News Archive

Video Highlights from the Turmoil Event!

Nov 14, 2017, 7:15:41 PM
We're about halfway through the ten-day Turmoil Event and we're very pleased with how many of you are competing in this event. We've already seen many excellent video highlights from people's experiences so far and wanted to share them with the broader community! Read More.

Development Manifesto: Monster Density in Maps

Nov 13, 2017, 7:08:22 PM
With the official 3.1.0 announcement just around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to address a community concern that has arisen since 3.0.0 launched. The team has written a development manifesto regarding monster density in maps that outlines some of our upcoming plans. Check out the full post here. Read More.

The 3.1.0 Press Tour is Complete

Nov 12, 2017, 9:11:22 PM
Chris and Jonathan have returned from the US West Coast press tour for our upcoming expansion. Journalists have this week to write up their impressions of the new content, with the press embargo being lifted at the same time that the expansion is announced at noon on Thursday this week (PST). Keep an eye out for their coverage then! Read More.

The Ten-Day Turmoil Event Starts Tomorrow!

Nov 9, 2017, 8:37:57 PM
We're approximately one month away from the release of the 3.1.0 expansion, which means that there are only few weeks left before the end of the Harbinger Challenge League. This also means the beginning of pair of ten-day events! The Turmoil events will start very soon, so it's time to prepare yourself for the race! We've also updated our racing guide, so check it out if you need some helpful tips for the event. Read More.

Upcoming Unique Items

Nov 8, 2017, 7:16:17 PM
In the leadup to the reveal of our December update, today we're showcasing a small sample of the unique items that are being added in 3.1.0. Read More.

Developer Interview - Natanel - Visual Effects Artist

Nov 7, 2017, 7:24:26 PM
While our team are working hard preparing our upcoming expansion, we've had a moment to interview Natanel, one of our visual effects artists, to get some insights into his work! Read More.

Five Facts about our Upcoming Release

Nov 6, 2017, 5:44:11 PM
Yesterday we revealed the announcement date for our upcoming 3.1.0 expansion. While you're waiting for it, calm your curiosity with five facts about this release. Read More.

Timeline Over the Next Few Weeks

Nov 5, 2017, 5:57:00 PM
It's been a couple of weeks since we checked in with the community about our upcoming content schedule and so we wanted to take a moment to let you know how things are going and what you can expect in the next few weeks! Read More.

The Fall of Oriath Supporter Packs end in Two Weeks and Super Stash Sale

Nov 2, 2017, 11:00:16 PM
Our development team is working hard towards the announcement of our next expansion. We'll reveal the upcoming content in a couple of weeks! Of course, we've prepared awesome new supporter packs for this expansion, which means that there are only two weeks left before The Fall of Oriath supporter packs will leave the store, forever! We're also holding another Super Stash Sale this weekend where we're discounting every type of stash tab. Read More.

Try out our new Trade Site!

Nov 2, 2017, 6:52:19 PM
Today we have launched a beta version of, a trade site that has similar functionality to popular community sites. We have also augmented our Online API to take into account AFK players and those in DND mode. This functionality is available for all trade sites that consume this API and should help make trade results more accurate for everyone. Read the rest of this news post for information on, or click here to read our Trade Manifesto if you'd like to hear more about our philosophy behind trade in Path of Exile. Read More.

Harbinger Content Integration

Nov 1, 2017, 11:28:15 PM
Harbinger Challenge League was released alongside 3.0.0 and was played by more people than any league we have made before. Our team has written a Development Manifesto regarding the future of Harbinger mechanics and currency items from this league. Read More.

Hideout Showcase: The Cartographorium

Oct 31, 2017, 9:20:22 PM
We recently stumbled upon a hideout made by Sie_Sayoka that impressed us so much that we decided to make a video to showcase this work. The hideout includes a large map of Wraeclast, the Atlas and even a sculpture of The Shaper! Read More.

Happy Halloween!

Oct 30, 2017, 11:30:14 PM
It's October 31st here in New Zealand and about to become Halloween for the rest of the world too! This means that there's only a few more days to grab the Bleeding Eyes Helmet Effect, Devil Horns and Spiderweb Cloak! To celebrate this spooky occasion, we've collected some secret tidbits about Path of Exile and our development history to share with you! While many of you may know that Chatters was named after a laundromat that Chris frequented in early development, did you know that Rat Cage Unique will sometimes squeak if you take fire damage? Read More.

Community Showcase

Oct 29, 2017, 9:47:00 PM
It's time for another community showcase! Today we'd like to share a few pieces of fan art that were created by our players outside of the recent fan art competition, including some artwork, a tattoo and Nessa cosplay. Read More.

Announcing the 10-Day Turmoil and Mayhem Events!

Oct 26, 2017, 11:19:39 PM
Near the end of the Harbinger Challenge League we're going to be running two 10-day competitive events: Turmoil and Mayhem! We ran these events during the Beta for The Fall of Oriath and due to their success and popular demand, we've decided to bring them back! There are many awesome prizes up for grabs including the Chaos and Order Mystery Box, Alternate Art Demigod's Dominance and many more microtransactions. Read More.

Teaser of Upcoming Uniques

Oct 25, 2017, 10:33:02 PM
Tomorrow we're planning to release our plans for the two upcoming 10-day events and their prizes! In the meantime, we have a small teaser: the art of some upcoming unique items to stoke the fires of your curiosity. Read More.

Updates to the Content Schedule

Oct 24, 2017, 11:25:33 PM
A couple of weeks ago we posted a content schedule news post that included a timeline for upcoming events. We have some small updates regarding this timeline and wanted to share them with the community as soon as possible. Read More.

The Path of Exile Art Book and a Week of Armour Set Sales!

Oct 24, 2017, 9:44:28 PM
We're happy to announce that the Path of Exile Art Book that's currently available in the Kitava Supporter Packs has now been printed and is on its way to the hands of supporters as we speak. To celebrate our Four-year Anniversary and Halloween, we're also holding a week of Armour Set sales! This week at least one armour set will be on sale every day until after Halloween! Read More.

A Four-year Release Retrospective

Oct 24, 2017, 12:04:19 AM
Four years ago, on October 23, 2013, Path of Exile left Beta and was formally released! To celebrate our four year anniversary since the game's release, Bex has taken a moment to reflect on the journey of development we've taken together and offer insights into what it was like to observe from her position inside the company. Read More.

Skill Rework - Lightning Tendrils

Oct 22, 2017, 6:18:54 PM
In 3.1.0, we're planning to improve how the Lightning Tendrils skill gem functions. This includes small changes to its mechanics and a major change to its visuals to make it feel more intense and powerful. We've created a video to demonstrate these updates. Read More.