[2.2] Culler-support. Now also budget! - Full MF | 12.6kES | 7 Auras + Guardian
Classes: Templar, Witch
Tags: Endgame. Culler. Support. Tank. CAN'T SOLO. Farmer. low life. Blood Magic. Dual totem. This has always been a witch build. But Because in patch 2.2 I believe templar is a better choice, I moved the thread to the templar forums here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230 DO NOT START THIS BUILD IF YOU ARE 100% NEW TO POE Support my suggestion! Templar subclass "bugged" https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617221 Ascendancy patch
In patch 2.1, you decided your build, you decided your threshold for defense/offense, and then min-max it. But now we really have a choice, no class is the "absolute best" and each of them has a trade-off. Having said that, I consider guardian-templar to be the strongest among them.
Witch has the best passive tree but scion, and especially templar have better ascendancy subclasses. Having worse tree implies: 1-Less energy shield 2-Slightly less rarity (from jewels) 3-Core tree is delayed. You will need higher level to have the same auras and culling capacities. In exchange you get other things that are either useless or not so useful for the class. Descriptive and comprehensive overview
Witch, occultist http://www.pathofexile.com/ascendancy/classes/Occultist
Witch is the tanky class. If you want a build to reach lvl 100, occultist is your best friend.
Highlights +Highest tankyness at any level +Sligtly more rarity at lvl 90+ +Access to double curse if desired -Doesn't offer anything new Points discussion -Wicked ward (2pts) is a no brainer -Malediction (4pts) if you go double curse. I personally don't like double cursing in this build, but it's a ok choice (I'm too busy managing flask and keeping up with group and got no time for curses). -Forbidden power (2pts) is interesting for the experimental route of ice spear + pcoc + conduit -Vile bastion is underwhelming imo. If you don't want anything else, pick the %es nodes instead. Templar, guardian http://www.pathofexile.com/ascendancy/classes/Guardian
Guardian is THE support class, I'm sure everyone in HC top ladder will have one guardian bitch around them. Personally, I consider it to be the strongest variant of the build. Highlights +Insane support potential -Less es than scion and witch -Templar is ugly Points discussion -Unwavering faith (4pts) is a no-brainer -Harmony of purpose (2pts). Very good in random parties, INSANE in organised ones (when there are a dedicated generators, and people aren't overlapping gems such as pcoc). Just be aware that you generating charges does nothing for your party. Read thread https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617221 -Prayer of glory (2pts). The movement speed buff is juicy, the problem is that the competition for those 2 points is very fierce -Bastion of hope. 7% block and pseudo immunity to chain stun (chain stun = lots of small hits, lots of hits = eventually you'll block one). It's sort of ok, but honestly, if you are aiming for selfish stats, you should go witch or scion instead. Also, in a world where rumi's exist, block is a bad stat. Templar, hierophant http://www.pathofexile.com/ascendancy/classes/Hierophant
Hierophant is the culling class. When playing the build and making the guide, I have always prioritised culling over supporting, and hierophant excels at that. But guardian is so strong that it's difficult to justify picking hierophant over it. The only situation I would do so is if I had a closed group that had problems generating charges, so I were the one in charge (these puns!) of doing so. Highlights +Most reliable culls (but lower IIR than witch) +in some very niche situations better support than guardian --Less es than scion and witch -Templar is ugly Points discussion -Ritual of awakening (4pts) is a no brainer. 4 totems and no downside (we don't care about damage). And 40% totem placement speed is really nice! (helps emptying mana pool a lot). -Conviction of power (2pts). a really strong passive, combined with conduit. Why I think that hierophant is weak Think about what 2 extra totems bring to the table in 2 opposite situations: -High end party (entire screen disappearing in <3s). Against anything that isn't a map boss you won't be able to place more than 2 totems. And against map bosses, culls are reliable enough with the number of cast per second of flame totems. -Full noob party (screen disappearing in infinite time). You have plenty of time to set out totems and reposition them at will before monsters die, so you don't get that many benefit. So, my point is that jumping from 2 totems to 4 isn't that big of a deal culling wise. Arguably, the best benefit is the totem placement speed (for the times you are late to the party as well as easier flask management) and some niche situations where you put a totem that gets blocked by terrain. In fact, if I were to go hierophant, I would probably run with 3 totems, and skip the one in passive tree. Note Since this is the totem class, I'm assuming that conviction of power works when your totems kill stuff. Otherwise the class makes no sense, and I don't think is worth picking over anything else just for the totems. When ascendancy cames out, please someone confirm it so I can remove this useless text here :) Scion, ascendant http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ascendant
After last minute changes in the patch, scion isn't a good class for this build, but is playable. Also, I see potential in the champion sub-subclass (totems taunting enemies). I'm not sure they can survive much, if someone tries, I would like to hear feedback! Quantitative summary
This section splits into 3 images. The first is a fast but complete overview of the three best subclasses. The second and third are detailed tags about the hypotheses and considerations that I've done to get to the conclusions in the first image.
