News Archive

Development Manifesto: Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

Feb 21, 2019, 6:01:14 PM
Earlier this week in our announcement of Path of Exile: Synthesis, we mentioned our plans to include Betrayal as a core game mechanic. We've written a Development Manifesto that outlines our plans for its integration. Read More.

Malevolence, Zealotry and Aura Changes

Feb 20, 2019, 6:28:51 PM
Alongside the Synthesis League, we're going to be introducing a number of new damage spells and two new Auras that can benefit them. These are called Zealotry and Malevolence. We've also made a few adjustments to some existing auras. Read More.

Announcing Path of Exile: Synthesis

Feb 19, 2019, 3:10:49 PM
We're proud to announce Path of Exile: Synthesis! You'll encounter Cavas, recover his lost memories and chain them together to reach valuable rewards, new boss fights and crafting opportunities. This expansion contains the Synthesis challenge league, new items, new gems, a complete rebalance of spells throughout Path of Exile, an integrated version of the Betrayal league and much, much more. Please check out the announcement page, watch the trailer and check out the new supporter packs! Read More.

Skill Rework - Storm Burst

Feb 18, 2019, 7:48:28 PM
Alongside the new league, a huge number of spells are being rebalanced. A few are also receiving mechanical changes, the most extreme changes being to Storm Burst. Today we're going to go over all of the changes it's receiving. Read More.

Upcoming Timelines! Betrayal Packs Ending

Feb 17, 2019, 4:21:21 PM
There are only a couple of days left until we reveal the full details of our next expansion. Today we'd like to take a moment to remind you about the end of the Betrayal Supporter Packs and several upcoming dates to be aware of. Read More.

New Hideout Preview and Super Stash Sale

Feb 14, 2019, 10:00:10 PM
The 3.6.0 announcement is right around the corner! The full details will be revealed on Tuesday, February 19th (PST). In the meantime, we're showcasing another discoverable hideout from the 3.6.0 expansion, the Alpine Hideout. Additionally, we're holding a sale on every type of stash tab. Click here to check out the discounts. Read More.

Community Showcase

Feb 13, 2019, 3:44:17 PM
We always enjoy seeing how Path of Exile inspires players to create fan art. We've gathered a few pieces of the recent creations from our community to share with you, including video submissions, paintings and digital art, and a couple of tattoos! Read More.

Voice Acting in Path of Exile

Feb 12, 2019, 7:03:15 PM
In Path of Exile: Betrayal we introduced 19 new voice actors which was a huge amount of writing and recording work. We thought this would be a good time to get a behind the scenes look at how the process works! Read More.

Streamer Interview - Quin69

Feb 11, 2019, 5:59:36 PM
A few months ago we began interviewing some of our streamers and notable community members. In continuation of this series, we've interviewed Quin69 from our very own New Zealand! Find out what Wanganui's #1 gamer has to say about life as a Path of Exile streamer. Read More.

Bex's Four-Year Community Manager Anniversary

Feb 10, 2019, 5:07:32 PM
Our Community Director, Bex, joined the GGG team almost six years ago, but four years ago today she became our Community Manager. To celebrate this anniversary, she's answering the community's questions about her role and time at GGG! Read More.

Winners of the Hideout Competition

Feb 7, 2019, 8:17:32 PM
At the beginning of this week our Hideout Competition concluded. Over the past few days we've visited hundreds of unique and creative hideouts submitted by the participants and today we're finally ready to announce the winners. Click here to watch a video with the top five winners and be sure to check out this news post to view the rest of them! Read More.

Betrayal Statistics

Feb 6, 2019, 5:55:01 PM
Looking at league statistics is interesting for our designers and a good opportunity for us to see how actual player behaviour might differ to what we expected. Today we're sharing more stats from the Betrayal league, including completion of Safehouses, time spent in the Mastermind's Lair and completed challenges. Read More.

New Hideout Preview

Feb 5, 2019, 2:55:51 PM
In the 3.6.0 expansion we're adding more new hideouts which can be discovered in certain areas or maps. For this news post we've created a preview of the new Haunted Hideout. Read More.

Flame Totem Rework

Feb 4, 2019, 5:16:34 PM
While we're rebalancing many skills in our 3.6.0 expansion, we're also doing a full rework to two existing skills. One of these skills is Flame Totem, which is being repurposed into a divine-themed skill which has new mechanics that interact with Consecrated Ground and new visual effects to match its divine abilities. Read More.

Betrayal Supporter Packs End Soon

Feb 3, 2019, 5:52:49 PM
At the end of the next week we'll announce the 3.6.0 expansion and its challenge league. When the announcement goes live, we'll introduce a new set of league supporter packs. This means that in two weeks we're saying goodbye to Betrayal Supporter Packs. If you're thinking about purchasing one of the Betrayal Packs before they leave the store but you're not sure you'll be able to do so in time, check out today's news post. Read More.

Oriath Microtransactions on Sale This Weekend

Jan 31, 2019, 10:00:44 PM
We're holding a sale for all the cosmetic effects introduced in the Oriath Mystery Box, with over 50 microtransactions available at discounted prices! Click here to view the full selection of discounts. Read More.

Developer Interview - Matt, Narrative Designer

Jan 31, 2019, 6:57:33 PM
We recently hired a new Narrative Designer, Matt, who helped work on our recent lore-heavy expansion, Betrayal! We took a moment to get some insights about Matt's role and his working life. Read More.

3.5.3 Patch Notes

Jan 30, 2019, 5:35:04 PM
While we're hard at work on our upcoming 3.6.0 expansion and its announcement, we're also finishing preparing the next big update for the ongoing Betrayal League. Alongside fixes and improvements for Betrayal, the 3.5.3 patch includes performance improvements and fixes for various crashes and bugs. We're planning to deploy this update by the end of this working week. In the meantime, check out a preview of its patch notes! Read More.

Chris Wilson will Speak at the Game Developers Conference 2019

Jan 29, 2019, 4:58:25 PM
At this year's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this March, Chris will present a talk entitled "Designing Path of Exile to be Played Forever". While the scheduled date and time for the talk has yet to be locked down, this post describes what the talk covers in case you're attending GDC and want to attend! Read More.

Hideout Competition Highlights

Jan 28, 2019, 7:29:46 PM
We are in the fourth and final week of our Hideout Competition where you can win awesome prizes and showcase your excellent hideout creation skills. The competition ends on February 3rd (PST) so there's only a few days left to get your submissions in. In the meantime, we've rounded up more highlights from the submissions so far into a video for you to watch! Read More.