Save up forever for a crown of eyes. Get shit all over.

It is a non-numeric change. It was that the mechanic was broken for that modifier, exactly the same with the Vertex. But CoE was widely accepted while with the Vertex people QQ'ed from the very beggining.

You gotta accept it.

I was right for the past EVERY fucking patch I knew X items were going to go legacy this one time THIS ONE fucking time I'm wrong

The fuck man lol I have every legacy piece in the game <.< well I pray my friends don't lash out on me

God dammit.

I know dude. I'm sure this is extremely shocking to a lot of players. I'm just a bystander so it all just amuses me.

I don't currently have a CoE, I sold one for 50ex awhile back and used the currency to get a Mjolner. As long as Mjolner doesn't get nerfed like CoE's did then I made a great choice.
Standard Forever
Its brokenness was equal to the Vertex brokenness.

What lol. Vertex does not even compare and is still below it post nerf.
Last edited by kasub on Aug 11, 2014, 12:03:24 AM
Mjolner cast is a numeric value ... so it has more chances to go legacy I guess. ( If it actually needs a nerf, I personally don´t consider it needs to be nerfed ) Linear damage, no crit, etc.

Last edited by chromafunk on Aug 11, 2014, 12:04:12 AM

This particular type of change (changing CoE with no legacy via it's unique mod) was discussed literally months ago even. Anybody caught by surprise is just silly imo.

Sure we all hoped for legacy version for our own personal gain, but this change makes a lot more sense - and i like it.

CoE is a BiS attack dps helm still and not much has changed - buy'em up and hang on to them.
+1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159
#1 6 t1 Wand FOE BITE (5 perfect mods) SOLD /1031745
The Tale of Foe Bite --->>>
What lol. Vertex does not even compare and is still below it post nerf.

Broken in the sense that the mechanic was wrongly coded. CoE was too wide on accepting damage multiplier sources from everywhere, and Vertex was also reducing mana reservation on an unintented way, while providing the other bonuses. So in some way both were a product of unawareness by the devs ...

I guess the devs can´t really test out everything they release. They release it, we test it, then abuse it and then they decide if it needs a nerf or not.

Last edited by chromafunk on Aug 11, 2014, 12:10:09 AM
Hey guys just want to share my experience here. I have been grinding my ass off (dom runs farming alts -> fusings and selling fusings for exalt)

Today I finally saved up 45 ex and bought a crown of eyes. Spent 10 divines getting 4/2 (probably should have just payed 50 ex for a 4/2). This was about 5 hours ago.

So I have CoE in inventory for less than three hours before the item I spent around 100 hours farming for gets the first non legacy nerf in the history of PoE.

I know 45 ex may not be a huge deal to some players but for me this amount of currency took months to farm. Really feeling pretty shitty atm, like I got totally fucked.
IGN: Tuqo
@Chroma ok, I thought you were saying the current version is broken.
I seriously wasted a month of playing. How fun!
Hey guys just want to share my experience here. I have been grinding my ass off (dom runs farming alts -> fusings and selling fusings for exalt)

Today I finally saved up 45 ex and bought a crown of eyes. Spent 10 divines getting 4/2 (probably should have just payed 50 ex for a 4/2). This was about 5 hours ago.

So I have CoE in inventory for less than three hours before the item I spent around 100 hours farming for gets the first non legacy nerf in the history of PoE.

I know 45 ex may not be a huge deal to some players but for me this amount of currency took months to farm. Really feeling pretty shitty atm, like I got totally fucked.

Sell it right now for 35 exa, you will only lose 10 exalted. A goold player knows how to win but also knows how to lose and how to overcome the situation to stop losing. Make a party :


GO !
Last edited by chromafunk on Aug 11, 2014, 12:16:17 AM

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