Overview http://imgur.com/RZlsfBD I forgot to add that templar gets an aura of ~3k base armor thanks to radiant faith Passive tree efficiency http://imgur.com/u30freX Flat es equivalent modifier http://imgur.com/bimy936 Tips about running lab <-- I have little experience, advices are welcomed.
This build is very tanky, thanks to high energy shield. Sadly, traps do %max energy shield damage, so you a character with 6k es can die after 2 traps in normal difficulty. Obviously best is to just avoid them, but human mistakes exist.
1-Regen. (vitality aura) 2-Mobility. Haste is the other aura that should be used. Combine quicksilvers with flame dash /whirling blades/ lightning warp + reduced duration. 3-If you have levelled as life-based, keep like that until you have finished your ascendancy class. Having access to life flasks is amazing. 4-Even if you have levelled as ES, don't get bloodmagic until you have finished you have finished your ascendancy class. Having access to life flasks is amazing 5- Traps are physical damage, so it's damage should be able to be reduced/blocked. This is just a guess, could someone test whether it works or not?, it would be really useful to now. If that were the case, you can bring armour, chaos golem, granite flask, %chance to block, endurance charges, immortal call. Tested: 6k armour reduced the dmg I took from spike traps by around 25%. Remember that after first 2 ascendancy points, you get base armour by reserving hp. So, using determination + bloodmagic can be a good choice if your es is very high. Build concept Descriptive explanation
This build has 2 goals: Culling and supporting.
Culling is the way to go if you want to get rich, but don't want to play pathoftrade. Also, for some reason there isn't much cullers out there, and every good party needs 1 culler. Supporting in a 6 man endgame party is very apreciated. Previous iterations of the build focused on giving party extra dps, now that auras have been nerfed we have to focus on defensive auras. Why defensive auras? Because endgame content hasn't gained much hp, so dps isn't a issue. But they hit hard, so triple purities + discipline + vitality +grace are the best auras you can use for safe leveling. Again, for some reason there isn't much aurabots there, and every good party benefits greatly from 1. Last goal of the build is to be as tanky as posible: a dead culler is a bad culler. Also, the build uses totems to cull, so you don't need to facetank anything and can stand at range. Quantitative explanation
180 IIQ and 391 IIR(with my standard gear). Culling spell is flame totem. 2 totems x 7 projectiles, 10 cast per second and 69% projectile speed Party Buffs +14% increased movement speed (lvl 20 haste) +26% attack and cast speed (lvl 20 haste) +6% maximum fire, cold and lightning res (lvl 20 purity of fire, ice and lightning) +68% to fire, cold and lightning res (lvl 20 purity of fire, ice and lightning) +4274 base evasion, multiplied by increased evasion modifiers (lvl 20 grace) +637 base energy shield, multiplied by increased energy shield modifiers (lvl 26 discipline) +3.23% of hp regenerated each second (lvl 26 vitality) +18% increased curse effect (dying breath from animated guardian) +33% increased damage (leer cast + dying breath from animated guardian) Tankyness (With my gear) 32% increased flask effect duration, 30% increased flask effect. <-- Do not overlook this, with high clearspeed is insane. 5% physical damage reduction (39% with rumi's flask) 6150 evasion 12.607 energy shield 408 energy shield regenerated per second 81% fire and cold res 82% light res -60% chaos res 31% chance to block (75 with rumi's) 0% chance to block spells (26 with rumi's) 2105 life, 35% stun recovery 23% movement modifier Tree + Bandits
No levelling tree. Use your own leveling path, pick the dps passives you consider necessary and use a few refunds to transition to the build when you think you are ready. Below I show some core trees that let you achieve certain breakpoints in the build, with the minimum point investment. Bear in mind that, depending on your gear, you might want to take some energy shield nodes before finishing any of the core trees. Templar trees. Witch tree at the end. Pre-shavs core tree http://tinyurl.com/hy76tc5 Double totem. Maximum supporting capabilities pre-shavs. A basic skeleton tree. Core tree (lvl 65) http://tinyurl.com/jsm4n76 Also getting bloodmagic and the aura nodes nearby. Transition to this when you purchase a shavs (or solaris lorica if you are happy enough with your es pool). Endgame tree (lvl 94) http://tinyurl.com/jofpahv Same as core tree, but with more defenses and flask nodes Witch tree Use the templar endgame tree, but skip the templar starting points. Use the free points on the es wheel and/or jewels. Kill all bandits. You can choose all res in normal (depending on your gear) and +1 end. charge (if you have a closed group that consistently generates charges) Defensive/Offensive stats
Culling spell ![]() Defense with flasks (7s duration) ![]() Defense without flasks ![]() Gem setup
Armour (culling spell)
Gems are in order of priority. I've listed 7 gems because new leagues don't have IIQ gem. But in fact 6th and 7th gems are "optional" and don't add too much to the effectiveness of the build, unless the party is really fast. Yes, this means in a new league you can go around with a 4L. 1. Flame totem 2. Increased item quantity 3.Increased item rarity 4. Greater multiple projectiles 5. Faster projectiles 6. Faster casting 7. Whatever you please (blind, lesser multiple projectiles, etc.) Auras
You don't even need enlightens to run all auras! But having them is a quality of life improvement, because it helps to cast totems and managing distillate. Math here https://poe.mikelat.com/#iCpT8ag/GrVLzDab/k3bpJ/_A2dtmd If you use the exact same setup than me, these auras use your boots, shield and gloves. If it's a new league and you don't have enlightens/empower yet, you have an additional 4L to use for extra utilities. Utilities
Animate guardian
DO NOT ATTEMP THIS IF YOUR GEMS AREN'T MAX LEVEL I know guardian survives with my gems and setup. If you don't have it, you can still do it, but you have to watch out his hp bar, and be ready to replace gear if he dies.
