" You're right. My only (humble) critique would be that it's passive voice, which is just a stylistic one at any rate. (I expect Mark writes in passive reflexively, since most science/engineer majors teach you to write passively, the preferred style for those professions). My Standard shop:
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So does this mean gear swapping is still somewhat alive for Righteous Fire?
-Equip a +1 Tabula Rasa with Righteous Fire linked in, -Cast Righteous Fire -Swap the TR for a Kaom's Heart -You now have the benefit of a six-linked chest skill on your Kaom's. Even better, if it's not a legacy, your fire damage gets updated! IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
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"There's some good feedback in your post that I'm sure some of the balance team will take into consideration, but I'd like to address this bit here and now. It's nothing to do with snapshotting specifically, so isn't part of this change, but 1.2.0 will also be changing "mine damage", "trap damage" and "totem damage" to explicitly mean damage dealt directly by a trap, totem or mine. This means that if you place a mine that throws a trap that shoots a fireball, the fireball came from a trap and gets trap damage modifiers, but not mine damage modifiers. It came from the trap, not the mine. Similarly, If you throw a trap or place a mine that summons a minion, and that minion uses an attack (or spell), then that attack or spell didn't come from a trap or mine and is not "trap damage" or "mine damage" so will not be affected by modifiers to either. Just as with the snapshotting change, the balance team will also be keeping this change in mind when re-examining minions for 1.2.0. | |
Just curious as to how this effects Uber Atziri, I have little to no knowledge on who has done it but I have heard it can basically be farmed by low life spectral throw.
With snap shotting removed is it possible to do Uber Atziri without legacy, 300+ex, BiS gear? now I understand Uber Atziri is the ultimate challenge but it would be nice to do it without legacy/all t1 roll items. Anyway I have only seen one zero snap shotting attempt and it had two things going for it. One was surgeons "abuse", constant resist flasks and two was 300+ex, BiS, gear... Honestly curious, if someone has done Uber without these things I would be interested. Current in game names:
Illania Orano |
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how is keeping montegral's on switch snapshotting? it's still equipped. the gems are still equipped. what's the point of having 2 weapon/shield slots, if you're penalized for using them?
path of nerf strikes again. [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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"The point of having the second weapon set is so that you can switch between the two sets of modifiers (and weapon types), not so that you can have both at once. Switching out of Montrgul's grasp is a choice to have more weaker zombies, as opposed to fewer, stronger ones. The drawback is supposed go with the benefit - the two should always be applying at the same time. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Jun 17, 2014, 9:31:25 PM
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" Wrong. Take away Nick and Brian... you're left with "This article was written by me". You wouldn't say "This article was written by I" -_- More on topic... About the changes to Righteous Fire, if I understand correctly, when you cast RF with a,b,c support gems, then remove RF, the benefits from a,b,c supports persist until placed in an item with x,y,z support gems at which point RF will gain the benefits of x,y,z supports. Is this correct? If so it doesn't hold true to the whole "burning to death" philosophy. IMO the benefits that RF has gained from the supports should persist indefinitely, no matter what you do with the gems in the interim, until it is recast, at which point RF gains the benefits of whatever supports are linked to it at that time. Never wrestle with a pig. You'll only get muddy, and the pig likes it! Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience! "De plumber fixes de sync with de wrench." - Robert_Paulson Last edited by GodlyMe#1920 on Jun 17, 2014, 9:35:19 PM
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" Actually, the way Mark said it is correct. You can check by simply removing 'Nick' and 'Brian' from his sentence to see which makes sense. Mark's would say: "This article was written by me." Yours would say: "This article was written by I." Sorry! :( Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Jun 17, 2014, 9:48:41 PM
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" that doesn't answer how it's snapshotting. no gems are removed/switched. nothing is unequipped. it's the same exact gems/items. the drawback is that reverting to it kills all but 4 zombies. the drawback remains. [Removed by Support] "Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! Last edited by robmafia#7456 on Jun 17, 2014, 9:40:46 PM
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Weapons in the unused weapon set are not active. None of their modifiers are in effect. If you were able to keep their benefit in effect when they were switched out to the inactive set, that would by definition be snapshotting. You've made the weapon inactive - it's modifiers aren't applying - but you've still kept the benefit of said modifier. That's snapshotting.
If you have a shield in your inactive weapon set, it's block chance doesn't apply. If you have a wand in your inactive weapon set, it's spell damage increase doesn't apply. If you have Reaper's Pursuit in your inactive weapon set, it's bleed on hit doesn't apply. If you have Mon'tregul's Grasp in your inactive weapon set, it's minion damage should not apply. It continuing to apply while the weapon is inactive and it's downside has been removed is snapshotting. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Jun 17, 2014, 9:51:37 PM