[Official] WINE info thread

So today I tested the game out with vanilla 3.3, 3.3 Staging, and 3.3 Staging + PBA. The difference is felt with the first two, Staging slightly better than vanilla, but the PBA version really surprised me.

It might be the most stable the game has ever felt to me with Wine. The FPS rarely spikes now even though I tried both a Firestorm Totem Hierophant and a Fire Nova Mine Saboteur which used to cause 10 FPS or lower. If you use Arch Linux the AUR package is wine-staging-pba.

Another thing I recommend is looking into CPU frequency scaling if you're using Linux. To be specific, try out the "performance" CPU governor if you can.

Last recommendation is using libstrangle which allows you to limit your FPS without having to rely on VSync.
same name in-game
Im using Wine 3.3 on Solus but sadly FPS drops are still quite often. Maybe it's because of my Radeon and maybe it's because Im missing something or maybe it's because of steam. Are there any specific libraries I should use from winetricks?
I don't know how good the recent wine (3.3) is working but i have to say that dxvk over wine-staging 2.21 is amazing. At least on the amdgpu driver.


this game is working at around ~60 FPS in dx11 mode (vulkan to be correct).

Anyone tried this?

Latest wine-stating does not include vulkan support.
CichyCien wrote:
I don't know how good the recent wine (3.3) is working but i have to say that dxvk over wine-staging 2.21 is amazing. At least on the amdgpu driver.


this game is working at around ~60 FPS in dx11 mode (vulkan to be correct).

Anyone tried this?

Latest wine-stating does not include vulkan support.

Are you using it alongside with Steam client, or standalone client?
I installed it today on Manjaro but can't make it run on dx11 with any Wine (tried from 2.21 to 3.33 with and w/o dxvk, pba, staging and vulkan versions as well) with exactly this error (from Jun 7, 2017 8:07:34 PM)

Thristian wrote:
Nobody else has tried the beta in Wine yet?

I installed the beta into a fresh 64-bit Wine prefix, using Wine 2.9, and when I start it up, I get an error dialog saying "Failed to create WIC Factory". When I dismiss it, I get a series of errors of the form:

"X": Reference count for loaded resource X is Y

...where X and Y are "FONTDFPHeiMedium-B5-POE&Art/2DArt/Fonts/DFPT_B5_POE.ttf" and 66, or "FONTSimsun&" and 1, or "FONTMinglu&" and 1, or "FONTGulim&" and 1, etc. and then it crashes.

Apparently "WIC" may be the "Windows Imaging Component", but installing "windowscodecs" with winetricks didn't help.

FAKE EDIT: I ran winecfg and bumped the reported Windows version from Server 2008 to 7, and then after all the crashing I got a new dialog, offering Direct3D 9 instead of Direct3D 11.

I accepted the offer, and then it booted up neatly. Unfortunately, with "post-processing" enabled, the character-selection screen was almost entirely blue, but when I turned that off, it looked fine, and I can turn it back on when I'm in the game and it still looks good.

REAL EDIT: I tried the registry change ("MaxVersionGL") and installing DirectX 11 related things with winetricks, but no dice; Direct3D9Ex is still the best working option.

On dx9ex it works but with terrible performance (on i5-4460, Nvidia GTX960 and 16GB RAM jumping from 10FPS to 70 all the time).

Got anyone same error and was able to resolve it pls? Will be glad to throw Windows away :/

Thanks much
Dniarky wrote:

It seems that i got that issue on debian testing, wine 3.2. i got approx. 10 loading of area and then crash about memory allocation failled.
Using the texture_quality=5 (in the production_Config.ini) gives more autonomy but still crash after some time. I've tried -gc 1 / 2 but don't seems to change a lot.

I have exactly the same issue, playing with `-gc 100' is very good until i zoned like 10 - 15 times, then the game crashes :( This has been like that for a longer time, at least since wine 3.0
I'm having similar issues. I'm using 3.3, and the performance is incredible for about 10-20 minutes. Then it starts to degrade, massive frame drops and I'm unable to play without restarting. This seems like an extension of the previous issue I've had the last 2 leagues where I could play for 90-120 minutes and then I'd OOM crash, except this time it becomes unplayable before it gets to that point.

Not sure if this is a memory leak, if I need to start using parameters again (I hope not, I hate them), needing newer nvidia drivers (using 384.69 right now), or something else. Very frustrating to only be able to play for a few zones then having to restart when the previous league was at least 2 hours before a crash. :/
So I followed the instruction of this comment in Wine's Bugzilla and compiled with the "CoInitialize(NULL);" line addition and it allows me to run the DirectX 11 64 bit client with a clean wine prefix. I've tried this with 3.3 Wine Staging and 3.3 Wine Staging Git + PBA and they both work.

There isn't much of a performance increase over the DirectX 9 clients but it does look nicer. You might have to disable Dynamic Resolution as well, especially in towns.

I'm trying to get DXVK to work with the DirectX 11 client since it's been massively successful for other games for me. Grim Dawn and Battlerite with it run pretty much just as well as on Windows.
same name in-game
I'm able to to make it to the character selection screen using DXVK (with the CoInitialize change) but then get the following error when loading into the city:


I have an email out to GGG asking for more details about this error. They haven't responded at all which isn't like them.

Aristal wrote:
I'm able to to make it to the character selection screen using DXVK (with the CoInitialize change) but then get the following error when loading into the city:


I have an email out to GGG asking for more details about this error. They haven't responded at all which isn't like them.

I managed to get pretty much the exact same result after some tinkering, though it was with a modified version of the wine-vulkan package in the AUR and used 3.3.

I just got home and am now seeing that 3.4 has released and has "more Vulkan support, including integration with the X11 driver" which people are saying now works with DXVK without additional patches, so that's great and I'm eager to try it out (edit: with the CoInitialize patch of course).
same name in-game
Last edited by iao#2860 on Mar 17, 2018, 3:08:58 AM

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