Why use animate guardian? The benefits of animate guardian setup are 33% increased damage and 18% effect of curses for all party members. Gem setup(4L) Animate guardian, summon chaos golem, empower (lvl 2+), minion life. If you don't have empower lvl 2+, use fortify. Items Required items Leer cast (helmet), dying breath (weapon) Recommended items These items impove the guardian's tankyness, so the odds of having to replace him are greatly reduced) Atziri's step (boots), southbound (gloves), ambu's charge (armor). Alternatives: Hyrri's_Ire or Belly_of_the_Beast. Probably better, but more expensive. The reduced chances of guardian dying probably don't overcome extra cost of replacing them if something goes wrong. Asenath's_Gentle_Touch. If you are in a closed group in which no one uses curses (i.e never) Zahndethus'_Cassock. The amount of procs seems to be insanely low. You are free to disagree. Scary bosses Academy, crematorium, coliseum, core, whole labyrinth area. Against these bosses you might want to unsummon the animate guardian (remove the gem) before fighting, or disengage during the fight to give guardian time to heal. Curses
I use zero curses.
Reasoning Curses provide a very powerful effect in exchange for the investment put into them. The problem lies when you are in a party, and everyone thinks the same way. Do you see where I am going? Curses overwrite each other, and some builds are heavily dependant on their curses not being overwritten (usually assassin's and warlord's mark, but there are others). I think if you are not able to, at the very least, tri-curse, you better let everyone to bring the curses they need. And going tri-curse requires too much investment, that's better used elsewhere. Other utilities
If you are following my exact setup, you will have exactly an unused free 3S. My possibilities are restricted because I have a mirrored shield with GRR, but the best would be
vaal haste + increased duration (2L) + mobility spell (1L) (whirling blades or flame dash). Notable mention to vaal discipline. If you can't/want to use my exact setup, feel free to experiment (curses, vaal discipline, vaal grace, cwdt setups, enduring cry, ice spear + power charge on crit + conduit, etc. Gear Short version: wear shavs and stack as much MF as possible.
My gear
GGG haven't released how exactly MF works, but there are some guesses, the one I trust the most is here. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/725812
The basics are that, ideally, you would want both, on the same amount. But IIR is far easier to obtain and you will always have more IIR than IIQ. IIQ becoming legacy makes things even worse. Only for standard players
I swapped my gear to focus much more on IIQ than I did before. The reasons are the following ones:
1. Economy changes. Before, top tier uniques were worth 50+ ex, and there were plenty of good uniques at 1-4ex price range. Now those top tier uniques are less than 30 ex, and those good uniques are less than 3 chaos. On the opposite, there are divination cards and orbs are more valuable now thanks to latest changes. 2. Some maps have base IIR. 3. Items filters. It's the best addition to the game by far. No more screen cluttering! If you have a regular party, share your filter with them, they'll need it :) Gearing indications
For new leagues get all iiq uniques!
