[Official] WINE info thread
So, the result of the most recent game update was constant crashes when changing areas. Anyone else experiencing this?
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" Do you have any edvidence to suggest that this issue only occurs on Arch-linux and its bastard derivatives? I find that a bit hard to believe. I've even experienced similar issues while running the game natively on Windows, except it takes a lot longer for the memory to get clogged up there. EDIT: I've uploaded a video demonstrating the best performance I can squeeze out of the game in Wine atm. Looks like I'll be playing on Windows again next league: VIDEO Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Feb 18, 2018, 1:23:08 PM
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Evidence? No, just maybe 1-2 reddit mentions where they had same symptomps and played on ARCH. Main problem for me now is I cannot use gallium nine wine, as that one has some issue on ARCH and its derivates (again, few mentions on reddit, no other distro confirming the issue).
Well, good for you, if Windows fallback is an option for you, go for it. I love POE but even POE is not sufficient reason to return to Windows for me. |
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How's it going for you guys on the new league? I think I'm having trouble with the asset loader, FPS keeps constantly diving and some textures/particles don't seem to ever load, leaving me with lots of black splotches all over the screen.
Gonna try re-enabling --noasync or -gc 100 later and see if it helps. Last edited by mathw#4488 on Mar 3, 2018, 1:13:53 PM
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" I'm having some FPS issues as well, some major stuttering that didn't occur in 3.1. Haven't changed any settings, so I believe it's related to the expansion. |
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" Dx9 ex with engine multi off. Engine multi doesnt seem to cashe, you can actually turn it off in game while lagging and it fixes for a couple mins. I use playonlinux with peppermint8 64 (poe only installs in 32). 8 included some mesa stuff that really helps opengl. I tweak my config file as well. [DISPLAY] adapter_name=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 borderless_windowed_fullscreen=true directx_version=auto dx11_antialias_mode=0 dx9_antialias_mode=0 dynamic_resolution_fps=30 fullscreen=true global_illumination_detail=1 light_quality=1 max_PS_shader_model=ps_3_0 max_VS_shader_model=vs_3_0 maximize_window=false post_processing=false resolution_height=1080 resolution_width=1920 screen_shake=false shadow_type=no_shadows texture_filtering=2 texture_quality=3 use_dynamic_resolution=true vsync=true water_detail=2 Set your dynamic fps # to your dip. Its running really good for me, doesnt crash nearly as often as the past as well. |
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About every 5sec I've flickering fonts/UI and rarely instance crashes because of missing textures, FPS wise it looks ok. Don't know where its coming from, but it must be Wine + Poe / some Direct3D problems. Wine + other games works fine.
I'm running Solus OS (I really love that distro everything aside from games works fine :) ) with Lutris + Wine 3.2. Wine 3.3 with "Direct3D multi-threaded command stream enabled by default."(if I'm correct thats about the csmt feature), vulkan support and other nice features got released two days ago hopefully that will solve my problems when its available. UPDATE: Got Wine 3.3 today, font flickering bugs are fixed, overall performance feels better, but FPS drops are not fully gone. And sometimes after changing the area the game can't load textures and crashes (but I think thats a problem on my side). Nevertheless I can finally say I don't need Win anymore, the flickering fonts was the biggest annoyance and that's gone now. Overall Linux + Wine 3.3 works good for me (at least for the games I play, PoE included). Last edited by InXayn#7876 on Mar 4, 2018, 5:17:23 PM
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" It seems that i got that issue on debian testing, wine 3.2. i got approx. 10 loading of area and then crash about memory allocation failled. Using the texture_quality=5 (in the production_Config.ini) gives more autonomy but still crash after some time. I've tried -gc 1 / 2 but don't seems to change a lot. |
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I'm just posting here to say that Wine 3.3 is AMAZING!
The game runs fantastically. I was using 2.6-stagging before and it was not even close to W10. But now, 3.3 just made the game smooth. I don't even need to dual boot anymore. I didn't find any bugs so far... just farming maps. |
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Did a bunch of stuff today, pretty much recreated my whole wine prefix folder to make sure I didn't have any leftover files or registry keys from wine 2.x, then reinstalled the game with a fresh shader cache, so I'm not sure which step made it work but it's pristine now, silky smooth framerates(at least as smooth as you can expect from an unsupported OS on top of 10yr old hardware), no crashes, no missing textures, no dll overrides or command line argument sorcery, just plain good fun with poekemon. Wine 3.3 is indeed amazing.
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