News Archive

The Dragon Hunter Footprints Effect

Jan 8, 2019, 8:20:04 PM
To complete your Dragon Hunter collection, we've just introduced its last missing piece, the Dragon Hunter Footprints Effect! Designed in red and orange colours, this vivid footprints effect is a nice finishing touch to many outfits. Check out the video, or get yours in the store. Read More.

[Xbox One] The Core Supporter Packs Launch This Thursday!

Jan 8, 2019, 6:05:56 PM
We're happy to announce that the Core Supporter Packs will be released for our Xbox One players this Thursday (US time)! They will replace the current War for the Atlas Supporter Packs and will exist alongside the Betrayal packs (and future league packs). Read More.

3.5.1b Patch Notes

Jan 8, 2019, 5:41:08 PM
The team is back from the holiday break and ready for another amazing year of Path of Exile development! We're currently finishing testing our first update of this year, the 3.5.1b patch, which includes a lot of improvements to the Betrayal League, as well as several bug fixes. We're aiming to deploy this update by the end of this working week. In the meantime, check out a preview of its patch notes! Read More.

The Dragon Hunter Portal Effect

Jan 7, 2019, 6:33:06 PM
To continue the Dragon Hunter theme, we've just released the corresponding Portal Effect. The Dragon Hunter Portal replaces the standard effect of your portals with a large stone one, guarded by a ferocious dragon. Check out the new portal by watching this video, or click here to get yours. Read More.

Hideout Competition Highlights

Jan 7, 2019, 3:55:44 PM
It's been only a week since the start of our Hideout Competition, but we've already received a lot of interesting submissions. It's going to be a tough competition for sure! As usual, we'll be showcasing some of the entries every week until the end of the competition. For today's news post we've recorded a video with several hideouts created by participants so far. Read More.

The Dragon Hunter Character Effect

Jan 6, 2019, 8:08:43 PM
We've just introduced the Dragon Hunter Character Effect which imbues your character with a black and orange fire-like effect. This effect will perfectly fit your Dragon Hunter Armour Set, as well as other fire-themed microtransaction from the store. Check it out by watching this video, or click here to get yours. Read More.

Core Supporter Packs Concept Art

Jan 6, 2019, 4:26:20 PM
Alongside exclusive cosmetic effects and physical items available in the recently released Core Supporter Packs, there is also a pack of the signed concept art prints which is included only in the Crucible Supporter Pack. We've received many questions about them, and today we'd like to showcase some of the pieces of the Core Supporter Packs concept art to give you an idea of what to expect. Read More.

Streamer Interview - DCLara

Jan 3, 2019, 5:24:11 PM
Last year we introduced the Streamer Interview news series where we talk to our community streamers in order to know more about their lives. To continue our series, this week Bex reached out to DCLara with some questions about her and her history with games and streaming. Read More.

Reflecting on Past Releases Part 2

Jan 2, 2019, 6:05:48 PM
Last week we shared Part 1 of this series, which looked at the development of various releases from Path of Exile's Closed Beta through to the Torment and Bloodlines challenge leagues in late 2014. Today's entry covers the 2015-2016 period from The Awakening through to Breach. Read More.

Path of Exile Hideout Competition

Jan 1, 2019, 4:15:27 PM
It's been a long time (more than three years!) since we ran the inaugural Hideout Competition. With the recent Hideout changes introduced in Betrayal, we decided that now is a perfect moment for another one! The winners will be rewarded with great prizes, including Shaper T-shirts, Brutus prints and lots of hideout decorations! If you like to build cozy accommodation for your characters, check out how to enter this competition in today's news post. Read More.

Happy New Year! A 2018 Retrospective

Dec 31, 2018, 5:56:38 PM
It's the start of 2019 here in New Zealand. In addition to wishing the entire community a Happy New Year, we wanted to post our annual retrospective on 2018. Once again, we're proud to announce that we've had the best year to date for both Path of Exile and Grinding Gear Games. Looking ahead, 2019 is already full of plans and ideas that we can't wait to introduce to you. In the meantime, let's take a look back on this year. Read More.

The Oriath Microtransactions Are Now Available in Store

Dec 30, 2018, 6:48:37 PM
We're happy to release the microtransactions from the Oriath Mystery Box to the store for both PC and Xbox One players! It's also still possible to combine some of the individual Faith Guard and Blood Guard pieces into the new 'Oriath' microtransactions. Check out the Oriath Mystery Box trailer to see everything that's available or check them out in the store here. Read More.

Fairgraves Mystery Box Concept Art

Dec 30, 2018, 4:11:43 PM
The holiday period is in full swing and we're continuing to share light news posts to keep you entertained. Tomorrow we'll sum up the past year in our annual retrospective, but today we're still in 2018, so for this news post we've picked several pieces of concept art of the items introduced in the Fairgraves Mystery Box. Read More.

Wings and Back Attachments Multisale

Dec 27, 2018, 10:01:07 PM
We're celebrating the last weekend of this year by holding a huge sale for all Wings and Back Attachment microtransactions! There are over 70 Wings and Back Attachments available at discounted prices. Check out the full selection of discounts here. Read More.

Seasonal Winter Microtransactions

Dec 27, 2018, 3:36:40 PM
The Yeti Mask and Polar Bear Cub have returned to the store for this holiday period! We're also happy to introduce this year's winter special, the Snowman Hideout Decoration! Click here to check them out! Read More.

The Arctic Crystal Armour Set

Dec 26, 2018, 8:58:30 PM
We've just introduced the Arctic Crystal Armour Set! Made of cloth and covered in snow and ice, this armour set will be a good addition to your collection of winter-themed microtransactions. Check it out by watching this video, or click here to get yours! Read More.

Reflecting on Past Releases Part 1

Dec 26, 2018, 6:48:02 PM
It's the holiday period in New Zealand, so we don't have any development news to share today. With so many people playing Betrayal, we thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane to examine some of Path of Exile's early releases and some interesting facts related to them. Today we'll discuss the releases from Closed Beta through to Torment and Bloodlines, with the remainder covered in future news posts during the holidays. Read More.

Happy Holidays! Get a Free Fairgraves Mystery Box!

Dec 25, 2018, 6:02:08 AM
On behalf of everyone at Grinding Gear Games, we'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! We hope that you're all getting some relaxing time off to enjoy the Betrayal expansion! In the festive spirit, we're offering everyone a free Fairgraves Mystery Box! Read More.

Happy Holidays from New Zealand!

Dec 24, 2018, 2:30:37 PM
It's Christmas in New Zealand! While GGG team are enjoying a well-deserved day off with their families and friends, we wanted to take a moment to wish Happy Holidays to our community! Have a great day, Exiles! Read More.

The Arctic Crystal Apparition Effect, Cloak and Bow

Dec 23, 2018, 7:31:36 PM
We're starting the Christmas week with new winter-themed microtransactions! We've just introduced the Arctic Crystal Apparition Effect, the Arctic Crystal Cloak and the Arctic Crystal Bow. Covered in icy crystals, these microtransactions will help set the holiday mood! Click here to check them out! Read More.