Armor Must have
Flask Highly recommended
This build uses zealoth oath, we can't regenerate health, so we can't cast totems if we run out of flask totem. At the moment, I'm running 2 distillates Also at least one flask with remove bleeding, remove frozen, a granite and a jade is very cheap and useful Boots Very cheap to get and very useful
For permanent leagues http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Wondertrap
For temporal leagues http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Goldwyrm (get top iiq roll). In new legues iiq is very hard to get, so it is worth sacrificing 100iir to get 20iiq. Weapon
Cheap and sexy. Rolls aren't important at all. Alternative: Corrupted ephemeral edge with culling strike implicit. This will give you A LOT of energy shield at the expense of some life. So you become a bit weaker to stun and status alignments, and have slightly less life unreserved. The price is also higher. Gloves, helmet, rings and amulet Get the best you can, here are my priorities:
1- Increased item quantity. This is a legacy mod that can no longer spawn (only previously dropped items keep it). Top roll is 20 IIQ
2- Increased item rarity. There is a prefix and a suffix for iir. Both combined have a top roll of 50 IIR. Be sure your rings have gold base (up to +15IIR) and your amulets have gold base aswell up to +20 IIR. 3- Energy shield. 4- More energy shield 5a- Str/dex. Only if being low lvl. At high lvl you get all gems requirement with just transition points in the tree (and jewels). 5b- Resistances. Only if not capped with the triple purity auras. There is little benefit on overcapping, since you can always replace one of the utility sockets for purity of elements in ele weakness maps. 6- Evasion / armour 7- Life (more unreserved hp pool) Shield
I recommend a high ES shield (400+). You can run prism guardian, but you'll lose around 2k ES endgame, and you'll be able to fit only 1 extra aura Helmet to alphas or not to alphas?
Guide tittle is 100% culler 85% support so you have your answer there. Still alpha's is a decent alternative if you want to assume a more passive playstile (again look at auras calculations for more details). Don't ignore the +2 to aura gems, and the cannot be frozen mod!
Tier 1. Must have
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Energy_From_Within Put it near the passive called Melding Tier 2. Recommended http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Conqueror's_Efficiency This is NOT needed at all, but it's a good quality of life improvement. I gained 100 unreserved hp, which makes casting spells and keeping flask up an easier task. Tier 3. Rare jewels All of them must have 8% increased maximum energy shield. Then if you need str/dex/resistances, I recommend getting them from jewels. After that there is a bunch of luxury mods which are IIR, int, energy shield recharge and cast speed. Just buy whatever you find that suits you, this build is not jewel dependant at all (the total price of all my jewels is less than 20c). Tier 4. Optional http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Rain_of_Splinters The reason I'm putting this into optional whereas some other cullers put it on essential is because I don't think it's necessary. I'll go as far as saying it's subpar. My totems fire 7 projectiles and already covers a huge area, we don't really need more. I just tested with a friend on pvp, and the extra angle is barely noticeable. The only situation in which more projectiles are useful is when there is a lot of trash mobs, and chances are that those aren't culled anyway. So, my opinion is that they are useful, but rare jewels are better. Loot screenshots
I don't think I can record videos, but I can take some screenshots of loot.
As I said in the previous section, I decided to go all in in IIQ. Those screenshots were taken with 205IIQ + 283IIR. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Flask usage
IMPORTANT First of all, do NOT quality your distillate, 0Q is better. Higher quality increases the hp/mana recovered per second, so it becomes harder to keep flask up (when you are full hp and mana, flask effect is finished). About culling gameplay There are two things which I consider important: 1. Clearspeed > culls. 2. Quality of life > culls Which basically means you shouldn't get obsessed trying to cull every single monster with distillate up. Of course, not everyone shares my vision, but I would say this is more true the more you progress. When you have little to no gear you play very focused, trying to get the max out of it. But when you are pretty well geared and next gear upgrade takes dozens of hours, you tend to a more "disconnected" playstyle. When I play I perma-spam a 70% movement speed quicksilver and usually walk up a bit ahead of my party, so I find a good place to cast totems in advance (at the side of packs, maximizing AoE and avoiding corners/terrain). I'm not very concerned about keeping the flask buff up on trash, only on bosses, exiles and the occasional high hp rare. I do that because of my lazyness, but also because the clearspeed of the people I play forces me to. In a not-so-op party, you should do more or less the same. Except you probably will "down the cut" (I'm not a native speaker, so I don't know if that's correct). Basically you probably will want to keep your hp down on yellows and blues too. And you won't need to run ahead of your party because you'll have plenty of time to decide where to place totems. Emptying life for tryhards I don't recommend it to any sane person, but you can combine distillate with http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Blood_of_the_Karui for higher accuracy on distillate buff. Cast 2 totems, wait for enemy to be low hp, use distillate and use karui. You trade higher distillate uptime for a flask slot (maybe even 2, because you might run into hp problems if you abuse this method) Emptying mana for lazy guys Ideally (if you have room for utility spells) you cast one spamable spell with fast cast speed and high mana cost. If you don't have gem room for that, you have to keep recasting totems, which is not as good because it screws totem positioning a bit, and sometimes interrupt the spells of the replaced totem. Recasting totem isn't bad (it's what I do), but having a utility spell is better. About having enough hp to cast Right now I have 337 hp unreserved (without conqueror's efficiency), and lvl 20 FT cost 91 mana, so I have a minimum of 3 casts per flask usage. We have 32% increased flask duration so each flask last 6.6s (20 from belt, 12 from tree). Let's suppose you don't have enlightens, and can only hold 2 usages per flask. I said a minimum of 3 casts because on those 6.6s totems are free (unless your party is really fast and you can't afford to standstill, but if that's the case you never have flask shortage problems). Because totems lasts 8s, this leaves your party with 14.6s to gain 20 flask charges. To me, that's more than enough, but if party is too slow you have different solutions: a. Carry more than one distillate (a life flask can be a poor-man alternative). b. Don't use zealot c. Play the mana version d. Be a glass cannon and run dmg auras with generosity. e. Keep your flame totem at a lower level. <--Not recommended, because it's hard not to get full hp, losing the whole distillate effect (which in turn can increase your hp problems). Use option a. instead Budged version
First and foremost, I don't recommend my build for starters, unless you have some old friends that you play with. Given the state of public parties, a group build when you don't have regulars can be very annoying. I also recommend reading all the other chapters before this one.
