Gore Glacial Cascade Effect

Copied and pasted from Blinding Beard Blames, you filthy thieves.
same name in-game
Eat Bloodcicle you vile beast!
We fight to delay the end because it's the means that matter.
Wow that looks gorgeous, another great effect guys. Keep up the good work!
Russell wrote:
netreader01 wrote:
Where is your creation GGG???

Another copy and paste work.

I hate.

Copy pasted from >.>

Appears to be Brutus/Kole Ground slam blood effect with the Glacial Cascade animation for the spikes.

It think it's interesting but, it's pretty obvious that it's just an amalgamation of other effects that were already in the game, rather than something new.
IGN: Bravo_Thirsty
FUGLY yet FreezyPulse doesn't have a mt yet
Looks good to me!
~ There are spectacular moments.
I really don't understand these skill effects that have absolutely nothing to do with the skill. I mean if you wanted to make a darker version, why not black ice?
The gore looks great but I think the ice effect on the character doesn't fit. You guys should hurry up and change this before release!
I like this effect. Tho i hoped for something more necrotic. :-)

And just when i'm totally addicted to this skill :-D
unkempt wrote:
I really don't understand these skill effects that have absolutely nothing to do with the skill. I mean if you wanted to make a darker version, why not black ice?

think of it as an "OPTION!" to be much cooler and the benefit to support the game! you play the game w/o knowing what micro transaction is? sigh this people..

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