Gore Glacial Cascade Effect
I like
IGN: Aux
| |
Love it!
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to always tell the difference.
IGN: Sin
looks like a sausage version of GS. I like it.
looks too much like ground slam ><
Gore!!! Me love!
No point looking back now. There's only death. And lots of it.
Looks great!
Game needs more gore :D
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map" |
"Axe bad! Fix please!"
Im still waiting for a skin for Grace. :D
"Im just Path of Exile-ing my way through college."