After this warning, let me say that this budged version isn't really a budged version, more like a way to get to endgame that I think can be good (but I don't have first hand experience with it). You could use anything else and then respec. Also, prices are really variable, so if you see a good deal, buy it. If you don't use http://poe.trade/, you are already taking too long :D Step 1 Buy list. Reference prices are for standard. 1-Goldywrm boots, top iiq roll (non legacy <1alch) 2-Sadima's touch, top iiq roll (non legacy <1alch) 3-Perandus blazon, top iiq roll (non legacy <1alch) 4-Close to 50 IIR energy shield helmet (1-5c, depends on what you get) 5-Item quantity gem (1ex) 6-Heartbreaker (1alch, buy one which is already 3L to save fusing) 7-50+ IIR amulet and rings. (10-1ex, depends on what you get) 8-Divination distillate, aim for decent rolls (30-40c) Farm dried lake in public parties/friends. Use this tree http://tinyurl.com/jnv3hau. For links, use a 4L: flame totem, IIQ, IIR, GMP. For auras, run discipline and then, if no one else is running them, prioritise damage auras (hatred/wrath/anger/haste). At this level dying is not that important. If the party is retarded (ie doesn't follow any pattern when clearing or they use some culling attack like power siphon) just leave. If you get "The brittle emperor" card, I buy them for 2ex20c, but you can sell it for 3ex to other players. Keep using all the currency you get to buy upgrades. I can't help with prices here, because they are too variable, but slowly aim for legacy iiq+iir gear. Step 2 You can keep farming dried lake forever, or jump to maps. I think that map give less currency than lake until you have high end friends and gear. But.. it's a more diversified gameplay, and the route you must take if you want to level. You don't want to get to lvl 100 on lake, don't you? :D Buy list 1- 5L shavs. No need to 6L, faster casting is only necessary on high end parties, I doubt many people has cast times lower than 0.16s. And no, for god sake, don't go solaris lorica. Shav price is dropping each week, if you have to farm lake for 1-2 more weeks, do so. Since you also expect to level, you need some defences now. Get high energy shield, and cap resistances (you will be using 3x purities now, so capping res is easy). After getting shavs, you can get the bloodmagic keystone to massively increase the number of auras you can use. At this point, you have pretty much the same build that me, but with less numbers. Mana variant
You can run a similar build by going mana instead of bloodmagic, but for group play bloodmagic is stronger. By going mana you lose 2 50% auras (haste and grace) or one 50% aura and empower. The biggest advantage of the mana variant is that it can solo, while maintaining a high tankyness.
My friend Kaoms Heart has written a nice build of this variant at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1080666 I'm not sure about some of his choices, but I know he is a great build designer, so you can trust his experience on the matter. Mana vs bloodmagic highlights +Mana has the highest tankyness I've seen for a viable solo MF build +Mana has slightly more ES -Mana can't do bloodmagic map mod, and it's weaker to no-regen map mods -Mana has less suport capacities -Mana has slightly less clearspeed (no haste) and/or less tankyness (no grace) Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230 Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 Last edited by dulahan200#1974 on Mar 13, 2016, 8:08:18 PM Last bumped on Apr 12, 2017, 10:56:59 PM
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that post has about the same idea as yours still checking your post out tho as i have a culler sitting there tho im so poor that my problem is the 6l shav :| |
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Pre 2.0 guide
Updated 3-9-2014
Tags: Endgame. Culler. Support. Double totem. Strong auras. low life. Group play. Farmer. This is an endgame build. Its main focus is culling with double totems, and uses free passives to support party, while keeping itself beefy. Pros & cons
+ Fun to play + Can do ALL map mods + Every slot is free to stack MF + 449iir /155iiq with my gear + Double totem setup, which turns into best possible culls. Currently using incinerate (long range with faster projectiles, big area with gmp, natural high cast speed (0.13s) + 9 to 11 auras. (depends on how comfortably you want to cast spells or use flask) + Can fullfill the support role without alphas/prism (I need to fully test it, but I think so) + You can start from relatively low budget and progress from there + Very good to farm with (split dom runs) Cons - Hard to achieve perfection. - Requires shavs/solaris lorica - Can't solo 1.2 nerfs
Patch 1.2 is a nerf in every aspect. I still consider this to be #1 culling setup thought. What I have lost (in my current iteration):
-300 flat es (6600 at the moment) -Party buffs (defensive ones) are slightly weaker. We can make up the ele dmg auras nerf using generosity. If wrong colours, ofensive auras also have their power reduced. -Weaker totems My stats (screenshots)
With flaskhttps://imageshack.com/i/p77b6Ntkp
Without any flask, selfbuff https://imageshack.com/i/km11FxvUp Aura costs
Bandits Kill them all Gearing indications
For new leagues get all iiq uniques!
