[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
Hi everyone, I have a question about the 4 keystone for whoever thinks they can answer it.
I was thinking of changing anger for haste. Main reason behind this was so I could use firestorm for my curse on hit and ee proccing skill. Glacial cascade is pathetically short and thin with no aoe causing you to have to cast it several times to compensate for how thin it is and to put yourself in danger to compensate for length. I am thinking that although anger might give more dps at a glance, much of your true dps comes from penetration. Much of that penetration is lightning specific (close to 80%) and anger has no synergy with that. Haste on the other hand would have synergy with the lightning penetration. Also the movement speed is not to be underestimated. If the minion ai decides they want to move from point a to b then the faster they get that done the sooner they start to attack. Basically what I am saying is that although I am not sure it would not surprise me if haste actually gives faster clear speed even if it has less paper dps at a glance. The second part to that question would be if I do decide to use haste should I link it to generosity or keep it separated from it? move speed for yourself is precious and all but the minions benefit from all 3 stats and giving them a nice boost might be worth losing the movement speed for yourself. |
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Hi Ghazzy,
I am excited never played summoner srs. Please if you have time and advise on my gears (gathering dust).
Thanks, Andy Last edited by RGVsUrTexas#7963 on Jul 18, 2015, 3:13:32 AM
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Answered Questions
" Hey! Pledge is doing more DPS and yes lvl 30 echo gives you a tad bit smaller ammount of cast speed compared to a + staff with cast speed roll. You could replace Culling with Empower even if its just lvl 2. MOFL is used vs bosses and exchanged with Melee Splash for AoEing to minmax your DPS. The + staves does better with high lvl gems when you dont have Empower included, Culling Strike is the last gem we add atm. I am crossreferencing all the numbers with "MatrixFactor" to make sure we have the absolute optimal DPS output. If you want the highest peak DPS you can get in the game, then increased duration gem is actually the best to add there. However, it does make your DPS lower up til the point where you summon more spirits than before (which is past 6.65sec casting). Making it not worth having even vs atziri cause we are not getting 9 sec free casting before we are forced to move, hence why the 6.65 sec window is our optimal minmaxed DPS vs the end game boss. (Same factors are taken to account for the new bosses in act 4 as well. The only difference is when the boss only has 1 phase before he dies, then Increased Duration would completely fuck them over seeing as you have the availability of summoning all spirits, pop vaal haste, start the fight and then its dead.) " Animation Flasks helps a lot, i wouldn't use the Animte Guardian until the gem was at least lvl 18-20 and minion life was lvl 18+ as well. Some mods are harder than others, the defilers are rather squishy, the zombies will die every now and then and only act as meatshields for you to freely cast your spirits till the enemies are dead which should be very fast in general. If you personally need more meatshields i'd recommend using Spell Totem + Skeletons as more decoys. However, later on in the game zombies with higher lvls in a +2 helmet together with the Animate guardian are lvl 22 (potentially 23) they have an INSANE ammount of HP despite not bothering minion HP nodes. At that point they should be fine vs almost anything. I've personally felt that adding Minion Resist gem has not been worth it tbh seeing as you wanna use the AG there as well. However, you could use minion resist as elemental dmg is their biggest weakness up until the point where you want to start using the AG at higher lvls. " Absolutely! A keystone is the biggest nodes you can spec in the buildtree, such as "Minion Instability" "Zealots Oath" "Eldritch Battery" and so on and so on. These nodes has a very niche and significant change to your character, the 4 Keystone summoner uses for example: ZO,MoM,EB,EE and then later when we upgrade the character to a higher budget we are implementing Necromantic Aegis (NA)! I hope that cleared it up a little at least? " Hey! I've been sitting for almost a week deciding between Haste and Anger before i decided to go with Anger, the reason of this is because i want to have as high DPS output as possible as the keystone summoner style is already very defensive in its core. However, Haste does provide yourself with movement speed and the DPS increase is there but due to Echo its not a very big DPS increase where as the Anger provides a ton more DMG. If you chose to use Haste instead which in the end is a matter of taste i'd recommend making your build a 6 Keystone where you apply the Keystone "Avatar of Fire" and use the classic Ball Lightning for EE application instead ;) (Makes it do Fire DMG instead). And no, never use Haste on Generosity due to diminishing returns as well as the fact that you gain movement & cast speed from it as well. " Hey hey RGVsUrTexas! Glad that you're excited! :) Are you playing the 3 Keystone Zoomancer or the Pure Hybrid SRS build? Belt looks sweet, however I'd recommend geting str on it (preferably Heavy Belt with a STR roll as well!) to make up for attritube requirements! Helmet looks alright, shame its not pure ES based for higher eHP gain. Pledge of Hands is amazing for SRS should try to 6L if currency allows for it. Shield is "mjeh" if you are to play the Keystone classic style i wouldnt care much for the shield as in the end when you upgrade the build it would be used with NA (Rathpith Globe) making all the stats from the shield apply to your minions instead of you. Chest piece is very very nice to look at, beautiful 6L which is perfect for any Zombie or Spectre focused Classic build, the high ES with the addition of an "ok" life roll makes it a very suitable chest piece for end game plays! I hope that covered your question? Buildthread is undergoing yet another change/update to make sure its easier to read & follow. Will also be releasing the high budget srs uber atziri farming build within a few hours! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Jul 18, 2015, 6:01:07 AM
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I was thinking about using The Whispering Ice for a potential 7-Link Curse on Hit setup. How do you feel about that? Maybe even triple curses with Enhance ( +1 Curse Jewel ). And I kinda like the Icestorm it covers a rather large area about or maybe abit more than firestorm and is also cold so we don't need to worry about EE. Quality Curses are a big deal and adding even more quality could push it very far. The downside of it is of course the lacking shield and then I could not use NA later. Is it that big of a deal? The chilling ground adds another defensive layer of course.
Last edited by smurfpatrol#1131 on Jul 18, 2015, 8:24:42 AM
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" I think it sounds like a fun way of playing tbh. Like you said, you'd lose Atziri viability, and a lot of effective HP from doing so, i'd personally wouldn't do it. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Updated build to be easier to read and follow, hope you guys like it!
I will be releasing the Uber Atziri farming Low Life high budget SRS build on my second buildthread on monday! @https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1085923 Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Thanks for update the thread and for the dedication to the summoner comunity.
This thread helped me alot and made my summons shine! |
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You didn't pickup Eldritch Battery in the witch version of the 4-Keystone summoner, was it just an error or is there a reason? Sorry if it was asked already.
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" Hey! Thank you for the kind words, I'm just glad you enjoy it! There will be more builds to come, and for more advanced users I am releasing high budget builds capable of killing/farming uber atziri in my second buildthread, minor adjustments are incoming on both threads; Such as proper links rather than the closed beta links. As well as more guides! " Ah, great man! Thank you, I've been rather stressed, if you find any other misstakes or spelling errors please, do tell! I've gone ahead and updated and also removed Minion Instability from the finished buildlinks as well! Will make as mentioned above, minor adjustments in the near future. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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" This has huge potential. And is on the same track as my time mage summoner idea. Whispering ice chill grounds = 30% slows A maxxed out enhanced temporal chains will net you = 88.4% slow Perma freeze any white,blue,rare,exile,ect. And make act bosses and map bosses very very slow. Especially if you stack abyssal cry slow on top of that as well. An ideal CoH setup for that staff would be. Icestorm + CoH + Temporal Chains + Curse 2 + Curse 3 + Curse 4 + Enhance Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon |
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