Gore Glacial Cascade Effect

'cast animation' ice really doesnt go well with 'meaty' spell

it is inconsistent and looks slapped quickly together and lacks any.. style. sorry, but most of your MTX are very good from 'art' perspective. this one is simply cheap
lor21gj wrote:
unkempt wrote:
I really don't understand these skill effects that have absolutely nothing to do with the skill. I mean if you wanted to make a darker version, why not black ice?

think of it as an "OPTION!" to be much cooler and the benefit to support the game! you play the game w/o knowing what micro transaction is? sigh this people..

What are you talking about? I have a bunch of micro transactions. All I'm saying is a micro transaction for a skill that in no way represents the spirit of the skill makes no damn sense.
Just quickly posting to join the list of people who don't like the ice casting animation with the meat-cascade.

That said, awesome meat-cascade.
I was expecting something else to protrude but this is awesome too!

Sync with Carcass Jack!
GGG Best Game Developers
awesome! makes me want to play GC.

Guildleader: JESUSWEPT (JESUS†)
I like it :)

ps. Gimme shield mtx :)
Darkblitz9 wrote:
Russell wrote:
netreader01 wrote:
Where is your creation GGG???

Another copy and paste work.

I hate.

Copy pasted from >.>

Appears to be Brutus/Kole Ground slam blood effect with the Glacial Cascade animation for the spikes.

It think it's interesting but, it's pretty obvious that it's just an amalgamation of other effects that were already in the game, rather than something new.

I guess that means all the fire,ice,lightning spells in the game are copy pastes of each other too. Im fine with that.
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Funny that you say so. Ofc there arent copy pastes.

Rimas icestorm looks and works similar to maker of rain spikes and firestorm. And few more examples.

But there is nothing wrong with that.

What is wrong is taking few spare pieces of art and hastily slapping them together. This new mtx is cheap. If you cant make cast animation fit the effect.. well.. maybe dont release it until then.

Best way to guess new skills? Check monster skills (plumeral -> barrage, avian corspe spit projectile -> molten strike lob etc etc). Reuse is wise. But try to keep the quality
Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Apr 23, 2014, 1:27:43 AM
can you copy paste Piety's lightning ball skill. :D

Just toying around, great MTX GGG, put that gore on a cyclone.
Zzz.. no creativity at all went into this did it - kinda embarrassing to release something like this isn't it? (when it's clearly a ripoff of the new groundslam effect)
Last edited by Mythicpoe#7612 on Apr 23, 2014, 1:36:22 AM

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