Armor Must have
Flask Highly recommended
Also at least one flask with remove bleeding, remove frozen, a granite and a jade is very cheap and useful Boots Very cheap to get and very useful
For permanent leagues http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Wondertrap
For temporal leagues http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Goldwyrm (get top iiq roll). In new legues iiq is very hard to get, so it is worth sacrificing 100iir to get 20iiq. Weapon
Best in slot item. Rolls aren't important at all. If you don't have it yet, best you can get is resistances and cast speed, but don't bother to pay for it Gloves, helmet, rings and amulet Get the best you can, here are my priorities:
1- Increased item quantity. This is a legacy mod that can no longer spawn (only previously dropped items keep it). Top roll is 20 IIQ
2- Increased item rarity. There is a prefix and a suffix for iir. Both combined have a top roll of 50 IIR. Be sure your rings have gold base (up to +15IIR) and your amulets have gold base aswell up to +20 IIR. 3- Energy shield. 4- More energy shield 5- More energy shield 6- Str/dex. Only if being low lvl. At high lvl you get all gems requirement with just transition points in the tree. 6- Resistances. Only if not capped with the triple purity auras. We have no need to overcap, because we can just use purity of elements on ele weakness maps. 7- Evasion 8- Armour 9- Life (more unreserved hp pool) Shield
I recommend prism guardian due to having very good all res, the +1 to aura gems, the dex and the reduced mana reservation. It is not required to run all auras, but makes your life better (see auras for more details).
You can use the IIR shield, or any ES shield you feel confortable with Helmet to alphas or not to alphas?
Guide tittle is 100% culler 85% support so you have your answer there. Still alpha's is a decent alternative if you want to assume a more passive playstile (again look at auras calculations for more details). Don't ignore the +2 to aura gems, and the cannot be frozen mod!
Passive Tree
Core tree (85 pts)
With this you get the most important keystones to run the build. More points lead you to: 1 Witch flask nodes (for distillate) and also rest of flask, 30% increased effect is huge. 2 More tankyness. Higher es, evasion and armor. 3 Quality of life improvements (more life unreserved to cast totems and manage flask, zealot's oath) Current lategame tree Important note: If somehow you get decent armor on gear, get the ar/es nodes instead of the es/ev ones What we get: * All increased effect and reduced duration of auras, including the blood magic one (so, we use hp to cast totems. * All increased effect of buffs on you * Some energy shield points * Some mixed %hp/es nodes. The difference between those and pure es nodes is very low, and they give you a higher hp pool for totems and divination distillate flask. * Some mixed ev/es nodes Divination distillate mechanics <-- very important when having one! DON'T ADD QUALITY TO DISTILLATE. 0% IS BEST When you are top healed, your extra iiq/iir from flask vanishes (with my rolls 80iir, 32 iiq, 7% max resis). MF bonus from flask is HUGE, so I need to make sure I can keep it up, and I can do it comfortably. That means having a decent amount of unreserved hp. Culling spells
First I describe each spell advantages and disadvantage from a culling perspective, then give my global opinion after all spells have been commented.
