Live preparation of 1.2.0 patch notes

chris wrote:
No need to describe fishing in detail, just hint at it.
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
I go afk to make dinner for me and mine and bam, all the cool kids gone.


regarding my 'rage' quit: it was a sad-quit. While I have the same issues with the game, Chris intimated that 1.2.0 contained enough stuff relevant to my other issues that I should check it out. He was right, and I was wrong. It happens.

Can we move along now? Awesome. :)

I read that quit thread as well, couldn't gather any info on what you've been playing.
What was your build?
Hodari wrote:
Asemco wrote:

Out of all of these patches, there's only been one thing that's missing. Just one thing that would take this game to the level NEXT.

A clock. I just want to know what time it is without alt-tabbing. I can see my latency but not the time? I can see my Frames Per Second, but I can't see the current second of the day!? PREPOSTEROUS!

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... timey wimey... stuff.

I loooooooove you.
"Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch

Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) -
Llothis wrote:
grouping increases numberpeople to distribute the loot to, why shouldnt there be increased rewards to compensate?

I'm not saying there shouldn't be but that you can't use the same argument for adding group efficiency while at the same time reducing the solo efficiency.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Shada wrote:
Rarity is the only nerf on acuity? Oo

They want only the elitest elitists to be able to afford it.
Deadpeng wrote:
'No need to describe fishing in detail, just hint it'

What? It is no longer a troll?

I come prepared:

fck acuity
fck CoE

Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
thefredz wrote:
chris wrote:
No need to describe fishing in detail, just hint at it.

IGN TylordRampage
I like new changes although my characters got few nerfs.
thefredz wrote:
chris wrote:
No need to describe fishing in detail, just hint at it.

Tnx chris... you just 10 folded it's value
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
oh look u have 51 ex missing aorund 10 to make it to an acuity, better nerf it to 150 ex, so u never ever even fking get to smell it Q_Q rip my dreams and hopes of defeating uber atziri.
ign @Firion_Black

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