, Queen of the Wind
Jul 25, 2017, 7:40:35 PM
The Fall of Oriath is only nine days away from its release! Our team is consuming gallons of caffeine while working extremely hard putting the finishing touches on the new content. While we eagerly await sharing this expansion with you, we are excited to reveal a video of an upcoming Act Nine fight against Garukhan, Queen of the Wind. Read More.
Upcoming Unique Items
Jul 24, 2017, 5:57:29 PM
As per an expansion, Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath will also include a set of new unique items, several of which have been designed with the help of our supporters. Today we're excited to reveal four such uniques!
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Skill Preview: Dark Pact
Jul 24, 2017, 12:34:46 AM
Recently we revealed two skills we're working on: Charged Dash and Storm Burst. We're also working on a third skill, Dark Pact! While this skill is a work in progress and still may undergo some changes, we're excited to reveal a preview video of how this skill currently works. Check out today's news for more information! Read More.
A Huge Selection of Blue and Lightning Effects On Sale This Weekend!
Jul 20, 2017, 11:01:48 PM
Yesterday we announced that our upcoming expansion, The Fall of Oriath, will be launching on PC at 1pm on Friday, August 4th (PDT) alongside the Harbinger Challenge League. If you missed it, check out the full announcement and trailer. In the meantime, we're hosting a sale on a huge selection of Arcane, Lightning and Stormcaller Effects! Check out the full selection here. Read More.
2.6.3 Deployed Successfully
Jul 20, 2017, 10:09:38 PM
We have deployed the 2.6.3 Patch and the new Microtransaction System. Here's the reddit thread with the drama from deployment attempt #3. Thanks so much for your patience during this process. This quick post highlights a few extra notes about the system. There's another news post coming later today also, with some information about the weekend sales. Read More.
The Fall of Oriath Release Date and Trailer!
Jul 20, 2017, 12:27:56 AM
We are excited to announce that Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath will be launching on PC at 1pm on Friday, August 4th (PDT) alongside the Harbinger Challenge League. The Fall of Oriath is set to be our largest content expansion ever. In addition to six new acts of content, it includes new skill and support gems, unique items, improvements to game performance and much more! Check out the latest trailer for a sneak peek of the chaos.
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Weekly Beta Report Six
Jul 18, 2017, 9:44:58 PM
We're about to enter week seven of the Beta for our upcoming expansion, The Fall of Oriath! You may notice that today's Beta report is a day early. This is because we're making room for our big announcement tomorrow! In the meantime, today's report discusses some of the changes we've made so far and what to expect in coming update. Read More.
Skill Preview: Charged Dash
Jul 17, 2017, 8:25:04 PM
This week we're planning to reveal our release date for 3.0.0 (The Fall of Oriath). We're also working on some new skills, one of which we revealed last week.
Although it's still a work in progress and may change before it's released, we're excited to reveal a preview of another new skill. It functions as a channelled lightning attack that can be used as a movement skill. We've created a video to demonstrate how this skill, Charged Dash, currently works. Read More.
Concept Art of Upcoming Unique Items
Jul 16, 2017, 6:43:47 PM
There are only a few days left before the announcement of the final launch date for our biggest expansion ever, Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath! Among the substantial amount of content we have prepared for you, this expansion will include new unique items, many of which were designed by our supporters. The developers have been working very hard on these items and you'll be able to check them out very soon! In the meantime, we'd like to share concept art of several upcoming unique items.
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The Turmoil Events Start Tomorrow and Super Stash Sale!
Jul 13, 2017, 11:00:16 PM
Tomorrow we're kicking off the Two-Week Turmoil events at 9am (NZT)! If you're interested in trying out the event, you can find more information about the mods and prizing here. This weekend we're also holding another Super Stash Sale where we're discounting all types of Stash Tab. Read More.
Weekly Beta Report Five
Jul 12, 2017, 7:37:46 PM
We're about to enter week six of the Beta for our upcoming expansion, The Fall of Oriath! Beta testers have made a lot of progress getting through to Act 8, testing balance and testing level progression! As always, the community has left us with much helpful feedback as we continue to develop and work on this expansion. This week's Beta Report fills you in on what we're working on and what to expect in coming updates. Read More.
Skill Reveal: Storm Burst
Jul 11, 2017, 6:37:14 PM
In addition to six new acts and more than a dozen new support gems, The Fall of Oriath will bring several new skill gems. For today's news post we have prepared a brief mechanics preview and have created a video with a demonstration of one of these new skills. We're happy to introduce the new skill: Storm Burst.
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