Don't go straight to the end, because you won't understand it. Incinerate Links: 1. Incinerate 2. Spell totem 3. IIQ 4.IIR 5. GMP 6. Faster projectiles 7. Faster casting +Very high cast speed (0,14s) +Long range +Good AoE +Fast projectile speed +Easy to notice what's being hit and what's not +Very low mana cost (36) -Very low mana cost Flame totem Links: 1. FT 2. IIQ 3.IIR 4.GMP 5. Faster projectiles 6. Faster casting 7. Whatever you please (blind, totem ele resist, power charge on crit + conduit passive, knockback, etc.) +The only one who performs well with 5L (4L in new leagues) +Highest cast speed (0.09s) +High mana cost +Good AoE +Fast projectile speed +Easy to notice what's being hit and what's not +Does some damage (~800). This is only useful when running with those people who don't know what are you doing and think you can miss culls on boss, so they stop attacking it at 15% hp (in the end they only make if more difficult for you because you can run out of flask...) -Lower range than incinerate -High mana cost Ball lightning Links: 1. BL 2. Spell totem 3.IIQ 4.IIR. 5. GPM. 6. Faster casting 7. ¿Increased AOE? I don't deeply know the mechanics to afirm Inc. Aoe is best 7th slot, but seems so. +Huge AoE +Mana cost can be adjusted to fit your needs (you can use any level of the gem keeping same effectiveness). -Very slow cast speed (0.37 with Faster casting) -Very slow projectile speed (takes a while to reach the desired target) -Difficult to see what's being hit and what's not. -Higher mana cost than incinerate Arc Arc's behaviour seems like a worse version of BL, it doesn't worth more words than that. My conclusions Knowing what makes each spell strong or weak is good, but in the end you will have to test each skill by yourself and decide. At the current patch the decision is primarily driven by how easy you keep your life low for flask, while being able to follow party and avoding monster attacks. Despite that, I can give general advices based on which party are you at: For slow parties BL is probably the way to go. The main disadvantages of BL are the low cast speed and the low projectile speed. In a fast party enemies would be dead before being hit by BL, but this isn't a problem when party is slow. If party is so damn slow you cannot sustain your hp pool switch to incinerate (or just leave party seriously, WTF are they doing?) For fast parties This is my typical scenario, I would like to go incinerate, but I choose flame totem instead. I can keep my life low by permanently spamming curse or any other spell, but that forces me to be static and I cannot follow party. Also I cannot replace totems or I get to full again rather fast. With my 110 mana cost on FT, I can keep moving most of the time. This might not be necessary in n ew leagues, where replacing IIQ with another gem could make the mana cost of incinerate high enough.As I stated before, test and decide between incinerate and FT. For insanely fast parties Some parties kill and run so fast that you barely have time to chase them (I'm looking at you, LL ST). In that scenario, just resign and assume flask will be only up for map boss. Ignoring flask, you'll get better results with incinerate because of its higher range and projectile speed than FT. For boss runs (Dominus, Piety) Go FT, no doubt here. Highest aps and life, you don't need anything else. 1.2Meta change
At the time I made the build, I thought it was #1 culler build, considering how you could stack mf in every piece of gear but shield, and pack amazing utility with low risk of being killed.
Then as I played more and more 78s maps, I realised all uberbuilds casted auras themselves, so mines were useless when playing with them. Still the build had good culls and good survival. We'll see how meta evolves this time. Old guide Slowly clearing things up and formating from old guide to current guide. General advices are still useful.
The build at its perfection, is probably the most expensive ever, as you want to get a bunch of legacy mirrored rares and some legacy uniques. But, as most builds, works fine without that insane amount of currency sink.
My stats. (Self buff, lvl 19/20 gems)
Culling stats
IIQ: 155
IIR:449 totem cast time: 0.13s Support stats
Usually run 8 auras
Can run 9 auras (none of them is clarity). Survival stats
ES: 6848
chance to evade:45% (65% with flask up) phys damage reduction: 3% (53% with flask up) elemental resis: 80% chaos resis: -60% ES regen: 218 ES delay: 75% (3.65s without taking damage) The goals
#1 Culling
A culler is someone who stacks massive amounts of IIR and IIQ to improve party loot.
Because the IIR of the char who kills the monster is the one taken into account, cullers use the supporting skill "culling strike", which kills any monster he hits under 10% hp. #2 Supporting
There are different ways of supporting your party, the most common being auras, curses, charges and shock stacks.
Why choose auras over the other? 1- Auras are overpowered. 2- Auras give the owner permanent self buffs and tankiness 3- Auras only require positioning, you are busy enough casting totems in good spots to triple curse everything. 4- Auras are very flexible, and benefit everyone Culler, suport, or both?
Your main job is to be a culler, so you need to max IIQ and IIR and find a reliable way of culling.
But because getting a good culling spec uses few points, you use the rest of points and gear into supporting. If you are willing to focus more on supporting... I would honestly forget about culling. Your culls are detrimental if there is a dedicated culler, but on the other hand the aura spec of this build is useful even if there is another support in the party. Passive tree.
This is my current passive tree (lvl 91)
Priorities. Aka I'm still lvl 70.
1-The most accesible increased effect of auras and the double totem.
2-The rest of aura and totem points 3-Tankyness (Nullification > Faith and steel > Void Barrier). Leveling
You can't level with this spec. Level with another build and use a couple of regrets (or wait for the 4 month free re-spec)
Kill all
The gear
My gear.
The basics is that, ideally, you would want both, on the same amount. But IIR is far easier to obtain and you will always have more IIR than IIQ. IIQ becoming legacy makes things even worse.
More info can be found here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/725812 My current ratio is 389/151. For curious people I have taken the data of dominus runs done by myself, and found 160 uniques over 263 runs, a 0.61 uniques per run ratio. Gearing indications.
is to maximise IIQ and IIR. For budget versions what I believe is best is fixing a minimum MF for each piece and buy them all. Later on improve one by one. You can get currency doing boss runs with a friend (he runs, you cull).
-Is shav+prism required?
Shav+prism let you cast 4 additional auras on life (and the +1 to gems from prism). Of course, you don't "need" them and run as CI, but calling yourself support with only 4-5 curses is a bit presumptuous.
-Is Heartbreaker required?
Heartbreaker acts as an extra link, saving the space from the culling strike gem. It also gives you some nice mana, ES, and ES cooldown. BiS for the build.
For starters farming bosses, you don't really need it until maps. -Flask.
The ones I use are shown previously, and there isn't much to say.
Divination distillate is the highest MF source you can get. Granite and jade flask give you HUGE durability spikes because you have a bunch of % arm, ev but no base arm, ev. You need flask with remove bleeding and remove frozen. Is better to get the remove bleeding on the quicksilver if you ever get punctured. The gems and links
Don't ever buy a 20/20 gem. Your understanding of the build will become better as you slowly level up your gems.
1. Incinerate 1/23 for lower mana cost. (use a 20/23 if there is a guy with clarity (because flask) 2. Spell totem 21/23 3. IIQ 20/23 4. IIR 20/23 5. GMP 20/23 6. Faster projectiles 21/20 If short on links, you can use flame totem instead of incinerate + spell totem for similar results Auras
With my current links I have a lot of flexiblity. Maybe in the future I sacrifice some of that flexibility for better min/max. Ideally all gems are 21/20, and reduced mana is 21/0 (quality RM doesn't work on auras).
-Prism guardian. Haste, discipline and hatred. Swap hatred for grace in full party casters who don't benefit from hatred. -Blood magic + reduced mana + a 60% aura (40% if your gems aren't leveled). -Reduced mana + any combination of gems in the rest of links. The auras I use are: Must use: haste, discipline (hatred) Haste improves your culls via faster casting and better positioning, while also improving survival via extra mobility. Discipline (lvl 18) gives me 2312 ES. Hatred should be used in any physical dmg party. Situational defensive. Remember first rule? Yes, DO NOT DIE. 3x purity of each element, grace, vitality. Situational ofensive.: Wrath, Anger. Use them for faster clearing on maps you won't die. Basic cull tips.
#1 Do not die
#2 Cull as much as possible #3 Pick up items There are multiple dps characters per group, but only one culler. A dead culler is a culler who can't cull, and parties don't want dead cullers. In the same page, good parties don't want cullers who don't do any map bosses. If your survival is too low, focus on it. Remember that culling is your main job, and supporting the secondary one. I am missing a lot of culls!
Some builds have damage spikes, and kill the mobs from 20% hp to 0. Those are typically crit builds, discharge builds or flameblast builds. Just pay extra attention to not to miss the few culls they give you!
My totems do not fire what I want them to fire!
As far as I know, totems fire the closest thing to them. If there are a lot of mobs close to the one you want to cull, don't put the totem next to it, put it to target another mob, but ensuring the one you want to cull is in its path. This becomes much easier once you have the faster projectiles gem.
Visual example (M=MOB, MC= MOB you want to cull, T=totem) Wrong M M M MC T M M Correct M M M MC M M T Special mentions
To Pls, whose guide was a reference for me.
To Michaelangel007, who contributed a lot on said guide Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230 Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 Last edited by dulahan200#1974 on Sep 1, 2015, 3:20:55 PM
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HI,DPS what you?
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" I don't know if that's a joke about not needing dps, or just a question. I'll clarify just in case. The build has no dps (each totem is only doing 285). The purpose of the build is getting better loot and making the party stronger, there is plenty of people to do dps, and only a few culling. Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230 Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 Last edited by dulahan200#1974 on Jun 9, 2014, 1:19:08 PM
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ty for info
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Bumb for visibility
Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230 Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 Last edited by dulahan200#1974 on Jun 18, 2014, 5:30:32 AM
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Glad somebody posted an updated thread on this. I'm wondering if Alpha's Howl is viable/desirable in this build. Also, I see that you are using CI with Prism Guardian and also a BM aura link in another item. Is there a limit to how many auras (or total life reserved) you can have on BM with CI?
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" First, you are a bit confused with the terminology: CI= Chaos Inoculation. Passive point which makes you immune to chaos damage at the price of reducing your total life to 1. The build is based on ES, but doesn't use chaos inoculation, because when you have 1hp you cannot reserve more. What it uses instead is the unique Shavronne's Wrappings, which doesn't make you immune to chaos, but chaos damages your ES instead of life. About the Alpha's, you can use it for more auras. But, as stated, I prefer to focus on culling more than supporting. So I recommend a IIQ+IIR helm. There is no cap at the number of auras you can run on life "per se". But the blood magic gem has a mana multiplier around 200%. I don't have the helmet to test it out, but I think maximum should be 3 auras on prism+ 1 aura on blood magic gem+ low level clarity on blood magic gem. Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230
Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 |
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bumb for visibility
Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230
Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 |
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